522 research outputs found

    TossingBot: Learning to Throw Arbitrary Objects with Residual Physics

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    We investigate whether a robot arm can learn to pick and throw arbitrary objects into selected boxes quickly and accurately. Throwing has the potential to increase the physical reachability and picking speed of a robot arm. However, precisely throwing arbitrary objects in unstructured settings presents many challenges: from acquiring reliable pre-throw conditions (e.g. initial pose of object in manipulator) to handling varying object-centric properties (e.g. mass distribution, friction, shape) and dynamics (e.g. aerodynamics). In this work, we propose an end-to-end formulation that jointly learns to infer control parameters for grasping and throwing motion primitives from visual observations (images of arbitrary objects in a bin) through trial and error. Within this formulation, we investigate the synergies between grasping and throwing (i.e., learning grasps that enable more accurate throws) and between simulation and deep learning (i.e., using deep networks to predict residuals on top of control parameters predicted by a physics simulator). The resulting system, TossingBot, is able to grasp and throw arbitrary objects into boxes located outside its maximum reach range at 500+ mean picks per hour (600+ grasps per hour with 85% throwing accuracy); and generalizes to new objects and target locations. Videos are available at https://tossingbot.cs.princeton.eduComment: Summary Video: https://youtu.be/f5Zn2Up2RjQ Project webpage: https://tossingbot.cs.princeton.ed

    Learning with Latent Language

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    The named concepts and compositional operators present in natural language provide a rich source of information about the kinds of abstractions humans use to navigate the world. Can this linguistic background knowledge improve the generality and efficiency of learned classifiers and control policies? This paper aims to show that using the space of natural language strings as a parameter space is an effective way to capture natural task structure. In a pretraining phase, we learn a language interpretation model that transforms inputs (e.g. images) into outputs (e.g. labels) given natural language descriptions. To learn a new concept (e.g. a classifier), we search directly in the space of descriptions to minimize the interpreter's loss on training examples. Crucially, our models do not require language data to learn these concepts: language is used only in pretraining to impose structure on subsequent learning. Results on image classification, text editing, and reinforcement learning show that, in all settings, models with a linguistic parameterization outperform those without

    New ideas and trends in deep multimodal content understanding: a review

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    The focus of this survey is on the analysis of two modalities of multimodal deep learning: image and text. Unlike classic reviews of deep learning where monomodal image classifiers such as VGG, ResNet and Inception module are central topics, this paper will examine recent multimodal deep models and structures, including auto-encoders, generative adversarial nets and their variants. These models go beyond the simple image classifiers in which they can do uni-directional (e.g. image captioning, image generation) and bi-directional (e.g. cross-modal retrieval, visual question answering) multimodal tasks. Besides, we analyze two aspects of the challenge in terms of better content understanding in deep multimodal applications. We then introduce current ideas and trends in deep multimodal feature learning, such as feature embedding approaches and objective function design, which are crucial in overcoming the aforementioned challenges. Finally, we include several promising directions for future research.Computer Systems, Imagery and Medi

    Your "Flamingo" is My "Bird": Fine-Grained, or Not

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    Whether what you see in Figure 1 is a "flamingo" or a "bird", is the question we ask in this paper. While fine-grained visual classification (FGVC) strives to arrive at the former, for the majority of us non-experts just "bird" would probably suffice. The real question is therefore -- how can we tailor for different fine-grained definitions under divergent levels of expertise. For that, we re-envisage the traditional setting of FGVC, from single-label classification, to that of top-down traversal of a pre-defined coarse-to-fine label hierarchy -- so that our answer becomes "bird"-->"Phoenicopteriformes"-->"Phoenicopteridae"-->"flamingo". To approach this new problem, we first conduct a comprehensive human study where we confirm that most participants prefer multi-granularity labels, regardless whether they consider themselves experts. We then discover the key intuition that: coarse-level label prediction exacerbates fine-grained feature learning, yet fine-level feature betters the learning of coarse-level classifier. This discovery enables us to design a very simple albeit surprisingly effective solution to our new problem, where we (i) leverage level-specific classification heads to disentangle coarse-level features with fine-grained ones, and (ii) allow finer-grained features to participate in coarser-grained label predictions, which in turn helps with better disentanglement. Experiments show that our method achieves superior performance in the new FGVC setting, and performs better than state-of-the-art on traditional single-label FGVC problem as well. Thanks to its simplicity, our method can be easily implemented on top of any existing FGVC frameworks and is parameter-free.Comment: Accepted as an oral of CVPR2021. Code: https://github.com/PRIS-CV/Fine-Grained-or-No
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