29,649 research outputs found

    Landscapes of data sets and functoriality of persistent homology

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    The aim of this article is to describe a new perspective on functoriality of persistent homology and explain its intrinsic symmetry that is often overlooked. A data set for us is a finite collection of functions, called measurements, with a finite domain. Such a data set might contain internal symmetries which are effectively captured by the action of a set of the domain endomorphisms. Different choices of the set of endomorphisms encode different symmetries of the data set. We describe various category structures on such enriched data sets and prove some of their properties such as decompositions and morphism formations. We also describe a data structure, based on coloured directed graphs, which is convenient to encode the mentioned enrichment. We show that persistent homology preserves only some aspects of these landscapes of enriched data sets however not all. In other words persistent homology is not a functor on the entire category of enriched data sets. Nevertheless we show that persistent homology is functorial locally. We use the concept of equivariant operators to capture some of the information missed by persistent homology

    On Discrete Symmetries in su(2) and su(3) Affine Theories and Related Graphs

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    We classify the possible finite symmetries of conformal field theories with an affine Lie algebra su(2) and su(3), and discuss the results from the perspective of the graphs associated with the modular invariants. The highlights of the analysis are first, that the symmetries we found in either case are matched by the graph data in a perfect way in the case of su(2), but in a looser way for su(3), and second, that some of the graphs lead naturally to projective representations, both in su(2) and in su(3).Comment: 34 pages, 4 eps figure

    Non periodic Ishibashi states: the su(2) and su(3) affine theories

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    We consider the su(2) and su(3) affine theories on a cylinder, from the point of view of their discrete internal symmetries. To this end, we adapt the usual treatment of boundary conditions leading to the Cardy equation to take the symmetry group into account. In this context, the role of the Ishibashi states from all (non periodic) bulk sectors is emphasized. This formalism is then applied to the su(2) and su(3) models, for which we determine the action of the symmetry group on the boundary conditions, and we compute the twisted partition functions. Most if not all data relevant to the symmetry properties of a specific model are hidden in the graphs associated with its partition function, and their subgraphs. A synoptic table is provided that summarizes the many connections between the graphs and the symmetry data that are to be expected in general.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Towards fully covariant machine learning

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    Any representation of data involves arbitrary investigator choices. Because those choices are external to the data-generating process, each choice leads to an exact symmetry, corresponding to the group of transformations that takes one possible representation to another. These are the passive symmetries; they include coordinate freedom, gauge symmetry, and units covariance, all of which have led to important results in physics. In machine learning, the most visible passive symmetry is the relabeling or permutation symmetry of graphs. Our goal is to understand the implications for machine learning of the many passive symmetries in play. We discuss dos and don'ts for machine learning practice if passive symmetries are to be respected. We discuss links to causal modeling, and argue that the implementation of passive symmetries is particularly valuable when the goal of the learning problem is to generalize out of sample. This paper is conceptual: It translates among the languages of physics, mathematics, and machine-learning. We believe that consideration and implementation of passive symmetries might help machine learning in the same ways that it transformed physics in the twentieth century.Comment: substantial revision from v1; submitted to TML

    Data types with symmetries and polynomial functors over groupoids

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    Polynomial functors are useful in the theory of data types, where they are often called containers. They are also useful in algebra, combinatorics, topology, and higher category theory, and in this broader perspective the polynomial aspect is often prominent and justifies the terminology. For example, Tambara's theorem states that the category of finite polynomial functors is the Lawvere theory for commutative semirings. In this talk I will explain how an upgrade of the theory from sets to groupoids is useful to deal with data types with symmetries, and provides a common generalisation of and a clean unifying framework for quotient containers (cf. Abbott et al.), species and analytic functors (Joyal 1985), as well as the stuff types of Baez-Dolan. The multi-variate setting also includes relations and spans, multispans, and stuff operators. An attractive feature of this theory is that with the correct homotopical approach - homotopy slices, homotopy pullbacks, homotopy colimits, etc. - the groupoid case looks exactly like the set case. After some standard examples, I will illustrate the notion of data-types-with-symmetries with examples from quantum field theory, where the symmetries of complicated tree structures of graphs play a crucial role, and can be handled elegantly using polynomial functors over groupoids. (These examples, although beyond species, are purely combinatorial and can be appreciated without background in quantum field theory.) Locally cartesian closed 2-categories provide semantics for 2-truncated intensional type theory. For a fullfledged type theory, locally cartesian closed \infty-categories seem to be needed. The theory of these is being developed by D.Gepner and the author as a setting for homotopical species, and several of the results exposed in this talk are just truncations of \infty-results obtained in joint work with Gepner. Details will appear elsewhere.Comment: This is the final version of my conference paper presented at the 28th Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics (Bath, June 2012); to appear in the Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 16p

    Statistics of Feynman amplitudes in ϕ4\phi^4-theory

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    The amplitude of subdivergence-free logarithmically divergent Feynman graphs in ϕ4\phi^4-theory in 4 spacetime dimensions is given by a single number, the Feynman period. We numerically compute the periods of 1.3 million non-isomorphic completed graphs, this represents more than 31 million graphs contributing to the beta function. Our data set includes all primitive graphs up to 13 loops, and non-complete samples up to 18 loops, with an accuracy of ca. 4 significant digits. We implement all known symmetries of the period in a new computer program and count them up to 14 loops. We discover some combinations of symmetries that had been overlooked earlier, resulting in an overall slightly lower count of independent graphs than previously assumed. Using the numerical data, we examine the distribution of Feynman periods. We confirm the leading asymptotic growth of the average period with growing loop order. At high loop order, a limiting distribution is reached for the amplitudes near the mean. We construct two different models to approximate this distribution. A small class of graphs, most notably the zigzags, grows significantly faster than the mean and causes the limiting distribution to have divergent moments even when normalized to unit mean. We examine the relation between the period and various properties of the underlying graphs. We confirm the strong correlation with the Hepp bound, the Martin invariant, and the number of 6-edge cuts. We find that, on average, the amplitude of planar graphs is significantly larger than that of non-planar graphs, irrespective of O(N)O(N) symmetry. We estimate the primitive contribution to the 18-loop beta function of the O(N)O(N)-symmetric theory. We confirm that primitive graphs constitute a large part of the known asymptotics of the beta function in MS. However, we can not determine if they are, asymptotically, the only leading contribution.Comment: 59 pages, 70 figures, 17 table