57,248 research outputs found

    MAMO: Masked Multimodal Modeling for Fine-Grained Vision-Language Representation Learning

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    Multimodal representation learning has shown promising improvements on various vision-language tasks. Most existing methods excel at building global-level alignment between vision and language while lacking effective fine-grained image-text interaction. In this paper, we propose a jointly masked multimodal modeling method to learn fine-grained multimodal representations. Our method performs joint masking on image-text input and integrates both implicit and explicit targets for the masked signals to recover. The implicit target provides a unified and debiased objective for vision and language, where the model predicts latent multimodal representations of the unmasked input. The explicit target further enriches the multimodal representations by recovering high-level and semantically meaningful information: momentum visual features of image patches and concepts of word tokens. Through such a masked modeling process, our model not only learns fine-grained multimodal interaction, but also avoids the semantic gap between high-level representations and low- or mid-level prediction targets (e.g. image pixels), thus producing semantically rich multimodal representations that perform well on both zero-shot and fine-tuned settings. Our pre-trained model (named MAMO) achieves state-of-the-art performance on various downstream vision-language tasks, including image-text retrieval, visual question answering, visual reasoning, and weakly-supervised visual grounding

    A Discriminative Representation of Convolutional Features for Indoor Scene Recognition

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    Indoor scene recognition is a multi-faceted and challenging problem due to the diverse intra-class variations and the confusing inter-class similarities. This paper presents a novel approach which exploits rich mid-level convolutional features to categorize indoor scenes. Traditionally used convolutional features preserve the global spatial structure, which is a desirable property for general object recognition. However, we argue that this structuredness is not much helpful when we have large variations in scene layouts, e.g., in indoor scenes. We propose to transform the structured convolutional activations to another highly discriminative feature space. The representation in the transformed space not only incorporates the discriminative aspects of the target dataset, but it also encodes the features in terms of the general object categories that are present in indoor scenes. To this end, we introduce a new large-scale dataset of 1300 object categories which are commonly present in indoor scenes. Our proposed approach achieves a significant performance boost over previous state of the art approaches on five major scene classification datasets

    Image classification by visual bag-of-words refinement and reduction

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    This paper presents a new framework for visual bag-of-words (BOW) refinement and reduction to overcome the drawbacks associated with the visual BOW model which has been widely used for image classification. Although very influential in the literature, the traditional visual BOW model has two distinct drawbacks. Firstly, for efficiency purposes, the visual vocabulary is commonly constructed by directly clustering the low-level visual feature vectors extracted from local keypoints, without considering the high-level semantics of images. That is, the visual BOW model still suffers from the semantic gap, and thus may lead to significant performance degradation in more challenging tasks (e.g. social image classification). Secondly, typically thousands of visual words are generated to obtain better performance on a relatively large image dataset. Due to such large vocabulary size, the subsequent image classification may take sheer amount of time. To overcome the first drawback, we develop a graph-based method for visual BOW refinement by exploiting the tags (easy to access although noisy) of social images. More notably, for efficient image classification, we further reduce the refined visual BOW model to a much smaller size through semantic spectral clustering. Extensive experimental results show the promising performance of the proposed framework for visual BOW refinement and reduction
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