6,285 research outputs found

    Adversarial Variational Embedding for Robust Semi-supervised Learning

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    Semi-supervised learning is sought for leveraging the unlabelled data when labelled data is difficult or expensive to acquire. Deep generative models (e.g., Variational Autoencoder (VAE)) and semisupervised Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have recently shown promising performance in semi-supervised classification for the excellent discriminative representing ability. However, the latent code learned by the traditional VAE is not exclusive (repeatable) for a specific input sample, which prevents it from excellent classification performance. In particular, the learned latent representation depends on a non-exclusive component which is stochastically sampled from the prior distribution. Moreover, the semi-supervised GAN models generate data from pre-defined distribution (e.g., Gaussian noises) which is independent of the input data distribution and may obstruct the convergence and is difficult to control the distribution of the generated data. To address the aforementioned issues, we propose a novel Adversarial Variational Embedding (AVAE) framework for robust and effective semi-supervised learning to leverage both the advantage of GAN as a high quality generative model and VAE as a posterior distribution learner. The proposed approach first produces an exclusive latent code by the model which we call VAE++, and meanwhile, provides a meaningful prior distribution for the generator of GAN. The proposed approach is evaluated over four different real-world applications and we show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art models, which confirms that the combination of VAE++ and GAN can provide significant improvements in semisupervised classification.Comment: 9 pages, Accepted by Research Track in KDD 201

    Detection of Pathological HFO Using Supervised Machine Learning and iEEG Data

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    Epilepsy is the second most common neurological disorder and it affects approxi mately 50 million people worldwide. One of the main characteristics of this disorder is the presence of recurrent seizures which tend to be controlled through medication. Nonetheless, 20% of the patients with this disorder are resistant to drug treatment meaning that they need to go through alternative procedures

    MBrain: A Multi-channel Self-Supervised Learning Framework for Brain Signals

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    Brain signals are important quantitative data for understanding physiological activities and diseases of human brain. Most existing studies pay attention to supervised learning methods, which, however, require high-cost clinical labels. In addition, the huge difference in the clinical patterns of brain signals measured by invasive (e.g., SEEG) and non-invasive (e.g., EEG) methods leads to the lack of a unified method. To handle the above issues, we propose to study the self-supervised learning (SSL) framework for brain signals that can be applied to pre-train either SEEG or EEG data. Intuitively, brain signals, generated by the firing of neurons, are transmitted among different connecting structures in human brain. Inspired by this, we propose MBrain to learn implicit spatial and temporal correlations between different channels (i.e., contacts of the electrode, corresponding to different brain areas) as the cornerstone for uniformly modeling different types of brain signals. Specifically, we represent the spatial correlation by a graph structure, which is built with proposed multi-channel CPC. We theoretically prove that optimizing the goal of multi-channel CPC can lead to a better predictive representation and apply the instantaneou-time-shift prediction task based on it. Then we capture the temporal correlation by designing the delayed-time-shift prediction task. Finally, replace-discriminative-learning task is proposed to preserve the characteristics of each channel. Extensive experiments of seizure detection on both EEG and SEEG large-scale real-world datasets demonstrate that our model outperforms several state-of-the-art time series SSL and unsupervised models, and has the ability to be deployed to clinical practice
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