957 research outputs found

    Cable-driven parallel robot for transoral laser phonosurgery

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    Transoral laser phonosurgery (TLP) is a common surgical procedure in otolaryngology. Currently, two techniques are commonly used: free beam and fibre delivery. For free beam delivery, in combination with laser scanning techniques, accurate laser pattern scanning can be achieved. However, a line-of-sight to the target is required. A suspension laryngoscope is adopted to create a straight working channel for the scanning laser beam, which could introduce lesions to the patient, and the manipulability and ergonomics are poor. For the fibre delivery approach, a flexible fibre is used to transmit the laser beam, and the distal tip of the laser fibre can be manipulated by a flexible robotic tool. The issues related to the limitation of the line-of-sight can be avoided. However, the laser scanning function is currently lost in this approach, and the performance is inferior to that of the laser scanning technique in the free beam approach. A novel cable-driven parallel robot (CDPR), LaryngoTORS, has been developed for TLP. By using a curved laryngeal blade, a straight suspension laryngoscope will not be necessary to use, which is expected to be less traumatic to the patient. Semi-autonomous free path scanning can be executed, and high precision and high repeatability of the free path can be achieved. The performance has been verified in various bench and ex vivo tests. The technical feasibility of the LaryngoTORS robot for TLP was considered and evaluated in this thesis. The LaryngoTORS robot has demonstrated the potential to offer an acceptable and feasible solution to be used in real-world clinical applications of TLP. Furthermore, the LaryngoTORS robot can combine with fibre-based optical biopsy techniques. Experiments of probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy (pCLE) and hyperspectral fibre-optic sensing were performed. The LaryngoTORS robot demonstrates the potential to be utilised to apply the fibre-based optical biopsy of the larynx.Open Acces

    A Magnetic Laser Scanner for Endoscopic Microsurgery

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    Laser scanners increase the quality of the laser microsurgery enabling fast tissue ablation with less thermal damage. Such technology is part of state-of-the-art freebeam surgical laser systems. However, laser scanning has not been incorporated to fiber-based lasers yet. This is a combination that has potential to greatly improve the quality of laser microsurgeries on difficult-to-reach surgical sites. Current fiberbased tissue ablations are performed in contact with the tissue, resulting in excessive thermal damage to healthy tissue in the vicinity of the ablated tissue. This is far from ideal for delicate microsurgeries, which require high-quality tissue incisions without any thermal damage or char formation. However, the possibility to perform scanning laser microsurgery in confined workspaces is restricted by the large size of currently available actuators, which are typically located outside the patient and require direct line-of-sight to the microsurgical area. Thus, it is desired to have the laser scanning feature in an endoscopic system to provide high incision quality in hard-to-reach surgical sites. This thesis aims to introduce a new endoscopic laser scanner to perform 2D position control and high-speed scanning of a fiber-based laser for operation in narrow workspaces. It also presents a technology concept aimed at assisting in incision depth control during soft-tissue microsurgery. The main objective of the work presented in this thesis is to bring the benefits of free-beam lasers to laser-based endoscopic surgery by designing an end-effector module to be placed at the distal tip of a flexible robot arm. To this end, the design and control of a magnetic laser scanner for endoscopic microsurgeries is presented. The system involves an optical fiber, electromagnetic coils, a permanent magnet and optical lenses in a compact system for laser beam deflection. The actuation mechanism is based on the interaction between the electromagnetic field and the permanent magnets. A cantilevered optical fiber is bended with the magnetic field induced by the electromagnetic coils by creating magnetic torque on the permanent magnet. The magnetic laser scanner provides 2D position control and high-speed scanning of the laser beam. The device includes laser focusing optics to allow non-contact incisions. A proof-of-concept device was manufactured and evaluated. It includes four electromagnetic coils and two plano-convex lenses, and has an external diameter of 13 mm. A 4 74 mm2 scanning range was achieved at a 30 mm distance from the scanner tip. Computer-controlled trajectory executions demonstrated repeatable results with 75 m precision for challenging trajectories. Frequency analysis demonstrated stable response up to 33 Hz for 3 dB limit. The system is able to ablate tissue substitutes with a 1940 nm wavelength surgical diode laser. Tablet-based control interface has been developed for intuitive teleoperation. The performance of the proof-of-concept device is analysed through control accuracy and usability studies. Teleoperation user trials consisting in trajectory-following tasks involved 12 subjects. Results demonstrated users could achieve an accuracy of 39 m with the magnetic laser scanner system. For minimally invasive surgeries, it is essential to perform accurate laser position control. Therefore, a model based feed-forward position control of magnetic laser scanner was developed for automated trajectory executions. First, the dynamical model of the system was identified using the electromagnets current (input) and the laser position (output). Then, the identified model was used to perform feedforward control. Validation experiments were performed with different trajectory types, frequencies and amplitudes. Results showed that desired trajectories can be executed in high-speed scanning mode with less than 90 m (1.4 mrad bending angle) accuracy for frequencies up to 15 Hz. State-of-the-art systems do not provide incision depth control, thus the quality of such control relies entirely on the experience and visual perception of the surgeons. In order to provide intuitive incision depth control in endoscopic microsurgeries, the concept of a technology was presented for the automated laser incisions given a desired depth based on a commercial laser scanner. The technology aims at automatically controlling laser incisions based on high-level commands from the surgeon, i.e. desired incision shape, length and depth. A feed-forward controller provides (i) commands to the robotic laser system and (ii) regulates the parameters of the laser source to achieve the desired results. The controller for the incision depth is extracted from experimental data. The required energy density and the number of passes are calculated to reach the targeted depth. Experimental results demonstrate that targeted depths can be achieved with \ub1100 m accuracy, which proves the feasibility of this approach. The proposed technology has the potential to facilitate the surgeon\u2019s control over laser incisions. The magnetic laser scanner enables high-speed laser positioning in narrow and difficult-to-reach workspaces, promising to bring the benefits of scanning laser microsurgery to flexible endoscopic procedures. In addition, the same technology can be potentially used for optical fiber based imaging, enabling for example the creation of new family of scanning endoscopic OCT or hyperspectral probes

    Sustainable Solutions for Medical Devices and Services

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    abstract: In the burgeoning field of sustainability, there is a pressing need for healthcare to understand the increased environmental and economic impact of healthcare products and services. The overall aim of this dissertation is to assess the sustainability of commonly used medical products, devices, and services as well as to identify strategies for making easy, low cost changes that result in environmental and economic savings for healthcare systems. Life cycle environmental assessments (LCAs) and life cycle costing assessments (LCCAs) will be used to quantitatively evaluate life-cycle scenarios for commonly utilized products, devices, and services. This dissertation will focus on several strategic and high impact areas that have potential for significant life-cycle environmental and economic improvements: 1) increased deployment of reprocessed medical devices in favor of disposable medical devices, 2) innovations to expand the use of biopolymers in healthcare materials and devices, and 3) assess the environmental and economic impacts of various medical devices and services in order to give healthcare administrators and employees the ability to make more informed decisions about the sustainability of their utilized materials, devices, and services.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Civil and Environmental Engineering 201

    New Technologies in Thyroid Surgery

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    Cable-driven parallel robot assisted confocal imaging of the larynx

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    LaryngoTORS, a transoral laryngeal surgery robot, can manipulate instruments accurately. Confocal imaging has potentials in laryngeal cancer diagnosis but suffer from high scanning requirement. This work studies using LaryngoTORS to assist confocal imaging of larynx

    A continuum robotic platform for endoscopic non-contact laser surgery: design, control, and preclinical evaluation

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    The application of laser technologies in surgical interventions has been accepted in the clinical domain due to their atraumatic properties. In addition to manual application of fibre-guided lasers with tissue contact, non-contact transoral laser microsurgery (TLM) of laryngeal tumours has been prevailed in ENT surgery. However, TLM requires many years of surgical training for tumour resection in order to preserve the function of adjacent organs and thus preserve the patient’s quality of life. The positioning of the microscopic laser applicator outside the patient can also impede a direct line-of-sight to the target area due to anatomical variability and limit the working space. Further clinical challenges include positioning the laser focus on the tissue surface, imaging, planning and performing laser ablation, and motion of the target area during surgery. This dissertation aims to address the limitations of TLM through robotic approaches and intraoperative assistance. Although a trend towards minimally invasive surgery is apparent, no highly integrated platform for endoscopic delivery of focused laser radiation is available to date. Likewise, there are no known devices that incorporate scene information from endoscopic imaging into ablation planning and execution. For focusing of the laser beam close to the target tissue, this work first presents miniaturised focusing optics that can be integrated into endoscopic systems. Experimental trials characterise the optical properties and the ablation performance. A robotic platform is realised for manipulation of the focusing optics. This is based on a variable-length continuum manipulator. The latter enables movements of the endoscopic end effector in five degrees of freedom with a mechatronic actuation unit. The kinematic modelling and control of the robot are integrated into a modular framework that is evaluated experimentally. The manipulation of focused laser radiation also requires precise adjustment of the focal position on the tissue. For this purpose, visual, haptic and visual-haptic assistance functions are presented. These support the operator during teleoperation to set an optimal working distance. Advantages of visual-haptic assistance are demonstrated in a user study. The system performance and usability of the overall robotic system are assessed in an additional user study. Analogous to a clinical scenario, the subjects follow predefined target patterns with a laser spot. The mean positioning accuracy of the spot is 0.5 mm. Finally, methods of image-guided robot control are introduced to automate laser ablation. Experiments confirm a positive effect of proposed automation concepts on non-contact laser surgery.Die Anwendung von Lasertechnologien in chirurgischen Interventionen hat sich aufgrund der atraumatischen Eigenschaften in der Klinik etabliert. Neben manueller Applikation von fasergeführten Lasern mit Gewebekontakt hat sich die kontaktfreie transorale Lasermikrochirurgie (TLM) von Tumoren des Larynx in der HNO-Chirurgie durchgesetzt. Die TLM erfordert zur Tumorresektion jedoch ein langjähriges chirurgisches Training, um die Funktion der angrenzenden Organe zu sichern und damit die Lebensqualität der Patienten zu erhalten. Die Positionierung des mikroskopis chen Laserapplikators außerhalb des Patienten kann zudem die direkte Sicht auf das Zielgebiet durch anatomische Variabilität erschweren und den Arbeitsraum einschränken. Weitere klinische Herausforderungen betreffen die Positionierung des Laserfokus auf der Gewebeoberfläche, die Bildgebung, die Planung und Ausführung der Laserablation sowie intraoperative Bewegungen des Zielgebietes. Die vorliegende Dissertation zielt darauf ab, die Limitierungen der TLM durch robotische Ansätze und intraoperative Assistenz zu adressieren. Obwohl ein Trend zur minimal invasiven Chirurgie besteht, sind bislang keine hochintegrierten Plattformen für die endoskopische Applikation fokussierter Laserstrahlung verfügbar. Ebenfalls sind keine Systeme bekannt, die Szeneninformationen aus der endoskopischen Bildgebung in die Ablationsplanung und -ausführung einbeziehen. Für eine situsnahe Fokussierung des Laserstrahls wird in dieser Arbeit zunächst eine miniaturisierte Fokussieroptik zur Integration in endoskopische Systeme vorgestellt. Experimentelle Versuche charakterisieren die optischen Eigenschaften und das Ablationsverhalten. Zur Manipulation der Fokussieroptik wird eine robotische Plattform realisiert. Diese basiert auf einem längenveränderlichen Kontinuumsmanipulator. Letzterer ermöglicht in Kombination mit einer mechatronischen Aktuierungseinheit Bewegungen des Endoskopkopfes in fünf Freiheitsgraden. Die kinematische Modellierung und Regelung des Systems werden in ein modulares Framework eingebunden und evaluiert. Die Manipulation fokussierter Laserstrahlung erfordert zudem eine präzise Anpassung der Fokuslage auf das Gewebe. Dafür werden visuelle, haptische und visuell haptische Assistenzfunktionen eingeführt. Diese unterstützen den Anwender bei Teleoperation zur Einstellung eines optimalen Arbeitsabstandes. In einer Anwenderstudie werden Vorteile der visuell-haptischen Assistenz nachgewiesen. Die Systemperformanz und Gebrauchstauglichkeit des robotischen Gesamtsystems werden in einer weiteren Anwenderstudie untersucht. Analog zu einem klinischen Einsatz verfolgen die Probanden mit einem Laserspot vorgegebene Sollpfade. Die mittlere Positioniergenauigkeit des Spots beträgt dabei 0,5 mm. Zur Automatisierung der Ablation werden abschließend Methoden der bildgestützten Regelung vorgestellt. Experimente bestätigen einen positiven Effekt der Automationskonzepte für die kontaktfreie Laserchirurgie

    Three-Axis Fiber-Optic Body Force Sensor for Flexible Manipulators

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    This paper proposes a force/torque sensor structure that can be easily integrated with a flexible manipulator structure. The sensor’s ring-like structure with its hollow inner section provides ample space for auxiliary components, such as cables and tubes, to be passed through and, hence, is very suitable for integration with tendon-driven and fluid-actuated manipulators. The sensor structure can also accommodate the wiring for a distributed sensor system as well as for diagnostic instruments that may be incorporated in the manipulator. Employing a sensing approach based on optical fibers as done here allows for the creation of sensors that are free of electrical currents at the point of sensing and immune to magnetic fields. These sensors are inherently safe when used in the close vicinity of humans and their measuring performance is not impaired when they are operated in or nearby machines such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners. This type of sensor concept is particularly suitable for inclusion in instruments and robotic tools for minimally invasive surgery (MIS). The paper summarizes the design, integration challenges and calibration of the proposed optical three-axis force sensor. The experimental results confirm the effectiveness of our optical sensing approach and show that after calibrating its stiffness matrix, force and momentum components can be determined accurately

    Three-Axis Fiber-Optic Body Force Sensor for Flexible Manipulators

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    This paper proposes a force/torque sensor structure that can be easily integrated into a flexible manipulator structure. The sensor's ring-like structure with its hollow inner section provides ample space for auxiliary components, such as cables and tubes, to be passed through and, hence, is very suitable for integration with tendon-driven and fluid-actuated manipulators. The sensor structure can also accommodate the wiring for a distributed sensor system as well as for diagnostic instruments that may be incorporated in the manipulator. Employing a sensing approach based on optical fibers as done here allows for the creation of sensors that are free of electrical currents at the point of sensing and immune to magnetic fields. These sensors are inherently safe when used in the close vicinity of humans and their measuring performance is not impaired when they are operated in or nearby machines, such as magnetic resonance imaging scanners. This type of sensor concept is particularly suitable for inclusion in instruments and robotic tools for minimally invasive surgery. This paper summarizes the design, integration challenges, and calibration of the proposed optical three-axis force sensor. The experimental results confirm the effectiveness of our optical sensing approach and show that after calibrating its stiffness matrix, force and momentum components can be determined accurately
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