434 research outputs found

    Successive Cancellation List Polar Decoder using Log-likelihood Ratios

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    Successive cancellation list (SCL) decoding algorithm is a powerful method that can help polar codes achieve excellent error-correcting performance. However, the current SCL algorithm and decoders are based on likelihood or log-likelihood forms, which render high hardware complexity. In this paper, we propose a log-likelihood-ratio (LLR)-based SCL (LLR-SCL) decoding algorithm, which only needs half the computation and storage complexity than the conventional one. Then, based on the proposed algorithm, we develop low-complexity VLSI architectures for LLR-SCL decoders. Analysis results show that the proposed LLR-SCL decoder achieves 50% reduction in hardware and 98% improvement in hardware efficiency.Comment: accepted by 2014 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computer

    A Randomized Construction of Polar Subcodes

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    A method for construction of polar subcodes is presented, which aims on minimization of the number of low-weight codewords in the obtained codes, as well as on improved performance under list or sequential decoding. Simulation results are provided, which show that the obtained codes outperform LDPC and turbo codes.Comment: Accepted to ISIT 2017 Formatting change

    On the Construction and Decoding of Concatenated Polar Codes

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    A scheme for concatenating the recently invented polar codes with interleaved block codes is considered. By concatenating binary polar codes with interleaved Reed-Solomon codes, we prove that the proposed concatenation scheme captures the capacity-achieving property of polar codes, while having a significantly better error-decay rate. We show that for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, and total frame length NN, the parameters of the scheme can be set such that the frame error probability is less than 2−N1−ϵ2^{-N^{1-\epsilon}}, while the scheme is still capacity achieving. This improves upon 2^{-N^{0.5-\eps}}, the frame error probability of Arikan's polar codes. We also propose decoding algorithms for concatenated polar codes, which significantly improve the error-rate performance at finite block lengths while preserving the low decoding complexity

    A Split-Reduced Successive Cancellation List Decoder for Polar Codes

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    This paper focuses on low complexity successive cancellation list (SCL) decoding of polar codes. In particular, using the fact that splitting may be unnecessary when the reliability of decoding the unfrozen bit is sufficiently high, a novel splitting rule is proposed. Based on this rule, it is conjectured that, if the correct path survives at some stage, it tends to survive till termination without splitting with high probability. On the other hand, the incorrect paths are more likely to split at the following stages. Motivated by these observations, a simple counter that counts the successive number of stages without splitting is introduced for each decoding path to facilitate the identification of correct and incorrect path. Specifically, any path with counter value larger than a predefined threshold \omega is deemed to be the correct path, which will survive at the decoding stage, while other paths with counter value smaller than the threshold will be pruned, thereby reducing the decoding complexity. Furthermore, it is proved that there exists a unique unfrozen bit u_{N-K_1+1}, after which the successive cancellation decoder achieves the same error performance as the maximum likelihood decoder if all the prior unfrozen bits are correctly decoded, which enables further complexity reduction. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed low complexity SCL decoder attains performance similar to that of the conventional SCL decoder, while achieving substantial complexity reduction.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Special Issue on Recent Advances In Capacity Approaching Code
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