757 research outputs found

    Implications of fault current limitation for electrical distribution networks

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    This paper explores the potential future need for fault current limitation in the UK's power system, and some of the technical implications of this change. It is estimated that approximately 300-400 distribution substations will require fault current limitation, based on the statistical analysis of the projected fault level "headroom" (or violation). The analysis uses a UK electrical system scenario that satisfies the Government's target for an 80% cut in CO2 emissions by 2050. A case study involving the connection of distributed generation (DG) via a superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) is used to illustrate the potential protection and control issues. In particular, DG fault ride-through, autoreclosure schemes, and transformer inrush current can be problematic for SFCLs that require a recovery period. The potential solutions to these issues are discussed, such as the use of islanding or automation to reduce the fault level

    Supporting transient stability in future highly distributed power systems

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    Incorporating a substantial volume of microgeneration (consumer-led rather than centrally planed) within a system that is not designed for such a paradigm could lead to conflicts in the operating strategies of the new and existing centralised generation technologies. So it becomes vital for such substantial amounts of microgeneration among other decentralised resources to be controlled in the way that the aggregated response will support the wider system. In addition, the characteristic behaviour of such populations requires to be understood under different system conditions to ascertain measures of risk and resilience. Therefore, this paper provides two main contributions: firstly, conceptual control for a system incorporating a high penetration of microgeneration and dynamic load, termed a Highly Distributed Power System (HDPS), is proposed. Secondly, a technical solution that can support enhanced transient stability in such a system is evaluated and demonstrated

    Development and test of resistive superconducting fault current limiter; acting time and its recovery conditions

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    Resistive-type of superconducting fault current limiters (RSFCL) have been developed for medium voltage class aiming to operate at 1 MVA power capacity and short time recovery (< 2 s). A RSFCL in form of superconducting modular device was designed and constructed using 50 m-length of YBCO coated conductor tapes for operation under 1 kV / 1 kA and acting time of 0.1 s. In order to increase the acting time the RSFCL was combined with an air-core reactor in parallel to increase the fault limiting time up to 1 s. The tests determined the electrical and thermal characteristics of the combined resistive/ inductive protection unit. The combined fault current limiter reached a limiting current of 583 A, corresponding to a limiting factor of 3.3 times within an acting time of up to 1 s

    Application of multiple resistive superconducting fault-current limiters for fast fault detection in highly interconnected distribution systems

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    Superconducting fault-current limiters (SFCLs) offer several benefits for electrical distribution systems, especially with increasing distributed generation and the requirements for better network reliability and efficiency. This paper examines the use of multiple SFCLs in a protection scheme to locate faulted circuits, using an approach which is radically different from typical proposed applications of fault current limitation, and also which does not require communications. The technique, referred to as “current division discrimination” (CDD), is based upon the intrinsic inverse current-time characteristics of resistive SFCLs, which ensures that only the SFCLs closest to a fault operate. CDD is especially suited to meshed networks and particularly when the network topology may change over time. Meshed networks are expensive and complex to protect using conventional methods. Simulation results with multiple SFCLs, using a thermal-electric superconductor model, confirm that CDD operates as expected. Nevertheless, CDD has limitations, which are examined in this paper. The SFCLs must be appropriately rated for the maximum system fault level, although some variation in actual fault level can be tolerated. For correct coordination between SFCLs, each bus must have at least three circuits that can supply fault current, and the SFCLs should have identical current-time characteristics

    Current–time characteristics of resistive superconducting fault current limiters

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    Superconducting fault current limiters (SFCLs) may play an important role in power-dense electrical systems. Therefore, it is important to understand the dynamic characteristics of SFCLs. This will allow the behavior of multiple SFCLs in a system to be fully understood during faults and other transient conditions, which will consequently permit the coordination of the SFCL devices to ensure that only the device(s) closest to the fault location will operate. It will also allow SFCL behavior and impact to be taken into account when coordinating network protection systems. This paper demonstrates that resistive SFCLs have an inverse current-time characteristic: They will quench (become resistive) in a time that inversely depends upon the initial fault current magnitude. The timescales are shown to be much shorter than those typical of inverse overcurrent protection. A generic equation has been derived, which allows the quench time to be estimated for a given prospective fault current magnitude and initial superconductor temperature and for various superconducting device and material properties. This information will be of value to system designers in understanding the impact of SFCLs on network protection systems during faults and in planning the relative positions of multiple SFCLs

    Analysis of energy dissipation in resistive superconducting fault-current limiters for optimal power system performance

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    Fault levels in electrical distribution systems are rising due to the increasing presence of distributed generation, and this rising trend is expected to continue in the future. Superconducting fault-current limiters (SFCLs) are a promising solution to this problem. This paper describes the factors that govern the selection of optimal SFCL resistance. The total energy dissipated in an SFCL during a fault is particularly important for estimating the recovery time of the SFCL; the recovery time affects the design, planning, and operation of electrical systems using SFCLs to manage fault levels. Generic equations for energy dissipation are established in terms of fault duration, SFCL resistance, source impedance, source voltage, and fault inception angles. Furthermore, using an analysis that is independent of superconductor material, it is shown that the minimum required volume of superconductors linearly varies with SFCL resistance but, for a given level of fault-current limitation and power rating, is independent of system voltage and superconductor resistivity. Hence, there is a compromise between a shorter recovery time, which is desirable, and the cost of the volume of superconducting material needed for the resistance required to achieve the shorter recovery time

    Superconducting fault current limiter application in a power-dense marine electrical system

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    Power-dense, low-voltage marine electrical systems have the potential for extremely high fault currents. Superconducting fault current limiters (SFCLs) have been of interest for many years and offer an effective method for reducing fault currents. This is very attractive in a marine vessel in terms of the benefits arising from reductions in switchgear rating (and consequently size, weight and cost) and damage at the point of fault. However, there are a number of issues that must be considered prior to installation of any SFCL device(s), particularly in the context of marine applications. Accordingly, this study analyses several such issues, including: location and resistance sizing of SFCLs; the potential effects of an SFCL on system voltage, power and frequency; and practical application issues such as the potential impact of transients such as transformer inrush. Simulations based upon an actual vessel are used to illustrate discussions and support assertions. It is shown that SFCLs, even with relatively small impedances, are highly effective at reducing prospective fault currents; the impact that higher resistance values has on fault current reduction and maintaining the system voltage for other non-faulted elements of the system is also presented and it is shown that higher resistance values are desirable in many cases. It is demonstrated that the exact nature of the SFCL application will depend significantly on the vessel’s electrical topology, the fault current contribution of each of the generators, and the properties of the SFCL device, such as size, weight, critical current value and recovery time