2 research outputs found

    Virtual Storytelling Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kegiatan Belajar di Rumah Anak Usia Dini Kota Salatiga

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    The role of Early Childhood Education is to provide optimal and appropriate facilities for children's growth and development. However, in the community there are many obstacles that occur in its implementation and application, especially in the current condition of the COVID-19 pandemic. All schools are closed and children have to study at home with limited social activities. The assignment given by the teachers is ineffective considering the various backgrounds of parents, so that not a few parents feel burdened by the learning method. Therefore, PG-PAUD UKSW captures this need as a form of aspiration that will be responded to by carrying out community service activities through virtual storytelling activities that can increase the variety of learning activities at home for early childhood amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Salatiga.Peran dan tugas dari Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini adalah memberikan fasilitas secara optimal dan tepat bagi tumbuh kembang anak. Tetapi, di masyarakat banyak kendala yang terjadi dalam pelaksanaan dan aplikasinya, terlebih dalam kondisi pandemi COVID-19 saat ini. Semua lembaga PAUD tutup dan anak-anak harus belajar di rumah keterbatasan interaksi sosial. Kegiatan dan penugasan yang diberikan guru dirasa belum efektif mengingat begitu beragam latar belakang orangtua, sehingga tak sedikit orangtua merasa terbeban dengan metode pembelajaran tersebut. Oleh karena itu PG-PAUD UKSW menangkap kebutuhan ini sebagai bentuk aspirasi yang akan direspon dengan dilakukannya kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat melalui kegiatan virtual storytelling yang dapat meningkatkan ragam kegiatan belajar di rumah pada anak usia dini di tengah pandemi COVID-19 di Salatiga

    Supporting Social Skills Rehabilitation with Virtual Storytelling

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    International audienceSocial skills training (SST) has recently emerged as a typical application for emotional conversational agents (ECA). While a number of prototypes have targeted the general population, fewer have been used for psychiatric patients despite the widely recognised potential of ECAs technologies in the field of mental health. Social cognition impairment is however a widely shared symptom in psychiatric patients suffering from pathologies such as schizophrenia. Going further than SST, rehabilitation programmes involving role-play, but also problem solving have been successfully used by clinicians, drastically improving the quality of life of patients suffering from such disabilities. One of the challenges of these programmes is to ensure that the patients will be able to adapt their behavior when the situation varies, rather than training them with the appropriate behavior for a set of specific situations. In this paper, we describe a novel approach for the development of a serious game supporting rehabilitation programmes for social skills, which will primarily target schizophrenia patients. We propose to use an ECA in combination with a narrative generation engine issued from interactive storytelling research to provide varied situations. This approach reflects the combination of both role-play and problem solving exercises on which remediation therapies rely, and has the potential to support patient’s progress and motivation through the rehabilitation programme. emerged as a typical application for emotional conversational agents (ECA)