9,338 research outputs found

    Sure Screening for Gaussian Graphical Models

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    We propose {graphical sure screening}, or GRASS, a very simple and computationally-efficient screening procedure for recovering the structure of a Gaussian graphical model in the high-dimensional setting. The GRASS estimate of the conditional dependence graph is obtained by thresholding the elements of the sample covariance matrix. The proposed approach possesses the sure screening property: with very high probability, the GRASS estimated edge set contains the true edge set. Furthermore, with high probability, the size of the estimated edge set is controlled. We provide a choice of threshold for GRASS that can control the expected false positive rate. We illustrate the performance of GRASS in a simulation study and on a gene expression data set, and show that in practice it performs quite competitively with more complex and computationally-demanding techniques for graph estimation

    A Double Regression Method for Graphical Modeling of High-dimensional Nonlinear and Non-Gaussian Data

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    Graphical models have long been studied in statistics as a tool for inferring conditional independence relationships among a large set of random variables. The most existing works in graphical modeling focus on the cases that the data are Gaussian or mixed and the variables are linearly dependent. In this paper, we propose a double regression method for learning graphical models under the high-dimensional nonlinear and non-Gaussian setting, and prove that the proposed method is consistent under mild conditions. The proposed method works by performing a series of nonparametric conditional independence tests. The conditioning set of each test is reduced via a double regression procedure where a model-free sure independence screening procedure or a sparse deep neural network can be employed. The numerical results indicate that the proposed method works well for high-dimensional nonlinear and non-Gaussian data.Comment: 1 figur

    RANK: Large-Scale Inference with Graphical Nonlinear Knockoffs

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    Power and reproducibility are key to enabling refined scientific discoveries in contemporary big data applications with general high-dimensional nonlinear models. In this paper, we provide theoretical foundations on the power and robustness for the model-free knockoffs procedure introduced recently in Cand\`{e}s, Fan, Janson and Lv (2016) in high-dimensional setting when the covariate distribution is characterized by Gaussian graphical model. We establish that under mild regularity conditions, the power of the oracle knockoffs procedure with known covariate distribution in high-dimensional linear models is asymptotically one as sample size goes to infinity. When moving away from the ideal case, we suggest the modified model-free knockoffs method called graphical nonlinear knockoffs (RANK) to accommodate the unknown covariate distribution. We provide theoretical justifications on the robustness of our modified procedure by showing that the false discovery rate (FDR) is asymptotically controlled at the target level and the power is asymptotically one with the estimated covariate distribution. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first formal theoretical result on the power for the knockoffs procedure. Simulation results demonstrate that compared to existing approaches, our method performs competitively in both FDR control and power. A real data set is analyzed to further assess the performance of the suggested knockoffs procedure.Comment: 37 pages, 6 tables, 9 pages supplementary materia

    Variable selection in high-dimensional linear models: partially faithful distributions and the PC-simple algorithm

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    We consider variable selection in high-dimensional linear models where the number of covariates greatly exceeds the sample size. We introduce the new concept of partial faithfulness and use it to infer associations between the covariates and the response. Under partial faithfulness, we develop a simplified version of the PC algorithm (Spirtes et al., 2000), the PC-simple algorithm, which is computationally feasible even with thousands of covariates and provides consistent variable selection under conditions on the random design matrix that are of a different nature than coherence conditions for penalty-based approaches like the Lasso. Simulations and application to real data show that our method is competitive compared to penalty-based approaches. We provide an efficient implementation of the algorithm in the R-package pcalg.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure