6 research outputs found

    Context-sensitive mobile database summarisation

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    In mobile computing environments, as a result of the reduced capacity of local storage, it is commonly not feasible to replicate entire datasets on each mobile unit. In addition, reliable, secure and economical access to central servers is not always possible. Moreover, since mobile computers are designed to be portable, they are also physically small and thus often unable to hold or process the large amounts of data held in centralised databases. As many systems are only as useful as the data they can process, the support provided by database and system management middleware for applications in mobile environments is an important driver for the uptake of this technology by application providers and thus also for the wider use of the technology. One of the approaches to maximize the available storage is through the use of database summarisation. To date, most strategies for reducing data volumes have used compression techniques that ignore the semantics of the data. Those that do not use data compression techniques adopt structural (i.e. data and use-independent) methods. In this paper, we outline the special constraints imposed on storing information in mobile databases and provide a flexible data summarisation policy. The method works by assigning a level of priority to each data item through the setting of a number of parameters. The paper discusses some policies for setting these parameters and some implementation strategies.Bedford Park, South Australi

    Ponto de Venda autónomo em dispositivo móvel (offline e online)

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    Um ponto de venda, do inglês Point of Sale, refere-se amplamente a um dispositivo no qual é possível efetuar uma venda. Devido à sua grande utilização, os POS podem fazer parte de uma mais ampla valorização do mundo da logística e dos negócios permitindo, entre outras coisas, a gestão em tempo real do fluxo de vendas e de stocks. Numa perspetiva mais ágil e de grande disponibilidade, que se pretende para o mundo empresarial, encara-se, frequentemente, a necessidade de serem obtidas aplicações que se destacam pela sua portabilidade e acessibilidade, de forma a que se consiga ir de encontro ao cliente e não o contrário. Desse modo, o objetivo desta dissertação é transladar algumas das funcionalidades do sistema de gestão comercial desenvolvido pela empresa Gestware - Gestware Cloud - em componentes de negócio que respondam às últimas necessidades e tendências do mercado das aplicações móveis. O fim último passa, então, por elaborar uma aplicação multiplataforma, recorrendo ao desenvolvimento e desenho em Xamarin, que permitirá a sua utilização seja em ambiente Android, iOS ou Windows Universal. A arquitetura a desenvolver basear-se-á, tal como o produto supramencionado, no serviço cloud da Microsoft, o Microsoft Azure. A aplicação de tecnologias de ponta não se afigura, no entanto, como o único aspeto diferenciador desta proposta. A principal característica que a torna disruptiva é a possibilidade de funcionar desligada da rede (offline), baseando-se, para isso, num sistema de bases de dados distribuídas por cada dispositivo que aloje a aplicação. A implementação de uma arquitetura do género afigura-se como um desafio, uma vez que põe em causa a integridade e consistência dos dados armazenados - as operações de atualização, criação e eliminação dos mesmos numa versão local da base de dados, podem levar a conflitos quando a ligação à rede é reestabelecida e é feita uma sincronização com a base de dados no servidor. Ainda neste contexto, além de ter de existir este mecanismo de sincronização que permite lidar com potenciais operações concorrentes na informação armazenada, visa-se estudar a possível utilização de um método, que se insira no âmbito do Data Mining preditivo, para controlar o caso especial de gestão de stocks. O objetivo passa por tentar evitar ruturas que ponham em causa o normal funcionamento do negócio, quando são feitas vendas sem qualquer conexão à rede e os valores de stock armazenados localmente poderem já se encontrar desatualizados. A validação da solução visa entender de que forma as funcionalidades desenvolvidas se enquadram nas exigências do meio empresarial, nomeadamente na perspetiva da sua portabilidade e usabilidade e do cumprimento dos requisitos definidos à priori. Em termos de performance é feita uma comparação entre o comportamento da aplicação sem conexão à rede e quando esta é reestabelecida, analisando-se se são mantidos os mesmos padrões de qualidade, seja na velocidade de utilização, seja na coerência dos dados armazenados. No que diz respeito à utilização de mecanismos preditivos, são analisadas as taxas de erro obtidas, permitindo inferir a pertinência da sua utilização como valor acrescentado à arquitetura apresentada no âmbito desta dissertação, bem como no contexto atual da empresa para a qual foi desenvolvida a prova de conceito.A point of sale (POS) is a device with which is possible to register and conclude a sale. Due to the wide array of functionalities they provide, these devices can be part of a broader valorisation of the business world, allowing things such as real-time management of processed sales and product stock changes. Due to the latest shift in the business world to treat the business as a service, delivering it directly to the client, there's the urge to bring in tools that distinguish themselves by their portability and easiness of access to business related data. Taking this into account, Gestware, a portuguese company dedicated to the development and distribution of software for managerial purposes, suggested the creation of a proof of concept that emulated some of their web based product functionalities on a cross platform mobile application. The goal of this thesis is to present an architecture based on the mobile application built. The solution must be developed resorting to Xamarin's development environment allowing its usage on either Android, iOS, or UniversalWindows Platform. The whole architecture shall be based on Microsoft's cloud platform, Azure. The usage of state of the art technology isn't the sole differentiating aspect of the proposed solution. In order to be considered a disrupting product in the market, and to offer extra portability to its usage, it must be able to work even when there is no connection to the internet. It shall then be based in a system of distributed databases, which means there would be a main database in the server and a replica in each mobile device. This obviously brings great challenges concerning the consistency and integrity of data since its creation, update, and elimination in a local instance of the database needs to be synchronized in order to be reached a state of consistency between all copies but might lead, as a consequence, to the existence of conflicts if changes are made to different versions of the same data. That said, besides this synchronization mechanism that must deal, as mentioned, with conflicting changes in the databases, there will also exist a study on Data Mining methods that might be helpful to control the special case of stock ruptures. The goal is to try to avoid that, in the inexistence of a network connection, due to non-updated data, sales that are made cause the products' stock values to go below 0. As an analysis of the proposed solution it shall be evaluated how it meets the demanding requirements of the business world, namely in terms of its portability and usability. It must also be analysed how the proof of concept performance differs between scenarios with and without connection to the internet and if the quality standards concerned with its velocity and the integrity of the data are maintained or not and why. Finally, there must exist a thorough evaluation of the usage of the data mining algorithms, namely analysing their error rates, and inferring the true utility of this mechanisms for the architecture proposed in this master thesis as well as the company for which the proof of concept was developed

    Summarisation for Mobile Databases 1

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    In mobile computing, issues such as limited resources, network capacities and organisational constraints may cause the complete replication of large databases on a mobile device to be infeasible. At the same time, some on-board storage of data is attractive as communication to the main database can be inconsistent. Thus, as the emphasis on application mobility increases, data summarisation offers a useful solution to improving response times and the availability of data. These summarisation techniques can also be of benefit to distributed databases, particularly those with mobile components or where the profile of the transaction load varies significantly over time. This paper surveys summarisation techniques used for mobile distributed databases. It also surveys the manner in which database functionality is maintained in mobile database systems, including query processing, data replication, concurrency control, transaction support and system recovery. Classification: H.2 (Database Management), H.3.2 (Information Storage). 1