1,333 research outputs found

    Development of a Hindi Lemmatizer

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    We live in a translingual society, in order to communicate with people from different parts of the world we need to have an expertise in their respective languages. Learning all these languages is not at all possible; therefore we need a mechanism which can do this task for us. Machine translators have emerged as a tool which can perform this task. In order to develop a machine translator we need to develop several different rules. The very first module that comes in machine translation pipeline is morphological analysis. Stemming and lemmatization comes under morphological analysis. In this paper we have created a lemmatizer which generates rules for removing the affixes along with the addition of rules for creating a proper root word

    Stemmer for Serbian language

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    In linguistic morphology and information retrieval, stemming is the process for reducing inflected (or sometimes derived) words to their stem, base or root form; generally a written word form. In this work is presented suffix stripping stemmer for Serbian language, one of the highly inflectional languages.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, code include

    Genetic Algorithm (GA) in Feature Selection for CRF Based Manipuri Multiword Expression (MWE) Identification

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    This paper deals with the identification of Multiword Expressions (MWEs) in Manipuri, a highly agglutinative Indian Language. Manipuri is listed in the Eight Schedule of Indian Constitution. MWE plays an important role in the applications of Natural Language Processing(NLP) like Machine Translation, Part of Speech tagging, Information Retrieval, Question Answering etc. Feature selection is an important factor in the recognition of Manipuri MWEs using Conditional Random Field (CRF). The disadvantage of manual selection and choosing of the appropriate features for running CRF motivates us to think of Genetic Algorithm (GA). Using GA we are able to find the optimal features to run the CRF. We have tried with fifty generations in feature selection along with three fold cross validation as fitness function. This model demonstrated the Recall (R) of 64.08%, Precision (P) of 86.84% and F-measure (F) of 73.74%, showing an improvement over the CRF based Manipuri MWE identification without GA application.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, see http://airccse.org/journal/jcsit/1011csit05.pd

    ShotgunWSD: An unsupervised algorithm for global word sense disambiguation inspired by DNA sequencing

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    In this paper, we present a novel unsupervised algorithm for word sense disambiguation (WSD) at the document level. Our algorithm is inspired by a widely-used approach in the field of genetics for whole genome sequencing, known as the Shotgun sequencing technique. The proposed WSD algorithm is based on three main steps. First, a brute-force WSD algorithm is applied to short context windows (up to 10 words) selected from the document in order to generate a short list of likely sense configurations for each window. In the second step, these local sense configurations are assembled into longer composite configurations based on suffix and prefix matching. The resulted configurations are ranked by their length, and the sense of each word is chosen based on a voting scheme that considers only the top k configurations in which the word appears. We compare our algorithm with other state-of-the-art unsupervised WSD algorithms and demonstrate better performance, sometimes by a very large margin. We also show that our algorithm can yield better performance than the Most Common Sense (MCS) baseline on one data set. Moreover, our algorithm has a very small number of parameters, is robust to parameter tuning, and, unlike other bio-inspired methods, it gives a deterministic solution (it does not involve random choices).Comment: In Proceedings of EACL 201

    Time complexity in rejang language stemming

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    Stemming is the process of separating the root word from an affixed word in a sentence by separating the base word and affixes which can consist of prefixes (prefixes), insertions (infixes), and suffixes (suffixes). Between one language and another, there are differences in the algorithm, especially the stemming process, in morphology. The time complexity of the Rejang algorithm is determined based on the affix group. To find out the time complexity of the stemming algorithm in the Rejang language using the method of making a digital word dictionary of the Rejang language, studying and analyzing the morphology of the Rejang language, making the Rejang language stemming algorithm based on the results of the Rejang language morphology analysis, analyzing the algorithm's performance and calculating the time complexity of the stemming results. The result of this research is to produce an efficient and effective Rejang Language stemming algorithm, where efficiency is indicated by the algorithm's time complexity of O(log n), and the effectiveness is shown from the results of accuracy of 99% against the test of 9000 affixed words. This accuracy value indicates that the over stemming and under stemming processes are 1%. Test results on 15 text documents with an average stemming failure rate of 1%

    Mapping Subsets of Scholarly Information

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    We illustrate the use of machine learning techniques to analyze, structure, maintain, and evolve a large online corpus of academic literature. An emerging field of research can be identified as part of an existing corpus, permitting the implementation of a more coherent community structure for its practitioners.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, presented at Arthur M. Sackler Colloquium on "Mapping Knowledge Domains", 9--11 May 2003, Beckman Center, Irvine, CA, proceedings to appear in PNA

    Text segmentation on multilabel documents: A distant-supervised approach

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    Segmenting text into semantically coherent segments is an important task with applications in information retrieval and text summarization. Developing accurate topical segmentation requires the availability of training data with ground truth information at the segment level. However, generating such labeled datasets, especially for applications in which the meaning of the labels is user-defined, is expensive and time-consuming. In this paper, we develop an approach that instead of using segment-level ground truth information, it instead uses the set of labels that are associated with a document and are easier to obtain as the training data essentially corresponds to a multilabel dataset. Our method, which can be thought of as an instance of distant supervision, improves upon the previous approaches by exploiting the fact that consecutive sentences in a document tend to talk about the same topic, and hence, probably belong to the same class. Experiments on the text segmentation task on a variety of datasets show that the segmentation produced by our method beats the competing approaches on four out of five datasets and performs at par on the fifth dataset. On the multilabel text classification task, our method performs at par with the competing approaches, while requiring significantly less time to estimate than the competing approaches.Comment: Accepted in 2018 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM
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