11 research outputs found

    Super-resolving multiresolution images with band-independant geometry of multispectral pixels

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    A new resolution enhancement method is presented for multispectral and multi-resolution images, such as these provided by the Sentinel-2 satellites. Starting from the highest resolution bands, band-dependent information (reflectance) is separated from information that is common to all bands (geometry of scene elements). This model is then applied to unmix low-resolution bands, preserving their reflectance, while propagating band-independent information to preserve the sub-pixel details. A reference implementation is provided, with an application example for super-resolving Sentinel-2 data.Comment: Source code with a ready-to-use script for super-resolving Sentinel-2 data is available at http://nicolas.brodu.net/recherche/superres

    3-D deconvolution of hyper-spectral astronomical data

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    In this paper we present a general forward fitting method for multichannel image restoration based on regularized chi2. We introduce separable regularizations that account for the dynamic of the model and take advantage of the continuities present in the data, leaving only two hyper-parameters to tune. We illustrate a practical implementation of this method in the context of host galaxy subtraction for the Nearby SuperNova factory. We show that the image restoration obtained fulfills the stringent requirements on bias and photometricity needed by this program. The reconstruction yields sub-percent integrated residuals in all the synthetic filters considered both on real and simulated data. Even though our implementation is tied to the SNfactory data, the method translates to any hyper-spectral data. As such, it is of direct relevance to several new generation instruments like MUSE. Also, this technique could be applied to multi-band astronomical imaging for which image reconstruction is important, for example to increase image resolution for weak lensing surveys.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    H-RNet: hybrid rlation network for few-shot learning-based hyperspectral image classification.

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    Deep network models rely on sufficient training samples to perform reasonably well, which has inevitably constrained their application in classification of hyperspectral images (HSIs) due to the limited availability of labeled data. To tackle this particular challenge, we propose a hybrid relation network, H-RNet, by combining three-dimensional (3-D) convolution neural networks (CNN) and two-dimensional (2-D) CNN to extract the spectral–spatial features whilst reducing the complexity of the network. In an end-to-end relation learning module, the sample pairing approach can effectively alleviate the problem of few labeled samples and learn correlations between samples more accurately for more effective classification. Experimental results on three publicly available datasets have fully demonstrated the superior performance of the proposed model in comparison to a few state-of-the-art methods

    Super-Resolution of Multispectral Images

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    In this paper we propose and analyze a globally and locally adaptive super-resolution Bayesian methodology for pansharpening of multispectral images. The methodology incorporates prior knowledge on the expected characteristics of the multispectral images uses the sensor characteristics to model the observation process of both panchromatic and multispectral images and includes information on the unknown parameters in the model in the form of hyperprior distributions. Using real and synthetic data, the pansharpened multispectral images are compared with the images obtained by other pansharpening methods and their quality is assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively


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