5 research outputs found

    Aircraft digital assembly process design technology based on 3D Model

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    In order to improve the quality, efficiency and cooperativity of aircraft assembly, based on the analysis of the characteristics of aircraft assembly process, a method for assembly process design, simulation and application based on three dimensional (3D) product model was proposed. The basic working process and system structure of the method were introduced, and the 3D digital assembly process planning, design and simulation optimization application mode was explored. This method has been applied in the design of aircraft assembly process, the efficiency and synergy of process design have been greatly improved

    Conceptual framework of a digital twin to evaluate the degradation status of complex engineering systems

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    Degradation of engineering structures and systems often comes in the form of wear, corrosion, and fracture. These factors progressively bring about performance decay, until the system fails to function satisfactorily. Complex engineering systems (CES) need regular maintenance throughout their operation, along with continuous checks on the health status of components and equipment, within regulatory frameworks. A digital twin paradigm is able to continuously monitor CES, to use this data to update a virtual model of the CES and thus make real-time predictions about future functionality. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a conceptual framework of a digital twin to be applied within the degradation assessment process of a CES. The digital twin framework will aim to gather digital data through a network to plan through-life requirements of the system. Data-driven approaches can be used to predict how degradation evolves over time. The proposed framework will help the decision-making process to better handle maintenance operations and achieve targets such as asset availability and minimised cost

    A Review of the Roles of Digital Twin in CPS-based Production Systems

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    The Digital Twin (DT) is one of the main concepts associated to the Industry 4.0 wave. This term is more and more used in industry and research initiatives; however, the scientific literature does not provide a unique definition of this concept. The paper aims at analyzing the definitions of the DT concept in scientific literature, retracing it from the initial conceptualization in the aerospace field, to the most recent interpretations in the manufacturing domain and more specifically in Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing research. DT provides virtual representations of systems along their lifecycle. Optimizations and decisions making would then rely on the same data that are updated in real-time with the physical system, through synchronization enabled by sensors. The paper also proposes the definition of DT for Industry 4.0 manufacturing, elaborated by the European H2020 project MAYA, as a contribution to the research discussion about DT concept

    Set-Based Prototyping in the Context of the Configurable Virtual Product: The Construction of the Learning Value Streams (LVS) Model

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    RÉSUMÉ La présente thèse de doctorat est le résultat de sept années de recherche intervention dans les domaines de la conception et du développement de produits suivant le paradigme lean en aérospatial. Cette recherche action est motivée par la nécessité de développer les connaissances ainsi que les outils appropriés pour le développement de produits suivant l’approche lean (LPD pour Lean Product Development) et en particulier celle de l’ « ingénierie concourante fondée sur les options de conception » (SBCE pour Set-Based Concurrent Engineering) en aérospatial. Une telle nécessité se justifie par les facteurs socioéconomiques du 21ème siècle qui imposent des approches de conception et développement toujours plus robustes, résilientes, réactives, flexibles, innovantes et adaptables face aux fluctuations du marché et à la demande des consommateurs qui évolue rapidement, ceci afin de permettre aux compagnies de demeurer compétitives. L’objectif principal de la recherche, au vue de tels impératifs, est d’identifier, pour ensuite développer et intégrer dans un modèle holistique, les aspects, les caractéristiques et les catalyseurs essentiels des approches LPD et SBCE appliquées à l’industrie aérospatiale de façon à supporter l’implémentation à grande échelle de telles approches, et ce, dans une optique sousjacente de gestion de cycle de vie du produit (PLM pour Product Lifecycle Management). La planification et l’exécution du projet de recherche sont réalisées en respectant une méthodologie éprouvée en conception (DRM pour Design Research Methodology) afin de focaliser les résultats sur l’avancement des connaissances et de la pratique du LPD et SBCE en tant qu’approches de conception. La recherche apporte en conséquence des contributions majeures à ces champs d’étude tout en prescrivant une méthodologie de transformation des processus et outils de développement de produits dans l’industrie par le biais de l’implémentation du modèle de « chaines de valeur apprenantes » (LVS pour Learning Value Streams). Plus en détails, les contributions aux avancées scientifiques et pratiques dans le domaine vont comme suit : (1) La proposition d’un nouveau cadre d’analyse de la littérature SBCE, ainsi qu’une méthodologie de revue systématique fondée sur des données probantes; (2) L’avancement des connaissances théoriques et pratiques du LPD et SBCE des aspects les plus généraux aux plus significatifs; (3) L’avancement des connaissances théoriques et pratiques sur la modélisation et les structures de produit requises dans une optique de gestion de cycle de vie du produit----------ABSTRACT The work reported in this thesis is the result of seven years of participatory action research in the field of Lean Product Development (LPD) in aerospace engineering. This research is motivated by the necessity to develop understanding and support for practical implementations of lean product development and especially Set-Based Concurrent Engineering (SBCE) in industry. Such necessity is justified by 21st century compelling socioeconomic factors that demand robust, resilient, responsive, flexible, innovative, adaptable and lean product development processes in order for companies to stay competitive in rapidly changing markets. The main purpose of the research is to identify and develop the essential SBCE and LPD aspects, characteristics, features and catalysts as they relate to aerospace large-scale industrial product development in order to form a holistic model that can support practical implementations of LPD in industry from a product lifecycle perspective. A design research methodology (DRM) is used for planning and executing the design research project while ensuring that focus is placed on achieving progress with regards to understanding and implementation of SBCE and LPD as Design practices. As a result, this thesis work provides substantial contribution to understanding of LPD and SBCE and furthermore, entails valuable proposal for the practice in industry through the CCS model and the construction of the Learning Value Streams (LVS) model. Major contributions to the advancement of scientific knowledge and practice in the fields are as follows: (1) The proposal of a new SBCE dual analysis framework combined with an evidence-based systematic review methodology; (2) The advancement of theoretical and practical understanding of LPD and SBCE from the larger to the most significant aspects; (3) The advancement of theoretical and practical understanding of product models and product structure progression requirements for lean product lifecycle management; (4) the proposal of a new methodology, including new as-tested structure to support cross-collaboration during prototyping and testing in lifecycle management contexts; (5) The proposal of a new existential domain alongside the functional, technological and physical domains in order to address the lack of product modelling constructs and methodology when it comes to service or as-tested configurations, hardware testing transactions and prototype information tracking on the basis o

    Digital Twins in Industry

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    Digital Twins in Industry is a compilation of works by authors with specific emphasis on industrial applications. Much of the research on digital twins has been conducted by the academia in both theoretical considerations and laboratory-based prototypes. Industry, while taking the lead on larger scale implementations of Digital Twins (DT) using sophisticated software, is concentrating on dedicated solutions that are not within the reach of the average-sized industries. This book covers 11 chapters of various implementations of DT. It provides an insight for companies who are contemplating the adaption of the DT technology, as well as researchers and senior students in exploring the potential of DT and its associated technologies