910 research outputs found

    Efficient Synchronous Byzantine Consensus

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    We present new protocols for Byzantine state machine replication and Byzantine agreement in the synchronous and authenticated setting. The celebrated PBFT state machine replication protocol tolerates ff Byzantine faults in an asynchronous setting using 3f+13f+1 replicas, and has since been studied or deployed by numerous works. In this work, we improve the Byzantine fault tolerance threshold to n=2f+1n=2f+1 by utilizing a relaxed synchrony assumption. We present a synchronous state machine replication protocol that commits a decision every 3 rounds in the common case. The key challenge is to ensure quorum intersection at one honest replica. Our solution is to rely on the synchrony assumption to form a post-commit quorum of size 2f+12f+1, which intersects at f+1f+1 replicas with any pre-commit quorums of size f+1f+1. Our protocol also solves synchronous authenticated Byzantine agreement in expected 8 rounds. The best previous solution (Katz and Koo, 2006) requires expected 24 rounds. Our protocols may be applied to build Byzantine fault tolerant systems or improve cryptographic protocols such as cryptocurrencies when synchrony can be assumed

    The Impact of RDMA on Agreement

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    Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) is becoming widely available in data centers. This technology allows a process to directly read and write the memory of a remote host, with a mechanism to control access permissions. In this paper, we study the fundamental power of these capabilities. We consider the well-known problem of achieving consensus despite failures, and find that RDMA can improve the inherent trade-off in distributed computing between failure resilience and performance. Specifically, we show that RDMA allows algorithms that simultaneously achieve high resilience and high performance, while traditional algorithms had to choose one or another. With Byzantine failures, we give an algorithm that only requires n≥2fP+1n \geq 2f_P + 1 processes (where fPf_P is the maximum number of faulty processes) and decides in two (network) delays in common executions. With crash failures, we give an algorithm that only requires n≥fP+1n \geq f_P + 1 processes and also decides in two delays. Both algorithms tolerate a minority of memory failures inherent to RDMA, and they provide safety in asynchronous systems and liveness with standard additional assumptions.Comment: Full version of PODC'19 paper, strengthened broadcast algorith

    Tight Bounds for Connectivity and Set Agreement in Byzantine Synchronous Systems

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    In this paper, we show that the protocol complex of a Byzantine synchronous system can remain (k−1)(k - 1)-connected for up to ⌈t/k⌉\lceil t/k \rceil rounds, where tt is the maximum number of Byzantine processes, and t≥k≥1t \ge k \ge 1. This topological property implies that ⌈t/k⌉+1\lceil t/k \rceil + 1 rounds are necessary to solve kk-set agreement in Byzantine synchronous systems, compared to ⌊t/k⌋+1\lfloor t/k \rfloor + 1 rounds in synchronous crash-failure systems. We also show that our connectivity bound is tight as we indicate solutions to Byzantine kk-set agreement in exactly ⌈t/k⌉+1\lceil t/k \rceil + 1 synchronous rounds, at least when nn is suitably large compared to tt. In conclusion, we see how Byzantine failures can potentially require one extra round to solve kk-set agreement, and, for nn suitably large compared to tt, at most that

    Building Regular Registers with Rational Malicious Servers and Anonymous Clients

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    The paper addresses the problem of emulating a regular register in a synchronous distributed system where clients invoking read()\mathsf{read}() and write()\mathsf{write}() operations are anonymous while server processes maintaining the state of the register may be compromised by rational adversaries (i.e., a server might behave as rational malicious Byzantine process). We first model our problem as a Bayesian game between a client and a rational malicious server where the equilibrium depends on the decisions of the malicious server (behave correctly and not be detected by clients vs returning a wrong register value to clients with the risk of being detected and then excluded by the computation). We prove such equilibrium exists and finally we design a protocol implementing the regular register that forces the rational malicious server to behave correctly

    Stellar Consensus by Instantiation

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    Stellar introduced a new type of quorum system called a Federated Byzantine Agreement System. A major difference between this novel type of quorum system and a threshold quorum system is that each participant has its own, personal notion of a quorum. Thus, unlike in a traditional BFT system, designed for a uniform notion of quorum, even in a time of synchrony one well-behaved participant may observe a quorum of well-behaved participants, while others may not. To tackle this new problem in a more general setting, we abstract the Stellar Network as an instance of what we call Personal Byzantine Quorum Systems. Using this notion, we streamline the theory behind the Stellar Network, removing the clutter of unnecessary details, and refute the conjecture that Stellar\u27s notion of intact set is optimally fault-tolerant. Most importantly, we develop a new consensus algorithm for the new setting
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