3 research outputs found

    Solving Problems of Interruptions and Multitasking in the Pharmacy of a Large Hospital Centre

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    This paper presents an approach to solving problems of interruptions and multitasking in inpatient pharmacy processes of a large hospital centre, which is based on statistical modelling and simulations. The approach is applied to the process of receiving deliveries (from suppliers) to determine the feasibility of improvements in the organization of work. In the initial phase of research, data on the deliveries from suppliers were collected during the time study and a typical daily load on the pharmacy staff and infrastructure in the current state was simulated. Subsequently, a new organizational model, which included two defined blocks of time for delivery, was suggested and three simulation scenarios were created to examine the effects of new organization of work on daily activities. Finally, a comparison of system constraints and results obtained by the simulation models confirmed the feasibility of the proposed improvements. By implementing the new organization of work, it will be possible to avoid overlapping in pharmacy processes, which will reduce interruptions to work and the need for multitasking and will finally result in fewer errors in work

    Segmentasi Supplier Menggunakan Metode K-Means Clustering (Studi Kasus : PTPN X PG Meritjan)

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    PTPN X Meritjan adalah sebuah perusahaan milik negara di bidang agribisnis yang berfokus pada pengolahan tebu menjadi gula yang nantinya akan dipasarkan di seluruh pelosok Indonesia. Perusahaan ini memiliki jumlah supplier yang lebih dari 500 supplier yang terdiri dari para petani tebu. Perusahaan telah menerapkan SRM sebagai bukti bahwa mereka telah memahami pentingnya supplier untuk proses bisnisnya. Akan tetapi, PTPN X Meritjan merasa bahwa SRM yang mereka lakukan belum mendapatkan dampak yang signifikan. Hal ini disebabkan karena perusahaan melakukan segmentasi supplier berdasarkan daerah para supplier tersebut tinggal, sehingga segmentasi tersebut belum menggambarkan keadaan supplier dan perusahaan dalam dunia nyata. Solusi untuk menangani masalah tersebut adalah dengan mengelompokkan dengan perilaku bisnis supplier yang dinamis. Supplier yang memiliki perilaku yang sama akan dikelompokan menjadi satu. Perilaku bisnis supplier dapat dilihat melalui frekuensi pengiriman, rentan waktu pembelian dan nilai barang dalam bentuk uang yang dapat disebut dengan Analisis RFM. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode K-Means Clustering untuk memproses hasil analisis RFM, dimana metode menghasilkan pengelompokan supplier dimana seorang supplier hanya akan masuk dalam satu kelompok saja. Luaran dari penelitian ini adalah berupa segmentasi supplier yang ditampilkan dalam visualisasi berbasis web yang diharapkan dapat membantu PTPN X Meritjan dalam melakukan segmentasi supplier untuk membuat strategi hubungan dengan tiap segmennya. Perusahaan memiliki derajat kepentingan yang berbeda untuk melakukan segmentasi, recency adalah 0.67, frequency 0.23 dan monetary 0.1. Segmentasi supplier yang dihasilkan terdiri dari 3 kelompok, dimana cluster 3 menjadi cluster yang terbaik berdasarkan kebutuhan perusahaan dengan nilai recency sebesar 156 hari, frequency pengiriman tebu sebanyak 4 kali dan nilai monetary sebesar Rp53,351,836. ======================================================================================================================== PTPN X PG Meritjan is one of state-owned enterprised in agribusiness that focused on processing sugarcane to sugar that will be distributed in all over country, PTPN X PG Meritjan have more than 500 sugarcan supplier which is sugarcane farmer itself. The company already applied SRM as one of evidence that they already acknowledging the importance of supplier in their business process. However, PTPN X PG Meritjan believe that what they already did haven’t give them a significant impact. This is caused by wrong supplier segmentation, they segmented the supplier by their residence and it can’t describe supplier and company circumtances in real life. Solution for this problem is to segment supplier by its dynamic business behavior. Supplier that have same behavior will be grouped into one group. Dynamic business behavior itself can be seen from its delivery frequency, delivery range time and the goods value in rupiah, or that usually called RFM Analysis.This research use K-Means clustering to compute RFM analysis result. K-Means will produce segmentation where the supplier belong to one and only segement. The outcome of this research supplier segmentation that will be presented in visualization with internet based and hopefully can help PTPN X PG Meritjan to segement the supplier for helping company to make the right strategy for communicating for each segment. The company has different importance degree for each RFM variables, recency is 0.67, frequency is 0.23 and monetary is 0.1. Supplier segmentation that generated from the data mining process consist 3 segments, whereas the best cluster is cluster number 3 with recency value is 156 days, the amount of sugarcane delivery is 4 times and its monetary value is Rp53,351,83