13 research outputs found

    Requirements and a Meta Model for Exchanging Additive Manufacturing Capacities

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    In an environment shaped by digital transformation and globalization, manufacturers face increasing market dynamics, cost pressure, and more sophisticated customer requirements. As this demands flexibility and adaptability, enterprises rely on new solutions for collaboration. A marketplace for production capacities supports companies in reducing order risks and improving responsiveness to changing market conditions. We seek to define requirements for a marketplace that is capable of matching products with production processes. With an initial focus on additive manufacturing, we aim to build a blueprint for similar application scenarios in other industrial contexts. Therefore, we employ a qualitative research based on expert interviews. Our results suggest that a marketplace for production capacities must address various requirements, which can be grouped under the categories of technologies, machines, and products. We further build a conceptual meta model that sets the groundwork for the matching and thus facilitates the implementation of the marketplace in practice

    Energetski učinkovita proizvodnja – interdisciplinarni, sistemski pristup kroz integralnu simulaciju

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    If the main concern of manufacturing companies was increasing the productivity, reliability, flexibility, and quality of the industrial process, more recently the energy efficiency of the production process and facilities has come under scrutiny. To enhance the energy-efficiency of production facilities, detailed information regarding the production processes, heat emissions from machines, operation level and occupancy analysis are necessary. In this context, the present paper describes an ongoing research effort that aims to develop a systemically integrated model of an energy efficient production facility. In this context we demonstrate the initial results of the implementation of an integrated simulation approach for a specific industrial facility. On the case study of an existing facility the different levels of energy in-and outputs were analysed; starting from machines and production systems, user behaviour and building services related requirements, to the building envelope of the facility. The collected information was further processed to develop a new building design. This layout provides the basis of an initial building performance simulation model. The generated model is part of the integrated simulation approach and used as a starting point to address the impact of different design and building operation options on the indoor climate and energy performance of the industrial facility. The goal of the integrated simulation approach is to evaluate a production facility not separately for individual mandates pertaining to production process, building envelope, and systems, but in a coupled and integrated fashion. Based on the results of thermal simulation, a first life-cycle costs model is developed, upon which the crucial points for the decision-making process in the planning of an energy-efficient industrial facility can be identified.Među glavnim interesima proizvodnih poduzeća do sada su bili povećanje produktivnosti, pouzdanosti, fleksibilnosti i kvalitete industrijskog procesa, a nedavno se pod povećalom našla i energetska učinkovitost proizvodnog procesa i pogona. U cilju poboljšanja energetske učinkovitosti proizvodnih pogona potrebne su detaljnije informacije o procesu proizvodnje, izmjeni topline u strojevima i analiza učinka i zastupljenosti pogona u radu. U tom kontekstu, ovaj rad opisuje istraživanje koje je u tijeku i teži razvoju sustavno integriranog modela energetski učinkovite proizvodnje u pogonu. U tom kontekstu prikazani su početni rezultati provedbe integriranog simulacijskog pristupa za određeni industrijski pogon. U početnoj studiji slučaja postojećeg pogona analizirane su različite razine ulaznih i izlaznih podataka o energiji; uključujući strojeve i proizvodne sustave, ponašanja korisnika, učinkovitosti kućne tehnike te ovojnice zgrade pogona. Prikupljeni podaci dodatno su obrađeni u cilju razvoja novog građevinskog projekta. Prijedlog koncepcije novog pogona pruža osnovu za prikaz početnog učinka simulacijskog modela na zgradi. Razvijeni model je dio integriranog simulacijskog pristupa te se koristi kao početna točka u simulaciji utjecaja različitih koncepata organizacije prostora i volumena zgrade, kvalitete ovojnice zgrade i kućne tehnike na energetsku učinkovitost industrijskog pogona. Cilj integriranog simulacijskog pristupa je procijeniti energetske performanse proizvodnog pogona, ali ne za pojedine zadaće koje se odnose na proces proizvodnje, ovojnicu zgrade i sustave, nego na povezani i integrirani način. Razvijen je prvi modela troška vijeka trajanja koji se temelji na toplinskim simulacijama, koji je presudan u procesu donošenja odluka u planiranju energetske učinkovitosti industrijskog pogona

    The extended resource task network: a framework for the combined scheduling of batch processes and CHP plants

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    The issue of energy has emerged as one of the greatest challenges facing mankind. In an industrial perspective, the development of site utility systems (generally combined heat and power (CHP) systems) for the generation and management of utilities provides a great potential source for energy savings. However, in most industrial sites, a master–slave relationship usually governs this kind of system and limits the potential operating capacity of CHP. To improve the decision-making process, Agha et al. (2010. Integrated production and utility system approach for optimising industrial unit operation. Energy, 35, 611–627) have proposed an integrated approach that carries out simultaneous and consistent scheduling of batch production plants and site utility systems. The modelling of the problem relies on a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) formulation. Nevertheless, although it is a powerful mathematical tool, it still remains difficult to use for non-expert engineers. In this framework, a graphical formalism based on existing representations (STN, RTN) has been developed: the extended resource task network (ERTN). Combined with an efficient and generic MILP formulation, it permits various kinds of industrial problems, including production and consumption of utility flows to be modelled homogenously. This paper focuses on the semantic elements of the ERTN formalism and illustrates their use through representative example

    A digital platform for the design of patient-centric supply chains

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    Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T cell therapies have received increasing attention, showing promising results in the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and aggressive B cell lymphoma. Unlike typical cancer treatments, autologous CAR T cell therapies are patient-specific; this makes them a unique therapeutic to manufacture and distribute. In this work, we focus on the development of a computer modelling tool to assist the design and assessment of supply chain structures that can reliably and cost-efficiently deliver autologous CAR T cell therapies. We focus on four demand scales (200, 500, 1000 and 2000 patients annually) and we assess the tool’s capabilities with respect to the design of responsive supply chain candidate solutions while minimising cost

    Synergy analysis of collaborative supply chain management in energy systems using multi-period

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    Abstract Energy, a fundamental entity of modern life, is usually produced using fossil fuels as the primary raw material. A consequence of burning fossil fuels is the emission of environmentally harmful substances. Energy production systems generate steam and electricity that are served to different process customers to satisfy their energy requirement. The improvement of economical and environmental performance of energy production systems is a major issue due to central role of energy in every industrial activity. A systematic approach to identify the synergy among different energy systems is addressed in this paper. The multi-period and discrete-continuous nature of the energy production systems including investment costs are modeled using MILP. The proposed approach is applied on two examples that are simplified versions of an industrial problem. It is shown that the approach presented in this paper is very effective in identifying the synergy among different companies to improve their economical and environmental performance significantly

    Diseño de un modelo de inventario EPQ, considerando un sistema de producción imperfecto con demanda estocástica y dependiente de los esfuerzos de ventas en esquemas colaborativos /

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    Actualmente, la logística se ha convertido en una estrategia fundamental que determina la competitividad de las empresas, puesto que crea valor y aumenta índices de rentabilidad; por lo tanto, los constantes cambios en el mercado hacen que las empresas busquen mejorar sus tiempos de respuesta y adaptarse ágil y rápidamente a los cambios. La realidad productiva de hoy, dejó de ser cien por ciento encadenada y las relaciones entre las empresas dejaron de ser exclusivamente comerciales, es decir, van más allá; algunas empresas se adaptan a las nuevas situaciones, y se descubre una nueva realidad organizativa en las empresas exitosas, ya que estas no compiten una a una sino entre redes de colaboración, las cuales son una estrategia que da como resultado el aumento de dicha competitividad. En la década de los 80’s la firma consultora Bozz Allen & Hamilton y específicamente su consultor Keith Oliver acuña los vocablos Supply Chain, quien lo definió como el conjunto de actividades derivadas de las relaciones de las empresas con sus proveedores, es decir, el manejo y gestión sobre la materia prima e insumos que suministran los proveedores y que se dirigen a las plantas y a las empresas comerciales; incluyendo actividades como: transporte, empaque, embalaje, despacho. Este concepto hacía énfasis en las relaciones de los actores de la cadena. Por su parte, Ballou (2004) afirma que: “La Cadena de Suministros y la Logística son considerados como un conjunto de actividades funcionales (transporte, control de inventarios, etc.) que se repiten muchas veces a lo largo del canal de flujo, mediante las cuales la materia prima se convierte en productos terminados y se añade valor para el consumidor” (p.7); en este sentido, la Administración de la Cadena de Suministro se basa en la eficiencia de las interacciones dentro de las organizaciones y fuera de ellas, es decir clientes, proveedores y stakeholders; manejando adecuadamente los flujos de materiales, flujos financieros y flujos de información, siendo este último el flujo más importante para el manejo de las relaciones.Incluye referencias bibliográficas (páginas 97-105) y anexo

    Supplier collaboration for sustainability: a study of UK food supply chains

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of Philosophy.Achieving sustainability in the supply chain is not a choice but an inevitable necessity for the organisation to survive and thrive in the long run. Supplier collaboration to achieve sustainability is widely recognised but poorly studied phenomena. While there is a handful of studies that focused on collaboration for sustainability in food supply chains, only a few considered sustainable (i.e. environmental, cost and social) or Triple Bottom Line (TBL) performance, and in the context of UK food industry, there is hardly any study. Building on previous studies, this thesis addressed these concerns conceptually and empirically by: a) examining supplier collaboration for sustainable performance; b) assessing supplier collaboration for environment friendly and socially responsible practices; c) measuring environment friendly and socially responsible practices for sustainable performance; and d) validating environment friendly and socially responsible practices as the mediators for supplier collaboration and sustainable performance. To achieve these objectives, first, a structured literature review was performed and identified 61 studies that documented supplier collaboration for sustainability, and a comprehensive review was also conducted to expand the research domain. Second, underpinned by Relational View (RV) theory, a set of 17 testable hypotheses (including sub-hypotheses) were developed, and a survey method was used to collect 203 useable data from UK based food businesses who maintain collaborative relationships with their suppliers. Finally, for data analysis, Partial Least Squared- Structural Equations Modelling (PLS-SEM) technique was used with SmartPLS3 software. The empirical findings validated that: a) supplier collaboration improves environmental, cost and social performance; b) supplier collaboration contributes to improved environment friendly and socially responsible practices; c) environment friendly practices enhance environmentally, cost and social performance; d) socially responsible practices have an impact on environmental and social performance, however socially responsible practices do not have an impact on cost performance; e) environment friendly and socially responsible practices mediate the relationship between supplier collaboration and sustainable performance. The results suggest that supplier collaboration enhances environment-friendly and socially responsible practices which will lead to enhanced environmental, cost and social performance. The contributions of this research to supply chain management literature are: a) to achieve sustainable performance in the food supply chain, collaboration with the suppliers is essential; b) collaborating with the suppliers, firms can improve their environment friendly and socially responsible practices; c) socially responsible practices in the supply chain enhance environmental and social performance but do not improve cost performance; c) this study extends the Relational View theory (RV) from the relation-specific assets for sustainable performance to the relation-specific assets for environmentally friendly and socially responsible practices which lead to sustainable performance. This study found that inter-organisational relationship facilitates environment-friendly and socially responsible practices which will lead to improved sustainable performance. For practitioners, this study offers the sustainability framework that suggests for greater collaboration with the suppliers to improve environment-friendly and socially responsible practices which should lead to a sustainable performance in the food industry. For the policymakers, this study offers a unique proposition to encourage a collaborative environment in the supply chain to achieve sustainable performance in the food industry

    Portfolio Analysis in Supply Chain Management of a Chemicals Complex in Thailand

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    There is a considerable amount of research literature available for the optimisation of supply chain management of the chemical process industry. The context of supply chain considered in this thesis is the supply chain inside the chemical complex which is the conversion of raw materials into intermediate chemicals and finished chemical products through different chemical processes. Much of the research in the area of planning and scheduling for the process sector has been focused on optimising an individual chemical process within a larger network of a chemicals complex. The objective of this thesis is to develop a multi-objective, multi-period stochastic capacity planning model as a quantitative tool in determining an optimum investment strategy while considering sustainability for an integrated multi-process chemicals complex under future demand uncertainty using the development of inorganic chemicals complex at Bamnet Narong, Thailand as the main case study. Within this thesis, a number of discrete models were developed in phases towards the completion of the final multi-objective optimisation model. The models were formulated as mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) models. The first phase was the development of a multi-period capacity planning optimisation model with a deterministic demand. The model was able to provide an optimal capacity planning strategy for the chemicals complex at Bamnet Narong, Thailand. The numerical results show that based on the model assumptions, all the proposed chemical process plants to be developed in the chemicals complex are financially viable when the planning horizon is more than 8 years. The second phase was to build a multi-period stochastic capacity planning optimisation model under demand uncertainty. A three-stage stochastic programming approach was incorporated into the deterministic model developed in the first phase to capture the uncertainty in demand of different chemical products throughout the planning horizon. The expected net present value (eNPV) was used as the performance measure. The results show that the model is highly demand driven. The third phase was to provide an alternative demand forecasting method for capacity planning problem under demand uncertainty. In the real-world, the annual increases in demand will not be constant. A statistical analysis method named “Bootstrapping” was used as a demand generator for the optimisation model. The method uses historical data to create values for the future demands. Numerical results show that the bootstrap demand forecasting method provides a more optimistic solution. The fourth phase was to incorporate financial risk analysis as constraints to the previously developed multi-period three-stage stochastic capacity planning optimisation model. The risks associated with the different demand forecasting methods were analysed. The financial risk measures considered in this phase were the expected downside risk (EDR) and the mean absolute deviation (MAD). Furthermore, as the eNPV has been used as the usual financial performance measure, a decisionmaking method, named “Minimax Regret” was applied as part of the objective function to provide an alternative performance measure to the developed models. Minimax Regret is one kind of decision-making theory, which involves minimisation of the difference between the perfect information case and the robust case. The results show that the capacity planning strategies for both cases are identical Finally, the last phase was the development of a multi-objective, multi-period three stage stochastic capacity planning model aiming towards sustainability. Multiobjective optimisation allows the investment criteria to be traded off against an environmental impact measure. The model values the environmental factor as one of the objectives for the optimisation instead of this only being a regulatory constraint. The expected carbon dioxide emissions was used as the environmental impact indicator. Both direct and indirect emissions of each chemical process in the chemicals complex were considered. From the results, the decision-makers will be able to decide the most appropriate strategy for the capacity planning of the chemicals complex