18 research outputs found

    A Change-Detection based Framework for Piecewise-stationary Multi-Armed Bandit Problem

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    The multi-armed bandit problem has been extensively studied under the stationary assumption. However in reality, this assumption often does not hold because the distributions of rewards themselves may change over time. In this paper, we propose a change-detection (CD) based framework for multi-armed bandit problems under the piecewise-stationary setting, and study a class of change-detection based UCB (Upper Confidence Bound) policies, CD-UCB, that actively detects change points and restarts the UCB indices. We then develop CUSUM-UCB and PHT-UCB, that belong to the CD-UCB class and use cumulative sum (CUSUM) and Page-Hinkley Test (PHT) to detect changes. We show that CUSUM-UCB obtains the best known regret upper bound under mild assumptions. We also demonstrate the regret reduction of the CD-UCB policies over arbitrary Bernoulli rewards and Yahoo! datasets of webpage click-through rates.Comment: accepted by AAAI 201

    A Decentralized Communication Policy for Multi Agent Multi Armed Bandit Problems

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    This paper proposes a novel policy for a group of agents to, individually as well as collectively, solve a multi armed bandit (MAB) problem. The policy relies solely on the information that an agent has obtained through sampling of the options on its own and through communication with neighbors. The option selection policy is based on an Upper Confidence Based (UCB) strategy while the communication strategy that is proposed forces agents to communicate with other agents who they believe are most likely to be exploring than exploiting. The overall strategy is shown to significantly outperform an independent Erd\H{o}s-R\'{e}nyi (ER) graph based random communication policy. The policy is shown to be cost effective in terms of communication and thus to be easily scalable to a large network of agents.Comment: This is the full version of a preprint that will appear in the proceedings of the 2020 European Control Conference (ECC

    Satisficing in multi-armed bandit problems

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    Satisficing is a relaxation of maximizing and allows for less risky decision making in the face of uncertainty. We propose two sets of satisficing objectives for the multi-armed bandit problem, where the objective is to achieve reward-based decision-making performance above a given threshold. We show that these new problems are equivalent to various standard multi-armed bandit problems with maximizing objectives and use the equivalence to find bounds on performance. The different objectives can result in qualitatively different behavior; for example, agents explore their options continually in one case and only a finite number of times in another. For the case of Gaussian rewards we show an additional equivalence between the two sets of satisficing objectives that allows algorithms developed for one set to be applied to the other. We then develop variants of the Upper Credible Limit (UCL) algorithm that solve the problems with satisficing objectives and show that these modified UCL algorithms achieve efficient satisficing performance.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Contro