16 research outputs found

    Independence numbers of some double vertex graphs and pair graphs

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    The combinatorial properties of double vertex graphs has been widely studied since the 90's. However only very few results are know about the independence number of such graphs. In this paper we obtain the independence numbers of the double vertex graphs of fan graphs and wheel graphs. Also we obtain the independence numbers of the pair graphs, that is a generalization of the double vertex graphs, of some families of graphs.Comment: 17 pages. Minor changes in the proof

    Independence and matching numbers of some token graphs

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    Let GG be a graph of order nn and let k∈{1,
,n−1}k\in\{1,\ldots,n-1\}. The kk-token graph Fk(G)F_k(G) of GG, is the graph whose vertices are the kk-subsets of V(G)V(G), where two vertices are adjacent in Fk(G)F_k(G) whenever their symmetric difference is an edge of GG. We study the independence and matching numbers of Fk(G)F_k(G). We present a tight lower bound for the matching number of Fk(G)F_k(G) for the case in which GG has either a perfect matching or an almost perfect matching. Also, we estimate the independence number for bipartite kk-token graphs, and determine the exact value for some graphs.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures. Third version is a major revision. Some proofs were corrected or simplified. New references adde

    The packing number of the double vertex graph of the path graph

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    Neil Sloane showed that the problem of determine the maximum size of a binary code of constant weight 2 that can correct a single adjacent transposition is equivalent to finding the packing number of a certain graph. In this paper we solve this open problem by finding the packing number of the double vertex graph (2-token graph) of a path graph. This double vertex graph is isomorphic to the Sloane's graph. Our solution implies a conjecture of Rob Pratt about the ordinary generating function of sequence A085680.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures. V2: 22 pages, more figures added. V3. minor corrections based on referee's comments. One figure corrected. The title "On an error correcting code problem" has been change

    Some results on the laplacian spectra of Token graphs

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    This version of the contribution has been accepted for publication, after peer review but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-83823-2_11. Use of this Accepted Version is subject to the publisher's Accepted Manuscript terms of use http://www.spingernature.com/gp/open-research/policies/accepted-manuscript-terms.We study the Laplacian spectrum of token graphs, also called symmetric powers of graphs. The k-token graph Fk(G) of a graph G is the graph whose vertices are the k-subsets of vertices from G, two of which being adjacent whenever their symmetric difference is a pair of adjacent vertices in G. In this work, we give a relationship between the Laplacian spectra of any two token graphs of a given graph. In particular, we show that, for any integers h and k such that 1=h=k=n2 , the Laplacian spectrum of Fh(G) is contained in the Laplacian spectrum of Fk(G) . Besides, we obtain a relationship between the spectra of the k-token graph of G and the k-token graph of its complement GÂŻÂŻÂŻÂŻ . This generalizes a well-known property for Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs to token graphs.The research of C. DalfÂŽo and M. A. Fiol has been partially supported by AGAUR from the Catalan Government under project 2017SGR1087 and by MICINN from the Spanish Government under project PGC2018-095471-B-I00. The research of C. DalfÂŽo has also been supported by MICINN from the Spanish Government under project MTM2017-83271-R. The research of C. Huemer was supported by PID2019-104129GBI00/ AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and Gen. Cat. DGR 2017SGR1336. F. J. Zaragoza MartŽınez acknowledges the support of the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt) and its National System of Researchers (SNI). This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 734922.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    On the spectra and spectral radii of token graphs

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    Let GG be a graph on nn vertices. The kk-token graph (or symmetric kk-th power) of GG, denoted by Fk(G)F_k(G) has as vertices the (nk){n\choose k} kk-subsets of vertices from GG, and two vertices are adjacent when their symmetric difference is a pair of adjacent vertices in GG. In particular, Fk(Kn)F_k(K_n) is the Johnson graph J(n,k)J(n,k), which is a distance-regular graph used in coding theory. In this paper, we present some results concerning the (adjacency and Laplacian) spectrum of Fk(G)F_k(G) in terms of the spectrum of GG. For instance, when GG is walk-regular, an exact value for the spectral radius ρ\rho (or maximum eigenvalue) of Fk(G)F_k(G) is obtained. When GG is distance-regular, other eigenvalues of its 22-token graph are derived using the theory of equitable partitions. A generalization of Aldous' spectral gap conjecture (which is now a theorem) is proposed

    Independence and matching number for some token graphs

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    Let G be a graph of order n and let k ∈ {1, . . . , n−1}. The k-token graph Fk(G) of G is the graph whose vertices are the k-subsets of V (G), where two vertices are adjacent in Fk(G) whenever their symmetric difference is an edge of G. We study the independence and matching numbers of Fk(G). We present a tight lower bound for the matching number of Fk(G) for the case in which G has either a perfect matching or an almost perfect matching. Also, we estimate the independence number for bipartite ktoken graphs, and determine the exact value for some graphs

    The automorphism groups of some token graphs

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    In this paper we obtain the automorphism groups of the token graphs of some graphs. In particular we obtain the automorphism group of the kk-token graph of the path graph PnP_n, for n≠2kn\neq 2k. Also, we obtain the automorphism group of the 22-token graph of the following graphs: cycle, star, fan and wheel graphs.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    On the Laplacian spectra of token graphs

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    We study the Laplacian spectrum of token graphs, also called symmetric powers of graphs. The k-token graph Fk(G) of a graph G is the graph whose vertices are the k-subsets of vertices from G, two of which being adjacent whenever their symmetric difference is a pair of adjacent vertices in G. In this paper, we give a relationship between the Laplacian spectra of any two token graphs of a given graph. In particular, we show that, for any integers h and k such that 1 ≀ h ≀ k ≀ n 2 , the Laplacian spectrum of Fh(G) is contained in the Laplacian spectrum of Fk(G). We also show that the doubled odd graphs and doubled Johnson graphs can be obtained as token graphs of the complete graph Kn and the star Sn = K1,n−1, respectively. Besides, we obtain a relationship between the spectra of the k-token graph of G and the k-token graph of its complement G. This generalizes to tokens graphs a wellknown property stating that the Laplacian eigenvalues of G are closely related to the Laplacian eigenvalues of G. Finally, the doubled odd graphs and doubled Johnson graphs provide two infinite families, together with some others, in which the algebraic connectivities of the original graph and its token graph coincide. Moreover, we conjecture that this is the case for any graph G and its token graph.This research of C. DalfĂł and M.A. Fiol has been partially supported by AGAUR from the Catalan Government under project 017SGR1087 and by MICINN from the Spanish Government under project PGC2018-095471-B-I00. The research of C. DalfĂł has also been supported by MICINN from the Spanish Government under project MTM2017-83271-R. The research of C. Huemer was supported by MICINN from the Spanish Government under project PID2019-104129GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and AGAUR from the Catalan Government under project 017SGR1336. F.J. Zaragoza MartĂ­nez acknowledges the support of the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt) and its National System of Researchers (SNI). This research has also received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie SkƂodowska-Curie grant agreement No 73492