84 research outputs found

    Land and cryosphere products from Suomi NPP VIIRS: overview and status

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    [1] The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument was launched in October 2011 as part of the Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (S-NPP). The VIIRS instrument was designed to improve upon the capabilities of the operational Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer and provide observation continuity with NASA's Earth Observing System's Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Since the VIIRS first-light images were received in November 2011, NASA- and NOAA-funded scientists have been working to evaluate the instrument performance and generate land and cryosphere products to meet the needs of the NOAA operational users and the NASA science community. NOAA's focus has been on refining a suite of operational products known as Environmental Data Records (EDRs), which were developed according to project specifications under the National Polar-Orbiting Environmental Satellite System. The NASA S-NPP Science Team has focused on evaluating the EDRs for science use, developing and testing additional products to meet science data needs, and providing MODIS data product continuity. This paper presents to-date findings of the NASA Science Team's evaluation of the VIIRS land and cryosphere EDRs, specifically Surface Reflectance, Land Surface Temperature, Surface Albedo, Vegetation Indices, Surface Type, Active Fires, Snow Cover, Ice Surface Temperature, and Sea Ice Characterization. The study concludes that, for MODIS data product continuity and earth system science, an enhanced suite of land and cryosphere products and associated data system capabilities are needed beyond the EDRs currently available from the VIIRS

    Second SNPP Cal/Val Campaign: Environmental Data Retrieval Analysis

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    Satellite ultraspectral infrared sensors provide key data records essential for weather forecasting and climate change science. The Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Soumi NPP) satellite Environmental Data Records (EDRs) are retrieved from calibrated ultraspectral radiance or Sensor Data Records (SDRs). Understanding the accuracy of retrieved EDRs is critical. The second Suomi NPP Calibration/Validation field campaign was conducted during March 2015 with flights over Greenland. The NASA high-altitude ER-2 aircraft carrying ultraspectral interferometer sounders such as the National Airborne Sounder Testbed-Interferometer (NAST-I) flew under the Suomi NPP satellite that carries the Crosstrack Infrared Sounder (CrIS) and the Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS). Herein we inter-compare the EDRs produced from different retrieval algorithms employed on these satellite and aircraft campaign data. The available radiosonde measurements together with the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) analyses are used to assess atmospheric temperature and moisture retrievals from the aircraft and satellite platforms. Preliminary results of this experiment under a winter, Arctic environment are presented

    Suomi NPP VIIRS Ocean Color Data Product Early Mission Assessment

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    Following the launch of the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) aboard the Suomi National Polarorbiting Partnership (NPP) spacecraft, the NASA NPP VIIRS Ocean Science Team (VOST) began an evaluation of ocean color data products to determine whether they could continue the existing NASA ocean color climate data record (CDR). The VOST developed an independent evaluation product based on NASA algorithms with a reprocessing capability. Here we present a preliminary assessment of both the operational ocean color data products and the NASA evaluation data products regarding their applicability to NASA science objectives

    Early On-Orbit Performance of the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite Onboard the Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (S-NPP) Satellite

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    The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) is one of the key environmental remote-sensing instruments onboard the Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership spacecraft, which was successfully launched on October 28, 2011 from the Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. Following a series of spacecraft and sensor activation operations, the VIIRS nadir door was opened on November 21, 2011. The first VIIRS image acquired signifies a new generation of operational moderate resolution-imaging capabilities following the legacy of the advanced very high-resolution radiometer series on NOAA satellites and Terra and Aqua Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer for NASA's Earth Observing system. VIIRS provides significant enhancements to the operational environmental monitoring and numerical weather forecasting, with 22 imaging and radiometric bands covering wavelengths from 0.41 to 12.5 microns, providing the sensor data records for 23 environmental data records including aerosol, cloud properties, fire, albedo, snow and ice, vegetation, sea surface temperature, ocean color, and nigh-time visible-light-related applications. Preliminary results from the on-orbit verification in the postlaunch check-out and intensive calibration and validation have shown that VIIRS is performing well and producing high-quality images. This paper provides an overview of the onorbit performance of VIIRS, the calibration/validation (cal/val) activities and methodologies used. It presents an assessment of the sensor initial on-orbit calibration and performance based on the efforts from the VIIRS-SDR team. Known anomalies, issues, and future calibration efforts, including the long-term monitoring, and intercalibration are also discussed

    The Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (SNPP): Continuing NASA Research and Applications

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    The Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) satellite was successfully launched into a polar orbit on October 28, 2011 carrying 5 remote sensing instruments designed to provide data to improve weather forecasts and to increase understanding of long-term climate change. SNPP provides operational continuity of satellite-based observations for NOAA's Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellites (POES) and continues the long-term record of climate quality observations established by NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS) satellites. In the 2003 to 2011 pre-launch timeframe, NASA's SNPP Science Team assessed the adequacy of the operational Raw Data Records (RDRs), Sensor Data Records (SDRs), and Environmental Data Records (EDRs) from the SNPP instruments for use in NASA Earth Science research, examined the operational algorithms used to produce those data records, and proposed a path forward for the production of climate quality products from SNPP. In order to perform these tasks, a distributed data system, the NASA Science Data Segment (SDS), ingested RDRs, SDRs, and EDRs from the NOAA Archive and Distribution and Interface Data Processing Segments, ADS and IDPS, respectively. The SDS also obtained operational algorithms for evaluation purposes from the NOAA Government Resource for Algorithm Verification, Independent Testing and Evaluation (GRAVITE). Within the NASA SDS, five Product Evaluation and Test Elements (PEATEs) received, ingested, and stored data and performed NASA's data processing, evaluation, and analysis activities. The distributed nature of this data distribution system was established by physically housing each PEATE within one of five Climate Analysis Research Systems (CARS) located at either at a NASA or a university institution. The CARS were organized around 5 key EDRs directly in support of the following NASA Earth Science focus areas: atmospheric sounding, ocean, land, ozone, and atmospheric composition products. The PEATES provided the system level interface with members of the NASA SNPP Science Team and other science investigators within each CARS. A sixth Earth Radiation Budget CARS was established at NASA Langley Research Center (NASA LaRC) to support instrument performance, data evaluation, and analysis for the SNPP Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Budget Energy System (CERES) instrument. Following the 2011 launch of SNPP, spacecraft commissioning, and instrument activation, the NASA SNPP Science Team evaluated the operational RDRs, SDRs, and EDRs produced by the NOAA ADS and IDPS. A key part in that evaluation was the NASA Science Team's independent processing of operational RDRs and SDRs to EDRs using the latest NASA science algorithms. The NASA science evaluation was completed in the December 2012 to April 2014 timeframe with the release of a series of NASA Science Team Discipline Reports. In summary, these reports indicated that the RDRs produced by the SNPP instruments were of sufficiently high quality to be used to create data products suitable for NASA Earth System science and applications. However, the quality of the SDRs and EDRs were found to vary greatly when considering suitability for NASA science. The need for improvements in operational algorithms, adoption of different algorithmic approaches, greater monitoring of on-orbit instrument calibration, greater attention to data product validation, and data reprocessing were prominent findings in the reports. In response to these findings, NASA, in late 2013, directed the NASA SNPP Science Team to use SNPP instrument data to develop data products of sufficiently high quality to enable the continuation of EOS time series data records and to develop innovative, practical applications of SNPP data. This direction necessitated a transition of the SDS data system from its pre-launch assessment mode to one of full data processing and production. To do this, the PEATES, which served as NASA's data product testing environment during the prelaunch and early on-orbit periods, were transitioned to Science Investigator-led Processing Systems (SIPS). The distributed data architecture was maintained in this new system by locating the SIPS at the same institutions at which the CARS and PEATES were located. The SIPS acquire raw SNPP instrument Level 0 (i.e. RDR) data over the full SNPP mission from the NOAA ADS and IDPS through the NASA SDS Data Distribution and Depository Element (SD3E). The SIPS process those data into NASA Level 1, Level 2, and global, gridded Level 3 standard products using peer-reviewed algorithms provided by members of the NASA Science Team. The SIPS work with the NASA SNPP Science Team in obtaining enhanced, refined, or alternate real-time algorithms to support the capabilities of the Direct Readout Laboratory (DRL). All data products, algorithm source codes, coefficients, and auxiliary data used in product generation are archived in an assigned NASA Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC)

    Suomi NPP VIIRS DNB and RSB M Bands Detector-To-Detector and HAM Side Calibration Differences Assessment Using a Homogenous Ground Target

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    Near-nadir observations of the Libya 4 site from the S-NPP VIIRS Day-Night Band (DNB) and Moderate resolution Bands (M bands) are used to assess the detector calibration stability and half-angle mirror (HAM) side differences. Almost seven years of Sensor Data Records products are extracted from the Libya 4 site center over an area of 3232 pixels. The mean values of the radiance from individual detectors per HAM side are computed separately. The comparison of the normalized radiance between detectors indicates that the detector calibration differences are wavelength dependent and the differences have been slowly increasing with time for short wavelength bands, especially for M1-M4. The maximum annual average differences between DNB detectors are 0.77% in 2017 at HAM-A. For the M bands, the maximum detector differences in 2017 are 1.7% for M1, 1.8% for M2, 1.3% for M3, 1.2% for M4, 0.67% for M5, 0.75% for M7, 0.57% for M8, 13% for M9, 0.63% for M10, and 0.66% for M11. The average HAM side A to B difference in 2017 are 0.00% for DNB, 0.22% for M1, 0.17% for M2, 0.15% for M3, 0.09% for M4, -0.07% for M5, 0.02% for M7, 0.01% for M8, 1.4% for M9, 0.01% for M10, and 0.03% for M11. Results for M6 are not available due to the signal saturation and M9 results are not accurate because of the low reflectance from the desert site and the strong atmospheric absorption in this channel. The results in this study help scientists better understand each detectors performance and HAM side characteristics. Additionally, they provide evidence and motivation for future VIIRS calibration improvements

    JPSS-2 VIIRS Polarization Sensitivity Performance Comparison with Heritage VIIRS Sensors

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    The Joint Polar Satellite System 2 (JPSS-2) is the follow-on for the Suomi-National Polar-orbiting Partnership (S-NPP) and Joint Polar Satellite System 1 (JPSS-1) missions. These spacecrafts provide critical weather and global climate products to the user community. A primary sensor on both JPSS and S-NPP is the Visible-Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) with Earth observations covering the Reflective Solar Band (RSB), Thermal Emissive Band (TEB) and Day Night Band (DNB) spectral regions. The VIIRS Sensor Data Records (SDRs) contain the calibrated Earth observations that are used in Environmental Data Record (EDR) products such as Ocean Color/Chlorophyll (OCC) and Sea Surface Temperature (SST). This SDR calibration is performed using unpolarized sources such as the Solar Diffuser (SD) for the RSBs and an On-Board Calibrator BlackBody (OBCBB) for the TEBs. Therefore, polarized Earth scenes will have radiometric bias errors within the SDRs based on how sensitive VIIRS is to polarized illumination and is corrected in some EDR algorithms. This paper will discuss the JPSS-2 VIIRS polarization characterization methodology, polarization sensitivity results and compare its performance to its predecessors S-NPP and JPSS-1 VIIRS. Optical modifications to the JPSS-2 VIIRS sensor to address heritage polarization sensitivity issues will be discussed

    Early Results from NOAA-20 (JPSS-1) Viirs On-Orbit Calibration and Characterization

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    Since launch in November 2018, the VIIRS on-board the NOAA-20 (or JPSS-1) satellite has completed its initial intensive on-orbit check-outs and several key calibration and validation activities scheduled to help evaluate sensor at launch performance. This paper provides a brief overview of NOAA-20 VIIRS on-orbit operation and calibration activities, presents early results derived from its on-board calibrators and lunar observations, and discusses potential improvements and future effort to assure sensor data product quality

    Noise Performance of the CrIS Instrument

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    The Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) is a spaceborne Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) that was launched into orbit on 28 October 2011 onboard the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership satellite. CrIS is a sophisticated sounding sensor that accurately measures upwelling infrared radiance at high spectral resolution. Data obtained from this sensor are used for atmospheric profiles retrieval and assimilation by numerical weather prediction models. Optimum vertical sounding resolution is achieved with high spectral resolution and multiple spectral channels; however, this can lead to increased noise. The CrIS instrument is designed to overcome this problem. Noise Equivalent Differential Radiance (NEdN) is one of the key parameters of the Sensor Data Record product. The CrIS on-orbit NEdN surpassesmission requirements with margin and has comparable or better performance when compared to heritage hyperspectral sensors currently on orbit. This paper describes CrIS noise performance through the characterization of the sensor’s NEdN and compares it to calibration data obtained during ground test. In addition, since FTS sensors can be affected by vibration that leads to spectrally correlated noise on top of the random noise inherent to infrared detectors, this paper also characterizes the CrIS NEdN with respect to the correlated noise contribution to the total NEdN. Lastly, the noise estimated from the imaginary part of the complex FTS spectra is extremely useful to assess andmonitor in-flight FTS sensor health. Preliminary results on the imaginary spectra noise analysis are also presented

    NAST-I and SNPP Field Campaign Experience

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