5 research outputs found

    System overview of the SGI Origin 200/2000 product line

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    Hardware support for unbounded transactional memory

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (p. 107-111).In this thesis, I propose a design for hardware transactional memory where the transaction size is not bounded by a specialized hardware buffer such as a cache. I describe an unbounded transactional memory system called UTM (unbounded transactional memory) that exploits the perceived common case where transactions are small but still supports transactions of arbitrary size. As in previous hardware transactional memory systems, UTM uses the cache to store speculative state and uses the cache coherency protocol to detect conflicting transactions. Unlike previous hardware systems, UTM allows the speculative state to overflow from the cache into main memory, thereby allowing the transaction to grow beyond the size limitation of the cache. The clean semantics of UTM allow nested transaction support, nontransactional instructions, immediate aborts, a processor snapshot, and context-switching support; all features not found in previous hardware transactional systems. UTM was implemented in a detailed simulator, and experimental results show that it can be integrated with existing hardware straightforwardly while still performing better than conventional synchronization techniques.by Sean Lie.M.Eng

    Using program behaviour to exploit heterogeneous multi-core processors

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    Multi-core CPU architectures have become prevalent in recent years. A number of multi-core CPUs consist of not only multiple processing cores, but multiple different types of processing cores, each with different capabilities and specialisations. These heterogeneous multi-core architectures (HMAs) can deliver exceptional performance; however, they are notoriously difficult to program effectively. This dissertation investigates the feasibility of ameliorating many of the difficulties encountered in application development on HMA processors, by employing a behaviour aware runtime system. This runtime system provides applications with the illusion of executing on a homogeneous architecture, by presenting a homogeneous virtual machine interface. The runtime system uses knowledge of a program's execution behaviour, gained through explicit code annotations, static analysis or runtime monitoring, to inform its resource allocation and scheduling decisions, such that the application makes best use of the HMA's heterogeneous processing cores. The goal of this runtime system is to enable non-specialist application developers to write applications that can exploit an HMA, without the developer requiring in-depth knowledge of the HMA's design. This dissertation describes the development of a Java runtime system, called Hera-JVM, aimed at investigating this premise. Hera-JVM supports the execution of unmodified Java applications on both processing core types of the heterogeneous IBM Cell processor. An application's threads of execution can be transparently migrated between the Cell's different core types by Hera-JVM, without requiring the application's involvement. A number of real-world Java benchmarks are executed across both of the Cell's core types, to evaluate the efficacy of abstracting a heterogeneous architecture behind a homogeneous virtual machine. By characterising the performance of each of the Cell processor's core types under different program behaviours, a set of influential program behaviour characteristics is uncovered. A set of code annotations are presented, which enable program code to be tagged with these behaviour characteristics, enabling a runtime system to track a program's behaviour throughout its execution. This information is fed into a cost function, which Hera-JVM uses to automatically estimate whether the executing program's threads of execution would benefit from being migrated to a different core type, given their current behaviour characteristics. The use of history, hysteresis and trend tracking, by this cost function, is explored as a means of increasing its stability and limiting detrimental thread migrations. The effectiveness of a number of different migration strategies is also investigated under real-world Java benchmarks, with the most effective found to be a strategy that can target code, such that a thread is migrated whenever it executes this code. This dissertation also investigates the use of runtime monitoring to enable a runtime system to automatically infer a program's behaviour characteristics, without the need for explicit code annotations. A lightweight runtime behaviour monitoring system is developed, and its effectiveness at choosing the most appropriate core type on which to execute a set of real-world Java benchmarks is examined. Combining explicit behaviour characteristic annotations with those characteristics which are monitored at runtime is also explored. Finally, an initial investigation is performed into the use of behaviour characteristics to improve application performance under a different type of heterogeneous architecture, specifically, a non-uniform memory access (NUMA) architecture. Thread teams are proposed as a method of automatically clustering communicating threads onto the same NUMA node, thereby reducing data access overheads. Evaluation of this approach shows that it is effective at improving application performance, if the application's threads can be partitioned across the available NUMA nodes of a system. The findings of this work demonstrate that a runtime system with a homogeneous virtual machine interface can reduce the challenge of application development for HMA processors, whilst still being able to exploit such a processor by taking program behaviour into account

    ADAM : a decentralized parallel computer architecture featuring fast thread and data migration and a uniform hardware abstraction

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2002.Includes bibliographical references (p. 247-256).The furious pace of Moore's Law is driving computer architecture into a realm where the the speed of light is the dominant factor in system latencies. The number of clock cycles to span a chip are increasing, while the number of bits that can be accessed within a clock cycle is decreasing. Hence, it is becoming more difficult to hide latency. One alternative solution is to reduce latency by migrating threads and data, but the overhead of existing implementations has previously made migration an unserviceable solution so far. I present an architecture, implementation, and mechanisms that reduces the overhead of migration to the point where migration is a viable supplement to other latency hiding mechanisms, such as multithreading. The architecture is abstract, and presents programmers with a simple, uniform fine-grained multithreaded parallel programming model with implicit memory management. In other words, the spatial nature and implementation details (such as the number of processors) of a parallel machine are entirely hidden from the programmer. Compiler writers are encouraged to devise programming languages for the machine that guide a programmer to express their ideas in terms of objects, since objects exhibit an inherent physical locality of data and code. The machine implementation can then leverage this locality to automatically distribute data and threads across the physical machine by using a set of high performance migration mechanisms.(cont.) An implementation of this architecture could migrate a null thread in 66 cycles - over a factor of 1000 improvement over previous work. Performance also scales well; the time required to move a typical thread is only 4 to 5 times that of a null thread. Data migration performance is similar, and scales linearly with data block size. Since the performance of the migration mechanism is on par with that of an L2 cache, the implementation simulated in my work has no data caches and relies instead on multithreading and the migration mechanism to hide and reduce access latencies.by Andrew "bunnie" Huang.Ph.D

    ADAM: A Decentralized Parallel Computer Architecture Featuring Fast Thread and Data Migration and a Uniform Hardware Abstraction

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    The furious pace of Moore's Law is driving computer architecture into a realm where the the speed of light is the dominant factor in system latencies. The number of clock cycles to span a chip are increasing, while the number of bits that can be accessed within a clock cycle is decreasing. Hence, it is becoming more difficult to hide latency. One alternative solution is to reduce latency by migrating threads and data, but the overhead of existing implementations has previously made migration an unserviceable solution so far. I present an architecture, implementation, and mechanisms that reduces the overhead of migration to the point where migration is a viable supplement to other latency hiding mechanisms, such as multithreading. The architecture is abstract, and presents programmers with a simple, uniform fine-grained multithreaded parallel programming model with implicit memory management. In other words, the spatial nature and implementation details (such as the number of processors) of a parallel machine are entirely hidden from the programmer. Compiler writers are encouraged to devise programming languages for the machine that guide a programmer to express their ideas in terms of objects, since objects exhibit an inherent physical locality of data and code. The machine implementation can then leverage this locality to automatically distribute data and threads across the physical machine by using a set of high performance migration mechanisms. An implementation of this architecture could migrate a null thread in 66 cycles -- over a factor of 1000 improvement over previous work. Performance also scales well; the time required to move a typical thread is only 4 to 5 times that of a null thread. Data migration performance is similar, and scales linearly with data block size. Since the performance of the migration mechanism is on par with that of an L2 cache, the implementation simulated in my work has no data caches and relies instead on multithreading and the migration mechanism to hide and reduce access latencies