5 research outputs found

    Differentially Testing Soundness and Precision of Program Analyzers

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    In the last decades, numerous program analyzers have been developed both by academia and industry. Despite their abundance however, there is currently no systematic way of comparing the effectiveness of different analyzers on arbitrary code. In this paper, we present the first automated technique for differentially testing soundness and precision of program analyzers. We used our technique to compare six mature, state-of-the art analyzers on tens of thousands of automatically generated benchmarks. Our technique detected soundness and precision issues in most analyzers, and we evaluated the implications of these issues to both designers and users of program analyzers

    Synthesizing Program Input Grammars

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    We present an algorithm for synthesizing a context-free grammar encoding the language of valid program inputs from a set of input examples and blackbox access to the program. Our algorithm addresses shortcomings of existing grammar inference algorithms, which both severely overgeneralize and are prohibitively slow. Our implementation, GLADE, leverages the grammar synthesized by our algorithm to fuzz test programs with structured inputs. We show that GLADE substantially increases the incremental coverage on valid inputs compared to two baseline fuzzers

    Enhancing active model learning with equivalence checking using simulation relations

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    We present a new active model-learning approach to generating abstractions of a system from its execution traces. Given a system and a set of observables to collect execution traces, the abstraction produced by the algorithm is guaranteed to admit all system traces over the set of observables. To achieve this, the approach uses a pluggable model-learning component that can generate a model from a given set of traces. Conditions that encode a certain completeness hypothesis, formulated based on simulation relations, are then extracted from the abstraction under construction and used to evaluate its degree of completeness. The extracted conditions are sufficient to prove model completeness but not necessary. If all conditions are true, the algorithm terminates, returning a system overapproximation. A condition falsification may not necessarily correspond to missing system behaviour in the abstraction. This is resolved by applying model checking to determine whether it corresponds to any concrete system trace. If so, the new concrete trace is used to iteratively learn new abstractions, until all extracted completeness conditions are true. To evaluate the approach, we reverse-engineer a set of publicly available Simulink Stateflow models from their C implementations. Our algorithm generates an equivalent model for 98% of the Stateflow models

    Using contexts to extract models from code

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    Behaviour models facilitate the understanding and analysis of software systems by providing an abstract view of their behaviours and also by enabling the use of validation and verification techniques to detect errors. However, depending on the size and complexity of these systems, constructing models may not be a trivial task, even for experienced developers. Model extraction techniques can automatically obtain models from existing code, thus reducing the effort and expertise required of engineers and helping avoid errors often present in manually constructed models. Existing approaches for model extraction often fail to produce faithful models, either because they only consider static information, which may include infeasible behaviours, or because they are based only on dynamic information, thus relying on observed executions, which usually results in incomplete models. This paper describes a model extraction approach based on the concept of contexts, which are abstractions of concrete states of a program, combining static and dynamic information. Contexts merge some of the advantages of using either type of information and, by their combination, can overcome some of their problems. The approach is partially implemented by a tool called LTS Extractor, which translates information collected from execution traces produced by instrumented Java code to labelled transition systems (LTS), which can be analysed in an existing verification tool. Results from case studies are presented and discussed, showing that, considering a certain level of abstraction and a set of execution traces, the produced models are correct descriptions of the programs from which they were extracted. Thus, they can be used for a variety of analyses, such as program understanding, validation, verification, and evolution