96,589 research outputs found

    Efficient Symmetry Reduction and the Use of State Symmetries for Symbolic Model Checking

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    One technique to reduce the state-space explosion problem in temporal logic model checking is symmetry reduction. The combination of symmetry reduction and symbolic model checking by using BDDs suffered a long time from the prohibitively large BDD for the orbit relation. Dynamic symmetry reduction calculates representatives of equivalence classes of states dynamically and thus avoids the construction of the orbit relation. In this paper, we present a new efficient model checking algorithm based on dynamic symmetry reduction. Our experiments show that the algorithm is very fast and allows the verification of larger systems. We additionally implemented the use of state symmetries for symbolic symmetry reduction. To our knowledge we are the first who investigated state symmetries in combination with BDD based symbolic model checking

    A template-based approach for the generation of abstractable and reducible models of featured networks

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    We investigate the relationship between symmetry reduction and inductive reasoning when applied to model checking networks of featured components. Popular reduction techniques for combatting state space explosion in model checking, like abstraction and symmetry reduction, can only be applied effectively when the natural symmetry of a system is not destroyed during specification. We introduce a property which ensures this is preserved, open symmetry. We describe a template-based approach for the construction of open symmetric Promela specifications of featured systems. For certain systems (safely featured parameterised systems) our generated specifications are suitable for conversion to abstract specifications representing any size of network. This enables feature interaction analysis to be carried out, via model checking and induction, for systems of any number of featured components. In addition, we show how, for any balanced network of components, by using a graphical representation of the features and the process communication structure, a group of permutations of the underlying state space of the generated specification can be determined easily. Due to the open symmetry of our Promela specifications, this group of permutations can be used directly for symmetry reduced model checking. The main contributions of this paper are an automatic method for developing open symmetric specifications which can be used for generic feature interaction analysis, and the novel application of symmetry detection and reduction in the context of model checking featured networks. We apply our techniques to a well known example of a featured network – an email system

    Exact and approximate strategies for symmetry reduction in model checking

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    Symmetry reduction techniques can help to combat the state space explosion problem for model checking, but are restricted by the hard problem of determining equivalence of states during search. Consequently, existing symmetry reduction packages can only exploit full symmetry between system components, as checking the equivalence of states is straightforward in this special case. We present a framework for symmetry reduction with an arbitrary group of structural symmetries. By generalising existing techniques for efficiently exploiting symmetry, and introducing an approximate strategy for use with groups for which fast, exact strategies are not available, our approach allows for significant state-space reduction with minimal time overhead. We show how computational group theoretic techniques can be used to analyse the structure of a symmetry group so that an appropriate symmetry reduction strategy can be chosen, and we describe a symmetry reduction package for the Spin model checker which interfaces with the computational algebra system Gap. Experimental results on a variety of Promela models illustrate the effectiveness of our methods

    A computational group theoretic symmetry reduction package for the SPIN model checker

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    Symmetry reduced model checking is hindered by two problems: how to identify state space symmetry when systems are not fully symmetric, and how to determine equivalence of states during search. We present TopSpin, a fully automatic symmetry reduction package for the Spin model checker. TopSpin uses the Gap computational algebra system to effectively detect state space symmetry from the associated Promela specification, and to choose an efficient symmetry reduction strategy by classifying automorphism groups as a disjoint/wreath product of subgroups. We present encouraging experimental results for a variety of Promela examples

    Symmetry reduction and heuristic search for error detection in model checking

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    The state explosion problem is the main limitation of model checking. Symmetries in the system being verified can be exploited in order to avoid this problem by defining an equivalence (symmetry) relation on the states of the system, which induces a semantically equivalent quotient system of smaller size. On the other hand, heuristic search algorithms can be applied to improve the bug finding capabilities of model checking. Such algorithms use heuristic functions to guide the exploration. Bestfirst is used for accelerating the search, while A* guarantees optimal error trails if combined with admissible estimates. We analyze some aspects of combining both approaches, concentrating on the problem of finding the optimal path to the equivalence class of a given error state. Experimental results evaluate our approach

    Finding symmetry in models of concurrent systems by static channel diagram analysis

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    Over the last decade there has been much interest in exploiting symmetry to combat the state explosion problem in model checking. Although symmetry in a model often arises as a result of symmetry in the topology of the system being modelled, most model checkers which exploit structural symmetry are limited to topologies which exhibit total symmetries, such as stars and cliques. We define the static channel diagram of a concurrent, message passing program, and show that under certain restrictions there is a correspondence between symmetries of the static channel diagram of a program and symmetries of the Kripke structure associated with the program. This allows the detection, and potential exploitation, of structural symmetry in systems with arbitrary topologies. Our method of symmetry detection can handle mobile systems where channel references are passed on channels, resulting in a dynamic communication structure. We illustrate our results with an example using the Promela modelling language

    Symbolic Reachability Analysis of B through ProB and LTSmin

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    We present a symbolic reachability analysis approach for B that can provide a significant speedup over traditional explicit state model checking. The symbolic analysis is implemented by linking ProB to LTSmin, a high-performance language independent model checker. The link is achieved via LTSmin's PINS interface, allowing ProB to benefit from LTSmin's analysis algorithms, while only writing a few hundred lines of glue-code, along with a bridge between ProB and C using ZeroMQ. ProB supports model checking of several formal specification languages such as B, Event-B, Z and TLA. Our experiments are based on a wide variety of B-Method and Event-B models to demonstrate the efficiency of the new link. Among the tested categories are state space generation and deadlock detection; but action detection and invariant checking are also feasible in principle. In many cases we observe speedups of several orders of magnitude. We also compare the results with other approaches for improving model checking, such as partial order reduction or symmetry reduction. We thus provide a new scalable, symbolic analysis algorithm for the B-Method and Event-B, along with a platform to integrate other model checking improvements via LTSmin in the future

    Using Canonical Forms for Isomorphism Reduction in Graph-based Model Checking

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    Graph isomorphism checking can be used in graph-based model checking to achieve symmetry reduction. Instead of one-to-one comparing the graph representations of states, canonical forms of state graphs can be computed. These canonical forms can be used to store and compare states. However, computing a canonical form for a graph is computationally expensive. Whether computing a canonical representation for states and reducing the state space is more efficient than using canonical hashcodes for states and comparing states one-to-one is not a priori clear. In this paper these approaches to isomorphism reduction are described and a preliminary comparison is presented for checking isomorphism of pairs of graphs. An existing algorithm that does not compute a canonical form performs better that tools that do for graphs that are used in graph-based model checking. Computing canonical forms seems to scale better for larger graphs

    Probabilistic symmetry reduction

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    Model checking is a technique used for the formal verification of concurrent systems. A major hindrance to model checking is the so-called state space explosion problem where the number of states in a model grows exponentially as variables are added. This means even trivial systems can require millions of states to define and are often too large to feasibly verify. Fortunately, models often exhibit underlying replication which can be exploited to aid in verification. Exploiting this replication is known as symmetry reduction and has yielded considerable success in non probabilistic verification. The main contribution of this thesis is to show how symmetry reduction techniques can be applied to explicit state probabilistic model checking. In probabilistic model checking the need for such techniques is particularly acute since it requires not only an exhaustive state-space exploration, but also a numerical solution phase to compute probabilities or other quantitative values. The approach we take enables the automated detection of arbitrary data and component symmetries from a probabilistic specification. We define new techniques to exploit the identified symmetry and provide efficient generation of the quotient model. We prove the correctness of our approach, and demonstrate its viability by implementing a tool to apply symmetry reduction to an explicit state model checker