9,039 research outputs found

    New Fundamental Symmetries of Integrable Systems and Partial Bethe Ansatz

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    We introduce a new concept of quasi-Yang-Baxter algebras. The quantum quasi-Yang-Baxter algebras being simple but non-trivial deformations of ordinary algebras of monodromy matrices realize a new type of quantum dynamical symmetries and find an unexpected and remarkable applications in quantum inverse scattering method (QISM). We show that applying to quasi-Yang-Baxter algebras the standard procedure of QISM one obtains new wide classes of quantum models which, being integrable (i.e. having enough number of commuting integrals of motion) are only quasi-exactly solvable (i.e. admit an algebraic Bethe ansatz solution for arbitrarily large but limited parts of the spectrum). These quasi-exactly solvable models naturally arise as deformations of known exactly solvable ones. A general theory of such deformations is proposed. The correspondence ``Yangian --- quasi-Yangian'' and ``XXXXXX spin models --- quasi-XXXXXX spin models'' is discussed in detail. We also construct the classical conterparts of quasi-Yang-Baxter algebras and show that they naturally lead to new classes of classical integrable models. We conjecture that these models are quasi-exactly solvable in the sense of classical inverse scattering method, i.e. admit only partial construction of action-angle variables.Comment: 49 pages, LaTe

    Gauging of Geometric Actions and Integrable Hierarchies of KP Type

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    This work consist of two interrelated parts. First, we derive massive gauge-invariant generalizations of geometric actions on coadjoint orbits of arbitrary (infinite-dimensional) groups GG with central extensions, with gauge group HH being certain (infinite-dimensional) subgroup of GG. We show that there exist generalized ``zero-curvature'' representation of the pertinent equations of motion on the coadjoint orbit. Second, in the special case of GG being Kac-Moody group the equations of motion of the underlying gauged WZNW geometric action are identified as additional-symmetry flows of generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov integrable hierarchies based on the loop algebra {\hat \cG}. For {\hat \cG} = {\hat {SL}}(M+R) the latter hiearchies are equivalent to a class of constrained (reduced) KP hierarchies called {\sl cKP}_{R,M}, which contain as special cases a series of well-known integrable systems (mKdV, AKNS, Fordy-Kulish, Yajima-Oikawa etc.). We describe in some detail the loop algebras of additional (non-isospectral) symmetries of {\sl cKP}_{R,M} hierarchies. Apart from gauged WZNW models, certain higher-dimensional nonlinear systems such as Davey-Stewartson and NN-wave resonant systems are also identified as additional symmetry flows of {\sl cKP}_{R,M} hierarchies. Along the way we exhibit explicitly the interrelation between the Sato pseudo-differential operator formulation and the algebraic (generalized) Drinfeld-Sokolov formulation of {\sl cKP}_{R,M} hierarchies. Also we present the explicit derivation of the general Darboux-B\"acklund solutions of {\sl cKP}_{R,M} preserving their additional (non-isospectral) symmetries, which for R=1 contain among themselves solutions to the gauged SL(M+1)/U(1)×SL(M)SL(M+1)/U(1)\times SL(M) WZNW field equations.Comment: LaTeX209, 47 page