53,138 research outputs found

    Robot training using system identification

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    This paper focuses on developing a formal, theory-based design methodology to generate transparent robot control programs using mathematical functions. The research finds its theoretical roots in robot training and system identification techniques such as Armax (Auto-Regressive Moving Average models with eXogenous inputs) and Narmax (Non-linear Armax). These techniques produce linear and non-linear polynomial functions that model the relationship between a robot’s sensor perception and motor response. The main benefits of the proposed design methodology, compared to the traditional robot programming techniques are: (i) It is a fast and efficient way of generating robot control code, (ii) The generated robot control programs are transparent mathematical functions that can be used to form hypotheses and theoretical analyses of robot behaviour, and (iii) It requires very little explicit knowledge of robot programming where end-users/programmers who do not have any specialised robot programming skills can nevertheless generate task-achieving sensor-motor couplings. The nature of this research is concerned with obtaining sensor-motor couplings, be it through human demonstration via the robot, direct human demonstration, or other means. The viability of our methodology has been demonstrated by teaching various mobile robots different sensor-motor tasks such as wall following, corridor passing, door traversal and route learning

    Reduced order system identification for UAVs

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    Reduced order models representing the dynamic behaviour of symmetric aircraft are well known and can be easily derived from the standard equations of motion. In flight testing, accurate measurements of the dependent variables which describe the linearised reduced order models for a particular flight condition are vital for successful system identification. However, not all the desired measurements such as the rate of change in vertical velocity (W. ) can be accurately measured in practice. In order to determine such variables two possible solutions exist: reconstruction or differentiation. This paper addresses the effect of both methods on the reliability of the parameter estimates. The methods are used in the estimation of the aerodynamic derivatives for the Aerosonde UAV from a recreated flight test scenario in Simulink. Subsequently, the methods are then applied and compared using real data obtained from flight tests of the Cranfield University Jetstream 31 (G-NFLA) research aircraft

    Comparing robot controllers through system identification

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    In the mobile robotics field, it is very common to find different control programs designed to achieve a particular robot task. Although there are many ways to evaluate these controllers qualitatively, there is a lack of formal methodology to compare them from a mathematical point of view. In this paper we present a novel approach to compare robot control codes quantitatively based on system identification: Initially the transparent mathematical models of the controllers are obtained using the NARMAX system identification process. Then we use these models to analyse the general characteristics of the cotrollers from a mathematical point of view. In this way, we are able to compare different control programs objectively based on quantitative measures. We demonstrate our approach by comparing two different robot control programs, which were designed to drive the robot through door-like openings

    Qualitative System Identification from Imperfect Data

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    Experience in the physical sciences suggests that the only realistic means of understanding complex systems is through the use of mathematical models. Typically, this has come to mean the identification of quantitative models expressed as differential equations. Quantitative modelling works best when the structure of the model (i.e., the form of the equations) is known; and the primary concern is one of estimating the values of the parameters in the model. For complex biological systems, the model-structure is rarely known and the modeler has to deal with both model-identification and parameter-estimation. In this paper we are concerned with providing automated assistance to the first of these problems. Specifically, we examine the identification by machine of the structural relationships between experimentally observed variables. These relationship will be expressed in the form of qualitative abstractions of a quantitative model. Such qualitative models may not only provide clues to the precise quantitative model, but also assist in understanding the essence of that model. Our position in this paper is that background knowledge incorporating system modelling principles can be used to constrain effectively the set of good qualitative models. Utilising the model-identification framework provided by Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) we present empirical support for this position using a series of increasingly complex artificial datasets. The results are obtained with qualitative and quantitative data subject to varying amounts of noise and different degrees of sparsity. The results also point to the presence of a set of qualitative states, which we term kernel subsets, that may be necessary for a qualitative model-learner to learn correct models. We demonstrate scalability of the method to biological system modelling by identification of the glycolysis metabolic pathway from data

    Accurate robot simulation through system identification

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    Robot simulators are useful tools for developing robot behaviours. They provide a fast and efficient means to test robot control code at the convenience of the office desk. In all but the simplest cases though, due to the complexities of the physical systems modelled in the simulator, there are considerable differences between the behaviour of the robot in the simulator and that in the real world environment. In this paper we present a novel method to create a robot simulator using real sensor data. Logged sensor data is used to construct a mathematically explicit model(in the form of a NARMAX polynomial) of the robot’s environment. The advantage of such a transparent model — in contrast to opaque modelling methods such as artificial neural networks — is that it can be analysed to characterise the modelled system, using established mathematical methods In this paper we compare the behaviour of the robot running a particular task in both the simulator and the real-world using qualitative and quantitative measures including statistical methods to investigate the faithfulness of the simulator
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