966 research outputs found

    Solid-Liquid Composites for Soft Multifunctional Materials

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    Soft materials with a liquid component are an emerging paradigm in materials design. The incorporation of a liquid phase, such as water, liquid metals, or complex fluids, into solid materials imparts unique properties and characteristics that emerge as a result of the dramatically different properties of the liquid and solid. Especially in recent years, this has led to the development and study of a range of novel materials with new functional responses, with applications in topics including soft electronics, soft robotics, 3D printing, wet granular systems and even in cell biology. Here we provide a review of solid-liquid composites, broadly defined as a material system with at least one, phase-separated liquid component, and discuss their morphology and fabrication approaches, their emergent mechanical properties and functional response, and the broad range of their applications

    Tailoring solid-liquid interactions to control droplet wetting and dynamics

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    2019 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Recent advances in micro/nano-scale fabrication techniques and synthesis of novel chemicals with a variety of functionalities have opened up new avenues in tailoring solid-liquid interactions. In this work, by systematically tuning the wettability and slipperiness of solid surfaces, we developed a multitude of novel surfaces and strategies. First, we developed metamorphic superomniphobic surfaces that display wetting transition in response to heat. Second, we systematically studied the dynamics of droplets of various liquids during coalescence-induced jumping on textured super-repellent surfaces. Third, we developed a simple and passive strategy consisting of superomniphobic surfaces with a protruding macrotexture to demonstrate coalescence-induced jumping with significantly higher energy conversion efficiency, compared to state-of-the-art surfaces. Fourth, we developed a simple "grafting to" technique to fabricate a novel non-textured hydrophilic surface that is counterintuitively slippery with unprecedented potential to enhance the heat transfer coefficient in dropwise condensation. Fifth, we developed a novel triboelectric-based droplet manipulation technique on smooth hydrophobic slippery surfaces that is very simple without any complex fabrication of manipulation platform or expensive actuation system. Overall, the novel surfaces and strategies developed in this work have significant implications for phase-change heat transfer, liquid transportation, anti-fouling, self-cleaning, drag reduction, corrosion control, and manipulation of liquid droplets

    Principles of microfluidic actuation by modulation of surface stresses

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    Development and optimization of multifunctional devices for fluidic manipulation of films, drops, and bubbles require detailed understanding of interfacial phenomena and microhydrodynamic flows. Systems are distinguished by a large surface to volume ratio and flow at small Reynolds, capillary, and Bond numbers are strongly influenced by boundary effects and therefore amenable to control by a variety of surface treatments and surface forces. We review the principles underlying common techniques for actuation of droplets and films on homogeneous, chemically patterned, and topologically textured surfaces by modulation of normal or shear stresses

    Functional Liquid Crystal Polymer Surfaces with Switchable Topographies

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    Surface coatings, as interfaces between functional devices and targeted objects, are critical in the performance of functional devices. Switchable topographies bring opportunities to regulate the functionality of surfaces, ranging from morphing and controllable friction to object lifting and debris removal. Various responsive materials have been investigated to develop switchable surfaces, among which liquid crystal (LC) polymers are attractive candidates due to their anisotropic properties. Herein, focus is put on recent reports of switchable surfaces made of LC polymers. The principle of actuation of LC polymer–based switchable surfaces is introduced, with following exemplary applications derived from these responsive surfaces in the field of surface morphing, switchable surface friction, and moving/lifting of objects. Finally, future possible applications of and challenges in using dynamic coatings with switchable surface topographies are discussed.</p

    Tuning the interaction of droplets with liquid-repellent surfaces: fundamentals and applications

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    2018 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.Liquid-repellent surfaces can be broadly classified as non-textured surfaces (e.g., smooth slippery surfaces on which droplets can slide easily) and textured surfaces (e.g., super-repellent surfaces on which liquid droplets can bead up and roll off easily). The liquid repellency of smooth slippery surfaces can be adjusted by tuning the surface chemistry. The liquid repellency of super-repellent surfaces can be adjusted by tuning the surface chemistry and surface texture. In this work, by systematically tuning the surface chemistry and surface texture and consequently the surface wettability of solid surfaces, the interaction of droplets of various liquids on liquid-repellent surfaces has been investigated. Based on this understanding, the following phenomena/applications have been investigated/developed: (i New methodology to sort liquid droplets based on their surface tension: By tuning the surface chemistry and surface texture of solid surfaces, we tuned the mobility of liquids with different surface tension on super-repellent surfaces. Utilizing this, we fabricated a simple device with precisely tailored domains of surface chemistry that can sort droplets by surface tension. (ii) New approach to detect the quality of fuel blends: By tuning the surface chemistry of solid surfaces, we investigated the interaction of fuel blends with liquid-repellent surfaces. Based on the understanding gained, we fabricated a simple, field-deployable, low-cost device to rapidly detect the quality of fuel blends by sensing their surface tension with significantly improved resolution. (iii) Novel materials with improved hemocompatibility: By systematically tuning the surface chemistry and surface texture and consequently the surface wettability of solid surfaces, we investigated the interaction of blood with super-repellent surfaces. Based on the understanding gained, we fabricated super-repellent surfaces with enhanced hemocompatibility. (iv) Advanced understanding of droplet splitting upon impacting a macroscopic ridge: By systematically tuning the ridge geometry, we investigated the interaction of impacting water droplets with super-repellent ridges. Based on the understanding gained, we demonstrated the scaling law for predicting the height from which water droplets should fall under gravity onto a super-repellent ridge for them to split into two smaller droplets

    Solvent-Free High-Temperature Capillary Stamping of Stimuli-Responsive Polymers: Wettability Management by Orthogonal Substrate Functionalization

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    The wettability of surfaces determines their antifouling, antifogging, anti-icing, and self-cleaning properties as well as their usability for sensing, oil-water separation, water collection, and water purification. Solvent-free high-temperature capillary stamping of stimuli-responsive polymers yielding arrays of stimuli-responsive polymer microdots on differently modified substrates enables the flexible generation of switchable surfaces with different water contact angles (WCAs). Potential problems associated with the deposition of polymer solutions, such as the handling of volatile organic solvents, phase separation induced by solvent evaporation, and capillarity-driven flow processes, are circumvented. We used composite stamps with topographically patterned contact surfaces consisting of metallic nickel cores and porous MnO2 coatings taking up the stimuli-responsive polymers. The short transport paths from the MnO2 contact layers to the counterpart substrates enabled the stamping of polymer melts containing components impeding flow, such as carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Thus-obtained arrays of polymer-CNT hybrid microdots prevent problems associated with continuous coatings including delamination and crack propagation. Moreover, the range within which the properties of the stamped stimuli-responsive polymer microdots are switchable can be tuned by orthogonal substrate modification. As an example, we stamped hybrid microdots consisting of poly(2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl ferrocenecarboxylate) (PFcMA) and CNTs onto indium tin oxide (ITO) substrates. Coating the ITO substrates with a poly(ethylene oxide)-terminated silane shifted the WCAs obtained by switching the PFcMA between its oxidized and reduced states by nearly 50{\deg}

    Functional surface microstructures inspired by nature : From adhesion and wetting principles to sustainable new devices

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    In the course of evolution nature has arrived at startling materials solutions to ensure survival. Investigations into biological surfaces, ranging from plants, insects and geckos to aquatic animals, have inspired the design of intricate surface patterns to create useful functionalities. This paper reviews the fundamental interaction mechanisms of such micropatterns with liquids, solids, and soft matter such as skin for control of wetting, self-cleaning, anti-fouling, adhesion, skin adherence, and sensing. Compared to conventional chemical strategies, the paradigm of micropatterning enables solutions with superior resource efficiency and sustainability. Associated applications range from water management and robotics to future health monitoring devices. We finally provide an overview of the relevant patterning methods as an appendix

    Design of self-repairable superhydrophobic and switchable surfaces using colloidal particles

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    The design of functional materials with complex properties is very important for different applications, such as coatings, microelectronics, biotechnologies and medicine. It is also crucial that such kinds of materials have a long service lifetime. Unfortunately, cracks or other types of damages may occur during everyday use and some parts of the material should be changed for the regeneration of the initial properties. One of the approaches to avoid the replacement is utilization of self-healing materials. The aim of this thesis was to design a self-repairable material with superhydrophobic and switchable properties using colloidal particles. Specific goals were the synthesis of colloidal particles and the preparation of functional surfaces incorporated with the obtained particles, which would exhibit a repairable switching behavior and repairable superhydrophobicity. In order to achieve these goals, first, methods of preparation of simple and functional colloidal particles were developed. Second, the behavior of particles at surfaces of easy fusible solid materials, namely, paraffin wax or perfluorodecane, was investigated
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