16 research outputs found

    [[alternative]]An Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items with Stock-Dependent Demand and Time-Value of Money when Credit Period is Provided

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    [[alternative]]A Finite Time Horizon Inventory Model with Deterioration and Time-Value of Money under the Conditions of Permissible Delay in Payments

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    Coordinating a two-echelon supply chain under inflation and time value of money

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    In the current global economic scenario, inflation plays a vital role in deciding optimal pricing of goods in any business entity. This paper develops a two-echelon (manufacturer-buyer) supply chain model taking into account inflation and time value of money. The present value of the total cost of the supply chain is derived when the manufacturer produces a number of lots, the sum of which is equal to the buyer’s total demand over a time horizon and the manufacturer’s each production lot is delivered to the buyer in n shipments. The optimal solution of the model is obtained for a numerical example after some adjustments (required to exhibit feasibility) in the derived solution. Sensitivity analysis is also carried out in order to examine the effects of changes in model-parameters on the optimal solution

    Profit Maximizing Probabilistic Inventory Model under Trade Credit

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    In the classical EOQ models it has been considered that demand is deterministic but in many practical situations it is not possible to have a fixed demand. This study discusses the more realistic overview of demand, as in realistic situation  having dependent demand is difficult; it is possible only if you're supplying sub-assembly parts on contract basis. Therefore, this study considers stochastic demand. Here maximum demand is dependent on average yearly demand and prescribed demand function .Thus initial inventory level is taken to be maximum demand derived with the help of demand function and average demand.  Demand pattern considered in this model was proposed by Naddor (1966) in his book “Inventory Systems” with various realistic factors. The realistic factors considered are selling price is always greater than cost price, permissible delay in payments and even the optimality of profit equation has been checked. This study proves by optimality conditions that the profit maximization equations derived in this model help to maximize profit. Keywords: Probabilistic Demand, Trade Credit, Optimality, Convexity JEL Classifications:

    Influence of Inflation, Investment and Population growth rate on Supply Chain Performance and Economic Growth of Indonesia

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    Abstract-  Extensive literature is available on supply chain performance (SCP). “Most of the studies examined the relationship between SCP and firm performance in both developed as well as developing countries. However, researchers did not consider the effect of SCP on economic growth, particularly in Indonesian prospective. Therefore, the objective of this study is to examine the role of supply chain performance in the economic growth of Indonesia. To address the objective, data were collected from Indonesian economists. E mail survey was used, and questionnaires were distributed to collect the data. A total number of seven hypotheses were tested with the help of the structural equation modeling technique. The finding shows that inflation has an influence on SCP. Increases in inflation decrease the SCP. Moreover, investment growth rate and population growth rate also have an effect on SCP which has a contribution to the economic growth of Indonesia. Thus, the Indonesian government must boost supply chain to enhance economic growth

    Influence of Economic Indicators on Supply Chain: Evidence from Indonesian Fishing Industry

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    The supply chain dynamics has been broadly examined and experienced by the academes, industrialists as well as economists. However, still the literature is missing with the effect of economic indicators on supply chain practices, particularly in fishing industry. Therefore, the objective of the current study is to examine the role of economic indicators on supply chain in fishing industry of Indonesia. Fishing industry is one of the industries which is working from many centuries and now growing rapidly and considered to be the important element of economic growth in different countries like Indonesia. Six hypotheses were formulated with the help of previous studies, concerning the relationship between inflation rate, interest rate, human development index (HDI), gross domestic product (GDP) and supply chain. GDP was considered as the mediating variable. Managerial employees of fishing companies were selected as the respondents of this study. Primary data was collected by conducting the questionnaire survey. Total number of one hundred and ninety-six (196) response were received. These responses were analysed with the help of statistical software namely; Partial Least Square (PLS). It was found that economic indicators have influence on supply chain. Increases in inflation rate and interest rate decreases the supply chain. However, increases in HDI enhances the GDP and promote supply chain activities. Additionally, GDP is a mediating variable between HDI and supply chain which positively enhances the supply chain through HDI. Thus, study provides the clues for government to promote supply chain by controlling inflation and interest rate


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    Traditional model of inventory management only considering one aspect that is supplier or buyer. This inventory policy will cause optimal lot size which obtained profiting just one of the parties, supplier or buyer. Thereby, to party owning bargaining position and strong negotiation, of course, will be profited with that policy so that not give good cooperation among both. Traditional Inventory model ( EOQ and of EMQ) assume that existing product in stock not experience of damage/ deterioration until the product accepted by consumer. In a few product type, this not applicable assumption like food product, photography films, medicine, chemical product, electronic component, etc. Damage/ natural deterioration by the product, of course, will result loss to buyer. Traditional inventory model also assume the ordering cost of each optimal lot size the obtained is remain to. This imprecise assumption if amount of big enough ordered lot which exceeds capacities of transportation. So that optimal lot size is very influenced by capacities of transportation. This study expense nonlinear transportation cost in joint optimal inventory cycle model for deteriorating product. Supplier produce product in certain time, later; sent to buyer with amount of optimal lot size which depended to capacities of transportation. During staying in inventory of supplier, on the way, and in stock buyer, the product experience of damage/ deterioration with fast assumption of constant damage. Matematical modelling conducted to get optimal inventory cycle ( t*), with minimal total joint inventory cost between supplier and buyer with definite transportation capacities. Numeric example given to illustrated that model. Keywords : joint optimal inventory cycle, deterioration, nonlinear transportation cost, joint optimal lot size, total inventory cos