5 research outputs found

    Long-range depth imaging using a single-photon detector array and non-local data fusion

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    The ability to measure and record high-resolution depth images at long stand-off distances is important for a wide range of applications, including connected and automotive vehicles, defense and security, and agriculture and mining. In LIDAR (light detection and ranging) applications, single-photon sensitive detection is an emerging approach, offering high sensitivity to light and picosecond temporal resolution, and consequently excellent surface-to-surface resolution. The use of large format CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) single-photon detector arrays provides high spatial resolution and allows the timing information to be acquired simultaneously across many pixels. In this work, we combine state-of-the-art single-photon detector array technology with non-local data fusion to generate high resolution three-dimensional depth information of long-range targets. The system is based on a visible pulsed illumination system at a wavelength of 670 nm and a 240 × 320 array sensor, achieving sub-centimeter precision in all three spatial dimensions at a distance of 150 meters. The non-local data fusion combines information from an optical image with sparse sampling of the single-photon array data, providing accurate depth information at low signature regions of the target

    Improving Business Processes by Applying the Kaizen Philosophy in a Macedonian Textile Company

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    This paper presents the research aimed at developing a solution for advancing of business processes in a Macedonian textile company, by implementing techniques and methods of the Kaizen philosophy. The main objective of the paper is to make a comprehensive analysis of the factors that enable the improvement of the overall production process, thus chieving greater effectiveness and efficiency in the production operations, as well as greater market competitiveness. The solutions were based on the concept of improving the efficiency of operations, especially in the area of organization of production operations, in a way that enabled complete elimination of errors, greater productivity and increased quality of the final product, within a precisely defined time frame. Additionally, the paper also shows the key elements from the implementation of the Kaizen hilosophy in the process of competitiveness improvement of the company

    Multitemporal and multispectral data fusion for super-resolution of Sentinel-2 images

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    Multispectral Sentinel-2 images are a valuable source of Earth observation data, however spatial resolution of their spectral bands limited to 10 m, 20 m, and 60 m ground sampling distance remains insufficient in many cases. This problem can be addressed with super-resolution, aimed at reconstructing a high-resolution image from a low-resolution observation. For Sentinel-2, spectral information fusion allows for enhancing the 20 m and 60 m bands to the 10 m resolution. Also, there were attempts to combine multitemporal stacks of individual Sentinel-2 bands, however these two approaches have not been combined so far. In this paper, we introduce DeepSent -- a new deep network for super-resolving multitemporal series of multispectral Sentinel-2 images. It is underpinned with information fusion performed simultaneously in the spectral and temporal dimensions to generate an enlarged multispectral image. In our extensive experimental study, we demonstrate that our solution outperforms other state-of-the-art techniques that realize either multitemporal or multispectral data fusion. Furthermore, we show that the advantage of DeepSent results from how these two fusion types are combined in a single architecture, which is superior to performing such fusion in a sequential manner. Importantly, we have applied our method to super-resolve real-world Sentinel-2 images, enhancing the spatial resolution of all the spectral bands to 3.3 m nominal ground sampling distance, and we compare the outcome with very high-resolution WorldView-2 images. We will publish our implementation upon paper acceptance, and we expect it will increase the possibilities of exploiting super-resolved Sentinel-2 images in real-life applications.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensin