33 research outputs found

    Arbitrarily high-order energy-preserving methods for simulating the gyrocenter dynamics of charged particles

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    Gyrocenter dynamics of charged particles plays a fundamental role in plasma physics. In particular, accuracy and conservation of energy are important features for correctly performing long-time simulations. For this purpose, we here propose arbitrarily high-order energy conserving methods for its simulation. The analysis and the efficient implementation of the methods are fully described, and some numerical tests are reported.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure

    A gyrokinetic model for the plasma periphery of tokamak devices

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    A gyrokinetic model is presented that can properly describe strong flows, large and small amplitude electromagnetic fluctuations occurring on scale lengths ranging from the electron Larmor radius to the equilibrium perpendicular pressure gradient scale length, and large deviations from thermal equilibrium. The formulation of the gyrokinetic model is based on a second order description of the single charged particle dynamics, derived from Lie perturbation theory, where the fast particle gyromotion is decoupled from the slow drifts, assuming that the ratio of the ion sound Larmor radius to the perpendicular equilibrium pressure scale length is small. The collective behavior of the plasma is obtained by a gyrokinetic Boltzmann equation that describes the evolution of the gyroaveraged distribution function and includes a non-linear gyrokinetic Dougherty collision operator. The gyrokinetic model is then developed into a set of coupled fluid equations referred to as the gyrokinetic moment hierarchy. To obtain this hierarchy, the gyroaveraged distribution function is expanded onto a velocity-space Hermite-Laguerre polynomial basis and the gyrokinetic equation is projected onto the same basis, obtaining the spatial and temporal evolution of the Hermite-Laguerre expansion coefficients. The Hermite-Laguerre projection is performed accurately at arbitrary perpendicular wavenumber values. Finally, the self-consistent evolution of the electromagnetic fields is described by a set of gyrokinetic Maxwell's equations derived from a variational principle, with the velocity integrals of the gyroaveraged distribution function explicitly evaluated

    ORB5: a global electromagnetic gyrokinetic code using the PIC approach in toroidal geometry

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    This paper presents the current state of the global gyrokinetic code ORB5 as an update of the previous reference [Jolliet et al., Comp. Phys. Commun. 177 409 (2007)]. The ORB5 code solves the electromagnetic Vlasov-Maxwell system of equations using a PIC scheme and also includes collisions and strong flows. The code assumes multiple gyrokinetic ion species at all wavelengths for the polarization density and drift-kinetic electrons. Variants of the physical model can be selected for electrons such as assuming an adiabatic response or a ``hybrid'' model in which passing electrons are assumed adiabatic and trapped electrons are drift-kinetic. A Fourier filter as well as various control variates and noise reduction techniques enable simulations with good signal-to-noise ratios at a limited numerical cost. They are completed with different momentum and zonal flow-conserving heat sources allowing for temperature-gradient and flux-driven simulations. The code, which runs on both CPUs and GPUs, is well benchmarked against other similar codes and analytical predictions, and shows good scalability up to thousands of nodes

    Guiding-center models for edge plasmas and numerical simulations of isolated plasma filaments

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    Long term analysis of splitting methods for charged-particle dynamics

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    In this paper, we rigorously analyze the energy, momentum and magnetic moment behaviours of two splitting methods for solving charged-particle dynamics. The near-conservations of these invariants are given for the system under constant magnetic field or quadratic electric potential. By the approach named as backward error analysis, we derive the modified equations and modified invariants of the splitting methods and based on which, the near-conservations over long times are proved. Some numerical experiments are presented to demonstrate these long time behaviours