54 research outputs found

    Synchronization and Transient Stability in Power Networks and Non-Uniform Kuramoto Oscillators

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    Motivated by recent interest for multi-agent systems and smart power grid architectures, we discuss the synchronization problem for the network-reduced model of a power system with non-trivial transfer conductances. Our key insight is to exploit the relationship between the power network model and a first-order model of coupled oscillators. Assuming overdamped generators (possibly due to local excitation controllers), a singular perturbation analysis shows the equivalence between the classic swing equations and a non-uniform Kuramoto model. Here, non-uniform Kuramoto oscillators are characterized by multiple time constants, non-homogeneous coupling, and non-uniform phase shifts. Extending methods from transient stability, synchronization theory, and consensus protocols, we establish sufficient conditions for synchronization of non-uniform Kuramoto oscillators. These conditions reduce to and improve upon previously-available tests for the standard Kuramoto model. Combining our singular perturbation and Kuramoto analyses, we derive concise and purely algebraic conditions that relate synchronization and transient stability of a power network to the underlying system parameters and initial conditions

    Distributed Generation and Resilience in Power Grids

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    We study the effects of the allocation of distributed generation on the resilience of power grids. We find that an unconstrained allocation and growth of the distributed generation can drive a power grid beyond its design parameters. In order to overcome such a problem, we propose a topological algorithm derived from the field of Complex Networks to allocate distributed generation sources in an existing power grid.Comment: proceedings of Critis 2012 http://critis12.hig.no

    Sharp Upper Bounds for the Laplacian Spectral Radius of Graphs

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    The spectrum of the Laplacian matrix of a network plays a key role in a wide range of dynamical problems associated with the network, from transient stability analysis of power network to distributed control of formations. Let G=(V,E) be a simple connected graph on n vertices and let μ(G) be the largest Laplacian eigenvalue (i.e., the spectral radius) of G. In this paper, by using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we show that the upper bounds for the Laplacian spectral radius of G

    Self-Organized Synchronization and Voltage Stability in Networks of Synchronous Machines

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    The integration of renewable energy sources in the course of the energy transition is accompanied by grid decentralization and fluctuating power feed-in characteristics. This raises new challenges for power system stability and design. We intend to investigate power system stability from the viewpoint of self-organized synchronization aspects. In this approach, the power grid is represented by a network of synchronous machines. We supplement the classical Kuramoto-like network model, which assumes constant voltages, with dynamical voltage equations, and thus obtain an extended version, that incorporates the coupled categories voltage stability and rotor angle synchronization. We compare disturbance scenarios in small systems simulated on the basis of both classical and extended model and we discuss resultant implications and possible applications to complex modern power grids.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    The Price of Synchrony: Resistive Losses due to Phase Synchronization in Power Networks

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    We investigate the total resistive losses incurred in returning a power network of identical generators to a synchronous state following a transient stability event or in maintaining this state in the presence of persistent stochastic disturbances. We formulate this cost as the input-output H2H^2 norm of a linear dynamical system with distributed disturbances. We derive an expression for the total resistive losses that scales with the size of the network as well as properties of the generators and power lines, but is independent of the network topology. This topologically invariant scaling of what we term the price of synchrony is in contrast to typical power system stability notions like rate of convergence or the region of attraction for rotor-angle stability. Our result indicates that highly connected power networks, whilst desirable for higher phase synchrony, do not offer an advantage in terms of the total resistive power losses needed to achieve this synchrony. Furthermore, if power flow is the mechanism used to achieve synchrony in highly-distributed-generation networks, the cost increases unboundedly with the number of generators.Comment: 7 pages; 2 figure
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