77 research outputs found

    Symmetry, Compact Closure and Dagger Compactness for Categories of Convex Operational Models

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    In the categorical approach to the foundations of quantum theory, one begins with a symmetric monoidal category, the objects of which represent physical systems, and the morphisms of which represent physical processes. Usually, this category is taken to be at least compact closed, and more often, dagger compact, enforcing a certain self-duality, whereby preparation processes (roughly, states) are inter-convertible with processes of registration (roughly, measurement outcomes). This is in contrast to the more concrete "operational" approach, in which the states and measurement outcomes associated with a physical system are represented in terms of what we here call a "convex operational model": a certain dual pair of ordered linear spaces -- generally, {\em not} isomorphic to one another. On the other hand, state spaces for which there is such an isomorphism, which we term {\em weakly self-dual}, play an important role in reconstructions of various quantum-information theoretic protocols, including teleportation and ensemble steering. In this paper, we characterize compact closure of symmetric monoidal categories of convex operational models in two ways: as a statement about the existence of teleportation protocols, and as the principle that every process allowed by that theory can be realized as an instance of a remote evaluation protocol --- hence, as a form of classical probabilistic conditioning. In a large class of cases, which includes both the classical and quantum cases, the relevant compact closed categories are degenerate, in the weak sense that every object is its own dual. We characterize the dagger-compactness of such a category (with respect to the natural adjoint) in terms of the existence, for each system, of a {\em symmetric} bipartite state, the associated conditioning map of which is an isomorphism

    Symmetry and Self-Duality in Categories of Probabilistic Models

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    This note adds to the recent spate of derivations of the probabilistic apparatus of finite-dimensional quantum theory from various axiomatic packages. We offer two different axiomatic packages that lead easily to the Jordan algebraic structure of finite-dimensional quantum theory. The derivation relies on the Koecher-Vinberg Theorem, which sets up an equivalence between order-unit spaces having homogeneous, self-dual cones, and formally real Jordan algebras.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2011, arXiv:1210.029

    A universe of processes and some of its guises

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    Our starting point is a particular `canvas' aimed to `draw' theories of physics, which has symmetric monoidal categories as its mathematical backbone. In this paper we consider the conceptual foundations for this canvas, and how these can then be converted into mathematical structure. With very little structural effort (i.e. in very abstract terms) and in a very short time span the categorical quantum mechanics (CQM) research program has reproduced a surprisingly large fragment of quantum theory. It also provides new insights both in quantum foundations and in quantum information, and has even resulted in automated reasoning software called `quantomatic' which exploits the deductive power of CQM. In this paper we complement the available material by not requiring prior knowledge of category theory, and by pointing at connections to previous and current developments in the foundations of physics. This research program is also in close synergy with developments elsewhere, for example in representation theory, quantum algebra, knot theory, topological quantum field theory and several other areas.Comment: Invited chapter in: "Deep Beauty: Understanding the Quantum World through Mathematical Innovation", H. Halvorson, ed., Cambridge University Press, forthcoming. (as usual, many pictures

    Local tomography and the Jordan structure of quantum theory

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    Using a result of H. Hanche-Olsen, we show that (subject to fairly natural constraints on what constitutes a system, and on what constitutes a composite system), orthodox finite-dimensional complex quantum mechanics with superselection rules is the only non-signaling probabilistic theory in which (i) individual systems are Jordan algebras (equivalently, their cones of unnormalized states are homogeneous and self-dual), (ii) composites are locally tomographic (meaning that states are determined by the joint probabilities they assign to measurement outcomes on the component systems) and (iii) at least one system has the structure of a qubit. Using this result, we also characterize finite dimensional quantum theory among probabilistic theories having the structure of a dagger-monoidal category

    Operational theories and Categorical quantum mechanics

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    A central theme in current work in quantum information and quantum foundations is to see quantum mechanics as occupying one point in a space of possible theories, and to use this perspective to understand the special features and properties which single it out, and the possibilities for alternative theories. Two formalisms which have been used in this context are operational theories, and categorical quantum mechanics. The aim of the present paper is to establish strong connections between these two formalisms. We show how models of categorical quantum mechanics have representations as operational theories. We then show how nonlocality can be formulated at this level of generality, and study a number of examples from this point of view, including Hilbert spaces, sets and relations, and stochastic maps. The local, quantum, and no-signalling models are characterized in these terms.Comment: 37 pages, updated bibliograph

    Composites and Categories of Euclidean Jordan Algebras

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    We consider possible non-signaling composites of probabilistic models based on euclidean Jordan algebras (EJAs), satisfying some reasonable additional constraints motivated by the desire to construct dagger-compact categories of such models. We show that no such composite has the exceptional Jordan algebra as a direct summand, nor does any such composite exist if one factor has an exceptional summand, unless the other factor is a direct sum of one-dimensional Jordan algebras (representing essentially a classical system). Moreover, we show that any composite of simple, non-exceptional EJAs is a direct summand of their universal tensor product, sharply limiting the possibilities. These results warrant our focussing on concrete Jordan algebras of hermitian matrices, i.e., euclidean Jordan algebras with a preferred embedding in a complex matrix algebra}. We show that these can be organized in a natural way as a symmetric monoidal category, albeit one that is not compact closed. We then construct a related category InvQM of embedded euclidean Jordan algebras, having fewer objects but more morphisms, that is not only compact closed but dagger-compact. This category unifies finite-dimensional real, complex and quaternionic mixed-state quantum mechanics, except that the composite of two complex quantum systems comes with an extra classical bit. Our notion of composite requires neither tomographic locality, nor preservation of purity under tensor product. The categories we construct include examples in which both of these conditions fail. In such cases, the information capacity (the maximum number of mutually distinguishable states) of a composite is greater than the product of the capacities of its constituents.Comment: 60 pages, 3 tables. Substantially revised, with some new result
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