132 research outputs found

    Demystifying the Performance of HPC Scientific Applications on NVM-based Memory Systems

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    The emergence of high-density byte-addressable non-volatile memory (NVM) is promising to accelerate data- and compute-intensive applications. Current NVM technologies have lower performance than DRAM and, thus, are often paired with DRAM in a heterogeneous main memory. Recently, byte-addressable NVM hardware becomes available. This work provides a timely evaluation of representative HPC applications from the "Seven Dwarfs" on NVM-based main memory. Our results quantify the effectiveness of DRAM-cached-NVM for accelerating HPC applications and enabling large problems beyond the DRAM capacity. On uncached-NVM, HPC applications exhibit three tiers of performance sensitivity, i.e., insensitive, scaled, and bottlenecked. We identify write throttling and concurrency control as the priorities in optimizing applications. We highlight that concurrency change may have a diverging effect on read and write accesses in applications. Based on these findings, we explore two optimization approaches. First, we provide a prediction model that uses datasets from a small set of configurations to estimate performance at various concurrency and data sizes to avoid exhaustive search in the configuration space. Second, we demonstrate that write-aware data placement on uncached-NVM could achieve 22x performance improvement with a 60% reduction in DRAM usage.Comment: 34th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS2020

    Extending Memory Capacity in Consumer Devices with Emerging Non-Volatile Memory: An Experimental Study

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    The number and diversity of consumer devices are growing rapidly, alongside their target applications' memory consumption. Unfortunately, DRAM scalability is becoming a limiting factor to the available memory capacity in consumer devices. As a potential solution, manufacturers have introduced emerging non-volatile memories (NVMs) into the market, which can be used to increase the memory capacity of consumer devices by augmenting or replacing DRAM. Since entirely replacing DRAM with NVM in consumer devices imposes large system integration and design challenges, recent works propose extending the total main memory space available to applications by using NVM as swap space for DRAM. However, no prior work analyzes the implications of enabling a real NVM-based swap space in real consumer devices. In this work, we provide the first analysis of the impact of extending the main memory space of consumer devices using off-the-shelf NVMs. We extensively examine system performance and energy consumption when the NVM device is used as swap space for DRAM main memory to effectively extend the main memory capacity. For our analyses, we equip real web-based Chromebook computers with the Intel Optane SSD, which is a state-of-the-art low-latency NVM-based SSD device. We compare the performance and energy consumption of interactive workloads running on our Chromebook with NVM-based swap space, where the Intel Optane SSD capacity is used as swap space to extend main memory capacity, against two state-of-the-art systems: (i) a baseline system with double the amount of DRAM than the system with the NVM-based swap space; and (ii) a system where the Intel Optane SSD is naively replaced with a state-of-the-art (yet slower) off-the-shelf NAND-flash-based SSD, which we use as a swap space of equivalent size as the NVM-based swap space

    PrismDB: Read-aware Log-structured Merge Trees for Heterogeneous Storage

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    In recent years, emerging hardware storage technologies have focused on divergent goals: better performance or lower cost-per-bit of storage. Correspondingly, data systems that employ these new technologies are optimized either to be fast (but expensive) or cheap (but slow). We take a different approach: by combining multiple tiers of fast and low-cost storage technologies within the same system, we can achieve a Pareto-efficient balance between performance and cost-per-bit. This paper presents the design and implementation of PrismDB, a novel log-structured merge tree based key-value store that exploits a full spectrum of heterogeneous storage technologies (from 3D XPoint to QLC NAND). We introduce the notion of "read-awareness" to log-structured merge trees, which allows hot objects to be pinned to faster storage, achieving better tiering and hot-cold separation of objects. Compared to the standard use of RocksDB on flash in datacenters today, PrismDB's average throughput on heterogeneous storage is 2.3×\times faster and its tail latency is more than an order of magnitude better, using hardware than is half the cost

    Leveraging Non-Volatile Memory in Modern Storage Management Architectures

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    Non-volatile memory technologies (NVM) introduce a novel class of devices that combine characteristics of both storage and main memory. Like storage, NVM is not only persistent, but also denser and cheaper than DRAM. Like DRAM, NVM is byte-addressable and has lower access latency. In recent years, NVM has gained a lot of attention both in academia and in the data management industry, with views ranging from skepticism to over excitement. Some critics claim that NVM is not cheap enough to replace flash-based SSDs nor is it fast enough to replace DRAM, while others see it simply as a storage device. Supporters of NVM have observed that its low latency and byte-addressability requires radical changes and a complete rewrite of storage management architectures. This thesis takes a moderate stance between these two views. We consider that, while NVM might not replace flash-based SSD or DRAM in the near future, it has the potential to reduce the gap between them. Furthermore, treating NVM as a regular storage media does not fully leverage its byte-addressability and low latency. On the other hand, completely redesigning systems to be NVM-centric is impractical. Proposals that attempt to leverage NVM to simplify storage management result in completely new architectures that face the same challenges that are already well-understood and addressed by the traditional architectures. Therefore, we take three common storage management architectures as a starting point, and propose incremental changes to enable them to better leverage NVM. First, in the context of log-structured merge-trees, we investigate the impact of storing data in NVM, and devise methods to enable small granularity accesses and NVM-aware caching policies. Second, in the context of B+Trees, we propose to extend the buffer pool and describe a technique based on the concept of optimistic consistency to handle corrupted pages in NVM. Third, we employ NVM to enable larger capacity and reduced costs in a index+log key-value store, and combine it with other techniques to build a system that achieves low tail latency. This thesis aims to describe and evaluate these techniques in order to enable storage management architectures to leverage NVM and achieve increased performance and lower costs, without major architectural changes.:1 Introduction 1.1 Non-Volatile Memory 1.2 Challenges 1.3 Non-Volatile Memory & Database Systems 1.4 Contributions and Outline 2 Background 2.1 Non-Volatile Memory 2.1.1 Types of NVM 2.1.2 Access Modes 2.1.3 Byte-addressability and Persistency 2.1.4 Performance 2.2 Related Work 2.3 Case Study: Persistent Tree Structures 2.3.1 Persistent Trees 2.3.2 Evaluation 3 Log-Structured Merge-Trees 3.1 LSM and NVM 3.2 LSM Architecture 3.2.1 LevelDB 3.3 Persistent Memory Environment 3.4 2Q Cache Policy for NVM 3.5 Evaluation 3.5.1 Write Performance 3.5.2 Read Performance 3.5.3 Mixed Workloads 3.6 Additional Case Study: RocksDB 3.6.1 Evaluation 4 B+Trees 4.1 B+Tree and NVM 4.1.1 Category #1: Buffer Extension 4.1.2 Category #2: DRAM Buffered Access 4.1.3 Category #3: Persistent Trees 4.2 Persistent Buffer Pool with Optimistic Consistency 4.2.1 Architecture and Assumptions 4.2.2 Embracing Corruption 4.3 Detecting Corruption 4.3.1 Embracing Corruption 4.4 Repairing Corruptions 4.5 Performance Evaluation and Expectations 4.5.1 Checksums Overhead 4.5.2 Runtime and Recovery 4.6 Discussion 5 Index+Log Key-Value Stores 5.1 The Case for Tail Latency 5.2 Goals and Overview 5.3 Execution Model 5.3.1 Reactive Systems and Actor Model 5.3.2 Message-Passing Communication 5.3.3 Cooperative Multitasking 5.4 Log-Structured Storage 5.5 Networking 5.6 Implementation Details 5.6.1 NVM Allocation on RStore 5.6.2 Log-Structured Storage and Indexing 5.6.3 Garbage Collection 5.6.4 Logging and Recovery 5.7 Systems Operations 5.8 Evaluation 5.8.1 Methodology 5.8.2 Environment 5.8.3 Other Systems 5.8.4 Throughput Scalability 5.8.5 Tail Latency 5.8.6 Scans 5.8.7 Memory Consumption 5.9 Related Work 6 Conclusion Bibliography A PiBenc