11 research outputs found

    Application development with J2ME for mobile phone

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    With mobile commerce technology continuously being taken more into use and introduced in new markets, the transition to mobile commerce (m-commerce) will make mobile shopping exceedingly popular. In the near future mobile shopping will probably replace today's markets or shopping complex. This project presents a mobile application which is built using Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) of the Java 2 Platform Micro Edition (J2ME), that enable users to purchase flowers without a trip to the market or elsewhere. Users can access the application or service through mobile phones and view the available items. The application has been deployed and run on an emulator (Wireless Toolkit 2.5 Beta) with a DefaultColorPhone as the default emulator

    Integrated mobile electrocardiography

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    Abstract -Modern mobile electrocardiographic equipment converges various technologies which contribute to the speed of reaction in critical situations and contributes to the quality of life of the patient. Such convergence is valuable, but solutions are still immature and there are certain problems which should be solved before full implementation. This article describes one solution of integrated mobile electrocardiograph which comprises mobile ECG, global positioning system, UMTS/GPRS transfer of data and Web services for connection of distributed components. The system records electrocardiogram, detects rhythm anomalies and immediately alerts doctor sending critical ECG segment and location of the patient. The doctor can contact the patient and send nearest ambulance by the optimal route. The fact that system works in real time and locates the patient might be crucial in certain situations. It has excellent potential, but requires technical and organizational infrastructure which will support its functioning

    Prospective Analysis of the Mobile Health Information Systems in China

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    With the rapidly growing economy in the past few decades, people of China (mainland) are now enjoying increasingly more economic benefits than ever before. Of many growing technologies, mobile devices, especially cell phones, have been gaining popularity throughout the country. According to the latest statistics in 2007, more than one third of Chinese have cell phones. In addition to the basic uses of voice communication, cell phones have many other promising applications. Particularly, as a pervasive technology, mobile devices offer a great opportunity to deliver health information directly to people with an affordable cost. This paper analyzes the potential of mobile health information systems in China. This prospective analysis will be conducted from four important perspectives: technology, market demand, business model, and government policy

    SMS advertising - a critical review and future directions

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    The area of SMS advertising is relatively new and under-researched within marketing literature. SMS advertising itself is encompassed by the broader areas of M-Commerce and Mobile advertising, which are experiencing rapid growth. A review of literature surrounding the topic of SMS advertising has revealed the key drivers of consumer acceptance. While the broad drivers of acceptance are agreed upon in the literature, researchers disagree on the importance of each issue. This review also presents a summary of the key gaps within SMS advertising literature

    An Investigation of Marketing via Mobile Devices - Attitudes of Croatian Marketing Experts

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    Marketing activities supported by mobile devices offer great opportunities for direct communication with consumers without the barriers of time, place, location and other. This article explores opinions and expectations Croatian marketing experts have towards use of m-advertising and other available advertising media, where we take the perspective of marketing experts to predict the future of m-marketing and m-advertising in Croatia. The paper also discusses the relevance of m-advertising and investigates the future of m-marketing and m-advertising in Croatia. This research focuses mainly on understanding the potential and effectiveness of the use of mobile phones as a promotional medium, but we also try to recognize the level of concern of marketing experts associated with spam, relating to privacy intrusion and ethics components in m-advertising. Privacy and ethics concerns could create resistance to the adoption of m-advertising. Media selection becomes the most critical factor for the success of a promotional and advertising marketing campaign. Croatian experts still consider TV or newspapers the best way to reach a large number of potential consumers, but what are their expectations towards mobile advertising? To answer this question, we built a model that links attitudes towards advertising via classical media to the intention to use m-advertising

    Developing a Mobile-Commerce Financial Transaction Processing Model

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    The topic for this Master’s Thesis is selected in compliance with the guidelines to complete a Master of Science in Applied Computer Science at Columbus State University. The problem to be addressed by this thesis is to produce an open standard for an m-commerce financial transaction processing system based on current e-commerce standards and mobile technology. This solution was to be specifically designed to build upon the strengths of a mobile platform using current smartphone and tablet technology. An open source software stack in combination with a cloud computing solution was used to create a working example of the specification. Load testing and Denial of Service attack testing were completed to test the stability and capacity of the implementation. It was found that the initial implementation of the specification was able to accommodate a moderate level of concurrent transactions and connected users. It was also found that the system was brought down with a slow header denial of service attack, but was able to withstand a slowloris denial of service attack. An Android native application was built as a sample implementation of a mobile client for the system

    A Multi-Radio Interface for Dependable Body Area Network Communications

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    Body Area Networks (BANs) are emerging as a convenient option for patient monitoring. They have shown potential in improving health care services through a network of external or implanted biosensors and actuators collecting real-time physiological data. Advancements in wireless networking and sensor development are expediting the adoption of BANs. However, real-time patient monitoring still remains a challenge due to network failures and congestion. In order to improve channel loss resilience and thus link availability, a multi-radio systems approach is adopted incorporating Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. In this work, we propose a multi-radio interface designed for a BAN to improve end-to-end communications. A multi-radio BAN controller is introduced to interface between the two wireless protocols (Wi-Fi and Bluetooth), control inter-radio handovers, manage a shared transmission buffer, and overall, route data accordingly through the protocol stacks. Simulations are conducted to study the performance of the system by adjusting handover timing and its effect on link availability. Advancing a handover has the benefit of a higher throughput at the cost of an increase in power consumption and timing overhead. Furthermore, various human mobility models, AP placement arrangements, and network densities are simulated to evaluate the performance of the BAN multi-radio interface. Sparse networks were found to have the most gain from the addition of the secondary Bluetooth radio system, as primary AP coverage was already very limited. Simulation results for various combinations of simulation parameters are presented to illustrate the improvement in BAN dependability through a multi-radio interface

    The investigation of the impact of mobile technology “m-commerce” on the business success of African wax-prints: a case of Enugu, Nigeria.

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    Maters degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.African wax-print is a traditional attire worn in most parts of Africa, and has been around for over a century. It has been noted that most of the products are imported rather than locally produced. This has made them more expensive. The use of technological strategies has been exploited outside African continent to harness the business potential of African wax-prints and its social implication particularly in an African setup. This study explored the implications of m-commerce on the business success of African wax-prints. This investigation dwelled into technological modernization, consumer demands and network chains, and how these factors influence the business success of African wax-print. A quantitative survey of sample size of 384 randomly selected respondents was conducted. Respondents were individuals who have a minimum of two years’ experience on the trade of African wax-prints. Questionnaires were administered to the respondents in Enugu-North, Nigeria. Only 336 respondents, accounting for 87.5% responded to the questionnaire. Data obtained was analyzed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). The statistical analysis illustrated a number of significant relationships between the biographical data and various statements in the questionnaire. The results revealed that technological modernization, consumer demands and network chains positively influence the business success of African wax-print. The study further revealed that m commerce positively impacts the growth of business of African wax-prints in Enugu-North, Nigeria. A quest for stakeholders, both individuals and organizations, can collaborate to create a friendly mobile platform that enhances the consumer experience and the ease of promoting the business success of African wax-print. Furthermore, future studies can be conducted in other regional parts of Nigeria on African-wax prints. Future research can also consider researching other aspects of m-commerce such as m-logistics to improve the retailers experience in Enugu North, of Nigeria and other parts of Africa at large

    Consumer acceptance and response to SMS advertising

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    The rising market penetration of the mobile phone and rapid increase in wireless technology represent significant opportunities for advertisers to reach consumers. Mobile phone advertising has emerged as one of the fastest growing advertising mediums in recent times, and this rise is being led by Short Message Service (SMS) advertising. Despite the growing number of worldwide companies adopting SMS advertising, very little is understood about consumer reactions to this medium. In particular, little academic research has been conducted on consumers’ acceptance of this medium and their behavioural responses to advertising messages. In addition, researchers have thus far been unable to identify the impact of culture on acceptance and response to SMS advertising. This research aims to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and advertising practice by testing five potential drivers of consumer acceptance of SMS advertising as well as the relationships between the acceptance of SMS advertising, intention to receive SMS advertising and behavioural responses to SMS advertising. This research is conducted cross-nationally by comparing Australian and South Korean consumers.In order to test the hypotheses proposed in this study, a survey instrument was developed. This instrument consists of existing scales in the literature as well as a scale developed for the purpose of this study, which measures consumers’ behavioural responses to SMS advertising. Data were collected from 203 Australian and 207 South Korean consumers, from personal and online survey distribution at universities in Australia and South Korea. A series of regression analyses were conducted to test the relationships between the variables, with results compared across samples. The results from this study generally suggest that acceptance, intentions and responses to SMS advertising are similar for Australians and South Koreans. Consumers from the two samples agreed on the importance of four out of the five potential drivers of the acceptance of SMS advertising. The utility of SMS advertisements, context of SMS advertisements and attitudes to advertising in general were found to have a significant impact on the acceptance of either sample. Furthermore, trust in advertisers and laws was important to South Koreans but not to Australians. These results indicate that Australian and South Korean consumers are typically not accepting of SMS advertising, unwilling to receive advertisements and respond negatively to them, while the relationships between these variables are generally strong and consistent.The results from this study highlight the need for advertisers to design SMS advertisements carefully, containing information that is useful, contextually relevant and correctly targeted. In addition, marketers should focus on building relationships with customers and offer incentives to accept SMS advertising in order to improve negative behavioural responses. This study provides useful theoretical contributions to the field of SMS advertising, with an insight into the crosscultural impact of SMS advertising, the development of a new scale to measure behavioural responses to SMS advertising and the application of key marketing theories