6 research outputs found

    Real-Time Heart Pulse Monitoring Technique Using Wireless Sensor Network and Mobile Application

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) for healthcare have emerged in the recent years. Wireless technology has been developed and used widely for different medical fields. This technology provides healthcare services for patients, especially who suffer from chronic diseases. Services such as catering continuous medical monitoring and get rid of disturbance caused by the sensor of instruments. Sensors are connected to a patient by wires and become bed-bound that less from the mobility of the patient. In this paper, proposed a real-time heart pulse monitoring system via conducted an electronic circuit architecture to measure Heart Pulse (HP) for patients and display heart pulse measuring via smartphone and computer over the network in real-time settings. In HP measuring application standpoint, using sensor technology to observe heart pulse by bringing the fingerprint to the sensor via used Arduino microcontroller with Ethernet shield to connect heart pulse circuit to the internet and send results to the web server and receive it anywhere. The proposed system provided the usability by the user (user-friendly) not only by the specialist. Also, it offered speed andresults accuracy, the highest availability with the user on an ongoing basis, and few cost

    Context-aware system for cardiac condition monitoring and management: a survey

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    Health monitoring assists physicians in the decision-making process, which in turn, improves quality of life. As technology advances, the usage and applications of context-aware systems continue to spread across different areas in patient monitoring and disease management. It provides a platform for healthcare professionals to assess the health status of patients in their care using multiple relevant parameters. In this survey, we consider context-aware systems proposed by researchers for health monitoring and management. More specifically, we investigate different technologies and techniques used for cardiac condition monitoring and management. This paper also propose "mCardiac", an enhanced context-aware decision support system for cardiac condition monitoring and management during rehabilitation

    Dispositivos e sistemas de Telemonitorização: Panorama atual e tendências futuras

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    A prevalência de doenças crónicas está a aumentar a par do aumento da esperança média de vida ao nascimento. No futuro, o número de idosos e doentes crónicos será bastante elevada e em muitos casos os idosos serão também doentes crónicos e a patologia existirá em muitos casos em comorbidade. A par desta realidade, existirá um decréscimo de recursos de saúde o que leva à procura de soluções já hoje em dia para que no futuro sejam postas em prática de forma plena. Aliar a telemonitorização ao acompanhamento por parte dos profissionais de saúde a diversas doenças crónicas é já uma realidade, existindo no mercado mundial diversas ofertas de dispositivos e sistemas de telemonitorização utilizados em doenças como a Diabetes mellitus, Doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica (DPOC) e asma, Doença renal, Doenças tromboembólicas e Insuficiência cardíaca. Estes dispositivos e sistemas de telemonitorização apresentam uma solução para o problema crescente de incapacidade dos sistemas de saúde de dar resposta ao aumento de doentes crónicos. A massificação do uso dos dispositivos e sistemas de telemonitorização está dependente do seu aperfeiçoamento, sendo a falta de interoperabilidade de sistemas de apoio à saúde a maior falha nestes dispositivos e sistemas. A tendência futura passa pela incorporação desta capacidade nos dispositivos e sistemas de modo a massificar a sua utilização trazendo grandes vantagens tanto ao doente crónico como aos sistemas de saúde.The prevalence of chronic diseases is increasing along with the increase in the average life expectancy at birth. In the future, the number of the elderly and the chronically ill will be quite high and in many cases the elderly will also be chronically ill and the pathology will exist in many cases in Comorbidity. Alongside this reality, there will be a decrease in health resources, which leads to the research for solutions nowadays, so that they can be fully implemented in the future. Allying telemonitoring to the treatment of various chronic diseases is already a reality, and in the world market there are several offers of devices and telemonitoring systems used in diseases such as Diabetes mellitus, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma, Renal disease, Thromboembolic diseases and Heart failure. These devices and telemonitoring systems provide a solution for the growing problem of the inability of health systems in order to provide better protocols to react to the increase in chronic patients. The widespread use of telemonitoring devices and systems is dependent on their improvement, and the lack of interoperability of health support systems is the greatest failure in these devices and systems. The future trend is to combine this ability into devices and systems in order to improve their use, bringing great benefits to both the chronic patient and health systems

    Supporting Heart Failure Patients Through Personalized Mobile Health Monitoring

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