43 research outputs found

    Adversarial Variational Optimization of Non-Differentiable Simulators

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    Complex computer simulators are increasingly used across fields of science as generative models tying parameters of an underlying theory to experimental observations. Inference in this setup is often difficult, as simulators rarely admit a tractable density or likelihood function. We introduce Adversarial Variational Optimization (AVO), a likelihood-free inference algorithm for fitting a non-differentiable generative model incorporating ideas from generative adversarial networks, variational optimization and empirical Bayes. We adapt the training procedure of generative adversarial networks by replacing the differentiable generative network with a domain-specific simulator. We solve the resulting non-differentiable minimax problem by minimizing variational upper bounds of the two adversarial objectives. Effectively, the procedure results in learning a proposal distribution over simulator parameters, such that the JS divergence between the marginal distribution of the synthetic data and the empirical distribution of observed data is minimized. We evaluate and compare the method with simulators producing both discrete and continuous data.Comment: v4: Final version published at AISTATS 2019; v5: Fixed typo in Eqn 1

    Unpaired Image Enhancement Featuring Reinforcement-Learning-Controlled Image Editing Software

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    This paper tackles unpaired image enhancement, a task of learning a mapping function which transforms input images into enhanced images in the absence of input-output image pairs. Our method is based on generative adversarial networks (GANs), but instead of simply generating images with a neural network, we enhance images utilizing image editing software such as Adobe Photoshop for the following three benefits: enhanced images have no artifacts, the same enhancement can be applied to larger images, and the enhancement is interpretable. To incorporate image editing software into a GAN, we propose a reinforcement learning framework where the generator works as the agent that selects the software's parameters and is rewarded when it fools the discriminator. Our framework can use high-quality non-differentiable filters present in image editing software, which enables image enhancement with high performance. We apply the proposed method to two unpaired image enhancement tasks: photo enhancement and face beautification. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves better performance, compared to the performances of the state-of-the-art methods based on unpaired learning.Comment: Accepted to AAAI 202