1,521 research outputs found

    Dissecting Supervised Contrastive Learning

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    Minimizing cross-entropy over the softmax scores of a linear map composed with a high-capacity encoder is arguably the most popular choice for training neural networks on supervised learning tasks. However, recent works show that one can directly optimize the encoder instead, to obtain equally (or even more) discriminative representations via a supervised variant of a contrastive objective. In this work, we address the question whether there are fundamental differences in the sought-for representation geometry in the output space of the encoder at minimal loss. Specifically, we prove, under mild assumptions, that both losses attain their minimum once the representations of each class collapse to the vertices of a regular simplex, inscribed in a hypersphere. We provide empirical evidence that this configuration is attained in practice and that reaching a close-to-optimal state typically indicates good generalization performance. Yet, the two losses show remarkably different optimization behavior. The number of iterations required to perfectly fit to data scales superlinearly with the amount of randomly flipped labels for the supervised contrastive loss. This is in contrast to the approximately linear scaling previously reported for networks trained with cross-entropy.Comment: ICML 2021 camera ready versio

    Unbiased Supervised Contrastive Learning

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    Many datasets are biased, namely they contain easy-to-learn features that are highly correlated with the target class only in the dataset but not in the true underlying distribution of the data. For this reason, learning unbiased models from biased data has become a very relevant research topic in the last years. In this work, we tackle the problem of learning representations that are robust to biases. We first present a margin-based theoretical framework that allows us to clarify why recent contrastive losses (InfoNCE, SupCon, etc.) can fail when dealing with biased data. Based on that, we derive a novel formulation of the supervised contrastive loss (epsilon-SupInfoNCE), providing more accurate control of the minimal distance between positive and negative samples. Furthermore, thanks to our theoretical framework, we also propose FairKL, a new debiasing regularization loss, that works well even with extremely biased data. We validate the proposed losses on standard vision datasets including CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and ImageNet, and we assess the debiasing capability of FairKL with epsilon-SupInfoNCE, reaching state-of-the-art performance on a number of biased datasets, including real instances of biases in the wild.Comment: Accepted at ICLR 202

    Bayesian Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning

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    Recent years have witnessed many successful applications of contrastive learning in diverse domains, yet its self-supervised version still remains many exciting challenges. As the negative samples are drawn from unlabeled datasets, a randomly selected sample may be actually a false negative to an anchor, leading to incorrect encoder training. This paper proposes a new self-supervised contrastive loss called the BCL loss that still uses random samples from the unlabeled data while correcting the resulting bias with importance weights. The key idea is to design the desired sampling distribution for sampling hard true negative samples under the Bayesian framework. The prominent advantage lies in that the desired sampling distribution is a parametric structure, with a location parameter for debiasing false negative and concentration parameter for mining hard negative, respectively. Experiments validate the effectiveness and superiority of the BCL loss.Comment: 18 page

    Dictionary-Assisted Supervised Contrastive Learning

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    Text analysis in the social sciences often involves using specialized dictionaries to reason with abstract concepts, such as perceptions about the economy or abuse on social media. These dictionaries allow researchers to impart domain knowledge and note subtle usages of words relating to a concept(s) of interest. We introduce the dictionary-assisted supervised contrastive learning (DASCL) objective, allowing researchers to leverage specialized dictionaries when fine-tuning pretrained language models. The text is first keyword simplified: a common, fixed token replaces any word in the corpus that appears in the dictionary(ies) relevant to the concept of interest. During fine-tuning, a supervised contrastive objective draws closer the embeddings of the original and keyword-simplified texts of the same class while pushing further apart the embeddings of different classes. The keyword-simplified texts of the same class are more textually similar than their original text counterparts, which additionally draws the embeddings of the same class closer together. Combining DASCL and cross-entropy improves classification performance metrics in few-shot learning settings and social science applications compared to using cross-entropy alone and alternative contrastive and data augmentation methods.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, EMNLP 202

    Universum-inspired Supervised Contrastive Learning

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    As an effective data augmentation method, Mixup synthesizes an extra amount of samples through linear interpolations. Despite its theoretical dependency on data properties, Mixup reportedly performs well as a regularizer and calibrator contributing reliable robustness and generalization to deep model training. In this paper, inspired by Universum Learning which uses out-of-class samples to assist the target tasks, we investigate Mixup from a largely under-explored perspective - the potential to generate in-domain samples that belong to none of the target classes, that is, universum. We find that in the framework of supervised contrastive learning, Mixup-induced universum can serve as surprisingly high-quality hard negatives, greatly relieving the need for large batch sizes in contrastive learning. With these findings, we propose Universum-inspired supervised Contrastive learning (UniCon), which incorporates Mixup strategy to generate Mixup-induced universum as universum negatives and pushes them apart from anchor samples of the target classes. We extend our method to the unsupervised setting, proposing Unsupervised Universum-inspired contrastive model (Un-Uni). Our approach not only improves Mixup with hard labels, but also innovates a novel measure to generate universum data. With a linear classifier on the learned representations, UniCon shows state-of-the-art performance on various datasets. Specially, UniCon achieves 81.7% top-1 accuracy on CIFAR-100, surpassing the state of art by a significant margin of 5.2% with a much smaller batch size, typically, 256 in UniCon vs. 1024 in SupCon using ResNet-50. Un-Uni also outperforms SOTA methods on CIFAR-100. The code of this paper is released on https://github.com/hannaiiyanggit/UniCon.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Image Processin