1 research outputs found

    Summary processing of Radiophysical complex MRTHR signals multifractal analisys of the brain microwave radiation and heart rate variability

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    The principles of processing signals of Radiophysical complex MRTHR for studying the role of autonomic regulation in the formation of the brain microwave radiation during the treatment process are presented. The feature of this complex is the possibility of registration and analysing the non-stationary short-term time series of the brain microwave radiation and heart rate variability signals. The processing is implemented via the method of multifractal cross-correlation analysis. The results of the fluctuation and cross-correlation Hurst exponent estimations of these signals are shown. The estimates for a group of relatively healthy patients have low levels of systemic discrepancy. For the patients group with ischemic stroke before treatment the systematic discrepancy of estimations are significantly larger than those of healthy patients. After rehabilitation course, the discrepancy between these estimates are reduced. Copyright © 2016 by SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved