4 research outputs found

    Better synchronous binarization for machine translation

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    Binarization of Synchronous Context Free Grammars (SCFG) is essential for achieving polynomial time complexity of decoding for SCFG parsing based machine translation sys-tems. In this paper, we first investigate the excess edge competition issue caused by a left-heavy binary SCFG derived with the method of Zhang et al. (2006). Then we propose a new binarization method to mitigate the problem by exploring other alternative equivalent bi-nary SCFGs. We present an algorithm that ite-ratively improves the resulting binary SCFG, and empirically show that our method can im-prove a string-to-tree statistical machine trans-lations system based on the synchronous bina-rization method in Zhang et al. (2006) on the NIST machine translation evaluation tasks.

    Statistical parsing of noun phrase structure

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    Noun phrases (NPs) are a crucial part of natural language, exhibiting in many cases an extremely complex structure. However, NP structure is largely ignored by the statistical parsing field, as the most widely-used corpus is not annotated with it. This lack of gold-standard data has restricted all previous efforts to parse NPs, making it impossible to perform the supervised experiments that have achieved high performance in so many Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. We comprehensively solve this problem by manually annotating NP structure for the entire Wall Street Journal section of the Penn Treebank. The inter-annotator agreement scores that we attain refute the belief that the task is too difficult, and demonstrate that consistent NP annotation is possible. Our gold-standard NP data is now available and will be useful for all parsers. We present three statistical methods for parsing NP structure. Firstly, we apply the Collins (2003) model, and find that its recovery of NP structure is significantly worse than its overall performance. Through much experimentation, we determine that this is not a result of the special base-NP model used by the parser, but primarily caused by a lack of lexical information. Secondly, we construct a wide-coverage, large-scale NP Bracketing system, applying a supervised model to achieve excellent results. Our Penn Treebank data set, which is orders of magnitude larger than those used previously, makes this possible for the first time. We then implement and experiment with a wide variety of features in order to determine an optimal model. Having achieved this, we use the NP Bracketing system to reanalyse NPs outputted by the Collins (2003) parser. Our post-processor outperforms this state-of-the-art parser. For our third model, we convert the NP data to CCGbank (Hockenmaier and Steedman, 2007), a corpus that uses the Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG) formalism. We experiment with a CCG parser and again, implement features that improve performance. We also evaluate the CCG parser against the Briscoe and Carroll (2006) reannotation of DepBank (King et al., 2003), another corpus that annotates NP structure. This supplies further evidence that parser performance is increased by improving the representation of NP structure. Finally, the error analysis we carry out on the CCG data shows that again, a lack of lexicalisation causes difficulties for the parser. We find that NPs are particularly reliant on this lexical information, due to their exceptional productivity and the reduced explicitness present in modifier sequences. Our results show that NP parsing is a significantly harder task than parsing in general. This thesis comprehensively analyses the NP parsing task. Our contributions allow wide-coverage, large-scale NP parsers to be constructed for the first time, and motivate further NP parsing research for the future. The results of our work can provide significant benefits for many NLP tasks, as the crucial information contained in NP structure is now available for all downstream systems

    A tree-to-tree model for statistical machine translation

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 227-234).In this thesis, we take a statistical tree-to-tree approach to solving the problem of machine translation (MT). In a statistical tree-to-tree approach, first the source-language input is parsed into a syntactic tree structure; then the source-language tree is mapped to a target-language tree. This kind of approach has several advantages. For one, parsing the input generates valuable information about its meaning. In addition, the mapping from a source-language tree to a target-language tree offers a mechanism for preserving the meaning of the input. Finally, producing a target-language tree helps to ensure the grammaticality of the output. A main focus of this thesis is to develop a statistical tree-to-tree mapping algorithm. Our solution involves a novel representation called an aligned extended projection, or AEP. The AEP, inspired by ideas in linguistic theory related to tree-adjoining grammars, is a parse-tree like structure that models clause-level phenomena such as verbal argument structure and lexical word-order. The AEP also contains alignment information that links the source-language input to the target-language output. Instead of learning a mapping from a source-language tree to a target-language tree, the AEP-based approach learns a mapping from a source-language tree to a target-language AEP. The AEP is a complex structure, and learning a mapping from parse trees to AEPs presents a challenging machine learning problem. In this thesis, we use a linear structured prediction model to solve this learning problem. A human evaluation of the AEP-based translation approach in a German-to-English task shows significant improvements in the grammaticality of translations. This thesis also presents a statistical parser for Spanish that could be used as part of a Spanish/English translation system.by Brooke Alissa Cowan.Ph.D

    Synchronous binarization for machine translation

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    Systems based on synchronous grammars and tree transducers promise to improve the quality of statistical machine translation output, but are often very computationally intensive. The complexity is exponential in the size of individual grammar rules due to arbitrary re-orderings between the two languages, and rules extracted from parallel corpora can be quite large. We devise a linear-time algorithm for factoring syntactic re-orderings by binarizing synchronous rules when possible and show that the resulting rule set significantly improves the speed and accuracy of a state-of-the-art syntax-based machine translation system.