972 research outputs found

    A sound you can touch

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    Jefferies and Blackwell collaborate on an on going practice based research named as A Sound you Can Touch, "woven sound" refers to the weaving of images from live sound. Incoming sound is digitised by the computer into a stream of left and right audio samples. In performance, sound is woven in real time; each image representing several seconds of sound. Woven sound emanating from saxophone multiphonics and bristles is projected so that the players' and the audience can see (and hear) the unfolding texture

    Managing Byzantine Robots via Blockchain Technology in a Swarm Robotics Collective Decision Making Scenario

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    While swarm robotics systems are often claimed to be highly fault-tolerant, so far research has limited its attention to safe laboratory settings and has virtually ignored security issues in the presence of Byzantine robots—i.e., robots with arbitrarily faulty or malicious behavior. However, in many applications one or more Byzantine robots may suffice to let current swarm coordination mechanisms fail with unpredictable or disastrous outcomes. In this paper, we provide a proof-of-concept for managing security issues in swarm robotics systems via blockchain technology. Our approach uses decentralized programs executed via blockchain technology (blockchain-based smart contracts) to establish secure swarm coordination mechanisms and to identify and exclude Byzantine swarm members. We studied the performance of our blockchain-based approach in a collective decision-making scenario both in the presence and absence of Byzantine robots and compared our results to those obtained with an existing collective decision approach. The results show a clear advantage of the blockchain approach when Byzantine robots are part of the swarm.Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (EU project BROS - DLV-751615

    Dronevision: An Experimental 3D Testbed for Flying Light Specks

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    Today's robotic laboratories for drones are housed in a large room. At times, they are the size of a warehouse. These spaces are typically equipped with permanent devices to localize the drones, e.g., Vicon Infrared cameras. Significant time is invested to fine-tune the localization apparatus to compute and control the position of the drones. One may use these laboratories to develop a 3D multimedia system with miniature sized drones configured with light sources. As an alternative, this brave new idea paper envisions shrinking these room-sized laboratories to the size of a cube or cuboid that sits on a desk and costs less than 10K dollars. The resulting Dronevision (DV) will be the size of a 1990s Television. In addition to light sources, its Flying Light Specks (FLSs) will be network-enabled drones with storage and processing capability to implement decentralized algorithms. The DV will include a localization technique to expedite development of 3D displays. It will act as a haptic interface for a user to interact with and manipulate the 3D virtual illuminations. It will empower an experimenter to design, implement, test, debug, and maintain software and hardware that realize novel algorithms in the comfort of their office without having to reserve a laboratory. In addition to enhancing productivity, it will improve safety of the experimenter by minimizing the likelihood of accidents. This paper introduces the concept of a DV, the research agenda one may pursue using this device, and our plans to realize one

    Spartan Daily, February 3, 2003

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    Volume 120, Issue 7https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/9803/thumbnail.jp

    Self-Assembly of Any Shape with Constant Tile Types using High Temperature

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    Inspired by nature and motivated by a lack of top-down tools for precise nanoscale manufacture, self-assembly is a bottom-up process where simple, unorganized components autonomously combine to form larger more complex structures. Such systems hide rich algorithmic properties - notably, Turing universality - and a self-assembly system can be seen as both the object to be manufactured as well as the machine controlling the manufacturing process. Thus, a benchmark problem in self-assembly is the unique assembly of shapes: to design a set of simple agents which, based on aggregation rules and random movement, self-assemble into a particular shape and nothing else. We use a popular model of self-assembly, the 2-handed or hierarchical tile assembly model, and allow the existence of repulsive forces, which is a well-studied variant. The technique utilizes a finely-tuned temperature (the minimum required affinity required for aggregation of separate complexes). We show that calibrating the temperature and the strength of the aggregation between the tiles, one can encode the shape to be assembled without increasing the number of distinct tile types. Precisely, we show one tile set for which the following holds: for any finite connected shape S, there exists a setting of binding strengths between tiles and a temperature under which the system uniquely assembles S at some scale factor. Our tile system only uses one repulsive glue type and the system is growth-only (it produces no unstable assemblies). The best previous unique shape assembly results in tile assembly models use O(K(S)/(log K(S))) distinct tile types, where K(S) is the Kolmogorov (descriptional) complexity of the shape S

    Spartan Daily, February 16, 2006

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    Volume 126, Issue 13https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/10213/thumbnail.jp
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