3 research outputs found

    Software/Hardware Tradeoffs in the Speedup of Color Image Processing Algorithms

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    Data parallel image processing algorithms have numerous uses in many real time applications. Depending on the complexity of the computations involved, these algorithms may take considerable amounts of time to complete. Since the algorithms are performed in real time, the end user is negatively impacted by the extended execution times. Fortunately, there are many different ways available in hardware and software to improve the speed of these algorithms. This thesis looks at several different methods of improving the speedup of color image processing algorithms and compares the tradeoffs among them. The methods for increasing the execution time of an algorithm include implementing Single Input Multiple Data (SIMD) instructions, using Posix threads to code across several processors, and using a stream based multichannel framework to implement the algorithms on an FPGA. Each of the above methods had advantages and disadvantages, yet all approaches were found to introduce a significant speedup over the single core baseline tests. These methods were completed on a number of different images to examine the effects of workload on the efficiency of the implementations. The application of these speedup techniques yielded excellent results leading to speedups of greater than 3.85 times in software and 5.8 times in hardware. In each of the software tests, the output image had a 2-d correlation coefficient (CORR2) of 1.0000. When implementing the algorithms in hardware using implementation specific approximations, the correlation coefficient of the output image was still an acceptable 0.99 or higher

    Understanding microarchitectural effects on the performance of parallel applications

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    International audienceSince several years, classical multiprocessor systems have evolved to multicores, which tightly integrate multiple CPU cores on a single die or package. This technological shift leads to sharing of microarchitectural resources between the individual cores, which has direct implications on the performance of parallel applications. It consequently makes understanding and tuning these significantly harder, besides the already complex issues of parallel programming. In this work, we empirically analyze various microarchitectural effects on the performance of parallel applications, through repeatable experiments. We show their importance, besides the effects described by Amdahl's law and synchronization or communication considerations. In addition to the classification of shared resources into storage and bandwidth resources of Abel et al. [1], we view the physical temperature and power budget also as a shared resource. Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) over a wide range is needed to meet these constraints in multicores, thus it is a very important factor for performance nowadays. Our work aims to gain a better understanding of performance-limiting factors in high performance multicores, it shall serve as a basis to avoid them and to find solutions to tune parallel applications

    Minimisation des perturbations et parallélisation pour la planification et l'ordonnancement

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    Nous étudions dans cette thèse deux approches réduisant le temps de traitement nécessaire pour résoudre des problèmes de planification et d'ordonnancement dans un contexte de programmation par contraintes. Nous avons expérimenté avec plusieurs milliers de processeurs afin de résoudre le problème de planification et d'ordonnancement des opérations de rabotage du bois d'oeuvre. Ces problèmes sont d'une grande importance pour les entreprises, car ils permettent de mieux gérer leur production et d'économiser des coûts reliés à leurs opérations. La première approche consiste à effectuer une parallélisation de l'algorithme de résolution du problème. Nous proposons une nouvelle technique de parallélisation (nommée PDS) des stratégies de recherche atteignant quatre buts : le respect de l'ordre de visite des noeuds de l'arbre de recherche tel que défini par l'algorithme séquentiel, l'équilibre de la charge de travail entre les processeurs, la robustesse aux défaillances matérielles et l'absence de communications entre les processeurs durant le traitement. Nous appliquons cette technique pour paralléliser la stratégie de recherche Limited Discrepancy-based Search (LDS) pour ainsi obtenir Parallel Limited Discrepancy-Based Search (PLDS). Par la suite, nous démontrons qu'il est possible de généraliser cette technique en l'appliquant à deux autres stratégies de recherche : Depth-Bounded discrepancy Search (DDS) et Depth-First Search (DFS). Nous obtenons, respectivement, les stratégies Parallel Discrepancy-based Search (PDDS) et Parallel Depth-First Search (PDFS). Les algorithmes parallèles ainsi obtenus créent un partage intrinsèque de la charge de travail : la différence de charge de travail entre les processeurs est bornée lorsqu'une branche de l'arbre de recherche est coupée. En utilisant des jeux de données de partenaires industriels, nous avons pu améliorer les meilleures solutions connues. Avec la deuxième approche, nous avons élaboré une méthode pour minimiser les changements effectués à un plan de production existant lorsque de nouvelles informations, telles que des commandes additionnelles, sont prises en compte. Replanifier entièrement les activités de production peut mener à l'obtention d'un plan de production très différent qui mène à des coûts additionnels et des pertes de temps pour les entreprises. Nous étudions les perturbations causéees par la replanification à l'aide de trois métriques de distances entre deux plans de production : la distance de Hamming, la distance d'édition et la distance de Damerau-Levenshtein. Nous proposons trois modèles mathématiques permettant de minimiser ces perturbations en incluant chacune de ces métriques comme fonction objectif au moment de la replanification. Nous appliquons cette approche au problème de planification et ordonnancement des opérations de finition du bois d'oeuvre et nous démontrons que cette approche est plus rapide qu'une replanification à l'aide du modèle d'origine.We study in this thesis two approaches that reduce the processing time needed to solve planning and ordering problems in a constraint programming context. We experiment with multiple thousands of processors on the planning and scheduling problem of wood-finish operations. These issues are of a great importance for businesses, because they can better manage their production and save costs related to their operations. The first approach consists in a parallelization of the problem solving algorithm. We propose a new parallelization technique (named PDS) of the search strategies, that reaches four goals: conservation of the nodes visit order in the search tree as defined by the sequential algorithm, balancing of the workload between the processors, robustness against hardware failures, and absence of communication between processors during the treatment. We apply this technique to parallelize the Limited Discrepancy-based (LDS) search strategy to obtain Parallel Limited Discrepancy-Based Search (PLDS). We then show that this technique can be generalized by parallelizing two other search strategies: Depth-Bounded discrepancy Search (DDS) and Depth-First Search (DFS). We obtain, respectively, Parallel Discrepancy-based Search (PDDS) and Parallel Depth-First Search (PDFS). The algorithms obtained this way create an intrinsic workload balance: the imbalance of the workload among the processors is bounded when a branch of the search tree is pruned. By using datasets coming from industrial partners, we are able to improve the best known solutions. With the second approach, we elaborated a method to minimize the changes done to an existing production plan when new information, such as additional orders, are taken into account. Completely re-planning the production activities can lead to a very different production plan which create additional costs and loss of time for businesses. We study the perturbations caused by the re-planification with three distance metrics: Hamming distance, Edit distance, and Damerau-Levenshtein Distance. We propose three mathematical models that allow to minimize these perturbations by including these metrics in the objective function when replanning. We apply this approach to the planning and scheduling problem of wood-finish operations and we demonstrate that this approach outperforms the use of the original model