818 research outputs found

    Selective Refinement Network for High Performance Face Detection

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    High performance face detection remains a very challenging problem, especially when there exists many tiny faces. This paper presents a novel single-shot face detector, named Selective Refinement Network (SRN), which introduces novel two-step classification and regression operations selectively into an anchor-based face detector to reduce false positives and improve location accuracy simultaneously. In particular, the SRN consists of two modules: the Selective Two-step Classification (STC) module and the Selective Two-step Regression (STR) module. The STC aims to filter out most simple negative anchors from low level detection layers to reduce the search space for the subsequent classifier, while the STR is designed to coarsely adjust the locations and sizes of anchors from high level detection layers to provide better initialization for the subsequent regressor. Moreover, we design a Receptive Field Enhancement (RFE) block to provide more diverse receptive field, which helps to better capture faces in some extreme poses. As a consequence, the proposed SRN detector achieves state-of-the-art performance on all the widely used face detection benchmarks, including AFW, PASCAL face, FDDB, and WIDER FACE datasets. Codes will be released to facilitate further studies on the face detection problem.Comment: The first two authors have equal contributions. Corresponding author: Shifeng Zhang ([email protected]

    Fusion of an Ensemble of Augmented Image Detectors for Robust Object Detection

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    A significant challenge in object detection is accurate identification of an object's position in image space, whereas one algorithm with one set of parameters is usually not enough, and the fusion of multiple algorithms and/or parameters can lead to more robust results. Herein, a new computational intelligence fusion approach based on the dynamic analysis of agreement among object detection outputs is proposed. Furthermore, we propose an online versus just in training image augmentation strategy. Experiments comparing the results both with and without fusion are presented. We demonstrate that the augmented and fused combination results are the best, with respect to higher accuracy rates and reduction of outlier influences. The approach is demonstrated in the context of cone, pedestrian and box detection for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) applications.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures, journal paper, MDPI Sensors, 201

    Fuzzy-NMS: Improving 3D Object Detection with Fuzzy Classification in NMS

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    Non-maximum suppression (NMS) is an essential post-processing module used in many 3D object detection frameworks to remove overlapping candidate bounding boxes. However, an overreliance on classification scores and difficulties in determining appropriate thresholds can affect the resulting accuracy directly. To address these issues, we introduce fuzzy learning into NMS and propose a novel generalized Fuzzy-NMS module to achieve finer candidate bounding box filtering. The proposed Fuzzy-NMS module combines the volume and clustering density of candidate bounding boxes, refining them with a fuzzy classification method and optimizing the appropriate suppression thresholds to reduce uncertainty in the NMS process. Adequate validation experiments are conducted using the mainstream KITTI and large-scale Waymo 3D object detection benchmarks. The results of these tests demonstrate the proposed Fuzzy-NMS module can improve the accuracy of numerous recently NMS-based detectors significantly, including PointPillars, PV-RCNN, and IA-SSD, etc. This effect is particularly evident for small objects such as pedestrians and bicycles. As a plug-and-play module, Fuzzy-NMS does not need to be retrained and produces no obvious increases in inference time

    Precise Single-stage Detector

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    There are still two problems in SDD causing some inaccurate results: (1) In the process of feature extraction, with the layer-by-layer acquisition of semantic information, local information is gradually lost, resulting into less representative feature maps; (2) During the Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) algorithm due to inconsistency in classification and regression tasks, the classification confidence and predicted detection position cannot accurately indicate the position of the prediction boxes. Methods: In order to address these aforementioned issues, we propose a new architecture, a modified version of Single Shot Multibox Detector (SSD), named Precise Single Stage Detector (PSSD). Firstly, we improve the features by adding extra layers to SSD. Secondly, we construct a simple and effective feature enhancement module to expand the receptive field step by step for each layer and enhance its local and semantic information. Finally, we design a more efficient loss function to predict the IOU between the prediction boxes and ground truth boxes, and the threshold IOU guides classification training and attenuates the scores, which are used by the NMS algorithm. Main Results: Benefiting from the above optimization, the proposed model PSSD achieves exciting performance in real-time. Specifically, with the hardware of Titan Xp and the input size of 320 pix, PSSD achieves 33.8 mAP at 45 FPS speed on MS COCO benchmark and 81.28 mAP at 66 FPS speed on Pascal VOC 2007 outperforming state-of-the-art object detection models. Besides, the proposed model performs significantly well with larger input size. Under 512 pix, PSSD can obtain 37.2 mAP with 27 FPS on MS COCO and 82.82 mAP with 40 FPS on Pascal VOC 2007. The experiment results prove that the proposed model has a better trade-off between speed and accuracy.Comment: We will submit it soon to the IEEE transaction. Due to characters limitation, we can not upload the full abstract. Please read the pdf file for more detai
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