3 research outputs found


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    There are still few in family business studies that discuss the topic of digipreneurship, even though digipreneurship is important for continuity and growth of companies in today's business world. Therefore, the aim of this study is to uncover the state-of-the-art and create research gaps in the literature related to digipreneurship in family business. For this purpose, a bibliometric study using co-authorship and key word co-occurrence analysis conducted in the Scopus database. The results of the co-authorship analysis show that the cohesiveness of collaboration in exploring digipreneurship in family business has been achieved at the state level in the 2017-2020 period, but at the author and organizational level has not been achieved. This indicates that the study of digipreneurship in family business is in early stages of growth. The results of the co-occurrence keyword analysis show that there are three specific domains in the field, namely digital transformation of entrepreneurial-oriented family firms; entrepreneurial knowledge management and digital capabilities in the family business; and transgenerational entrepreneurship in the digital era; Another domain that is important to be developed but has not been identified and has become a research gap is the value chain and internal processes in digipreneurship in family business.聽Penelitian bisnis keluarga sampai saat ini belum banyak yang membahas topik digipreneurship, padahal digipreneurship penting untuk keberlangsungan dan pertumbuhan perusahaan di dunia bisnis saat ini. Karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap state-of-the-art dan memunculkan kesenjangan penelitian dalam literatur terkait dengan digipreneurship dalam bisnis keluarga. Untuk tujuan tersebut, Penulis melakukan penelitian bibliometrik dengan metode analisis co-authorship dan analisis co-occurrence kata kunci pada basis data Scopus. Hasil analisis co-authorship menunjukkan bahwa kohesivitas kolaborasi dalam mengekplorasi digipreneurship dalam bisnis keluarga sudah tercapai di tingkat negara dalam rentang tahun 2017-2020, namun kohesivitas co-authorship di tingkat penulis dan organisasi belum tercapai. Kondisi demikian mengindikasikan bahwa kajian digipreneurship dalam bisnis keluarga masih berada dalam fase awal tumbuh. Hasil analisis co-occurrence kata kunci menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga domain yang khas dalam publikasi ilmiah digipreneurship dalam bisnis keluarga yaitu transformasi digital perusahaan keluarga berorientasi entrepreneurial, manajemen pengetahuan entrepreneurial dan kapabilitas digital dalam bisnis keluarga, dan entrepreneurship transgenerasi pada era digital; Domain lain yang penting untuk dikembangkan namun belum teridentifikasi dan menjadi kesenjangan dalam penelitian ini adalah domain rantai nilai dan proses internal pada digipreneurship dalam bisnis keluarga

    Estudio de la capacidad de absorci贸n del conocimiento en la empresa industrial espa帽ola: propuesta de un modelo de capacidad de absorci贸n desde la gesti贸n del conocimiento

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    En esta Tesis Doctoral se investiga el n煤cleo de la capacidad de absorci贸n de conocimiento en la empresa, para explicar la conversi贸n de su dimensi贸n potencial a realizada, identificando los principales elementos que intervienen en este proceso de absorci贸n. Paralelamente, se propone una conceptualizaci贸n y un modelo propio de la capacidad de absorci贸n, como competencia directiva, que supone la inclusi贸n de un mecanismo estrat茅gico formado por la gesti贸n tecnol贸gica y las estrategias hacia el exterior (colaboraciones tecnol贸gicas), que interact煤a, como fase de gesti贸n, con el resto de fases de la capacidad de absorci贸n (exploraci贸n, asimilaci贸n, transformaci贸n y explotaci贸n). A partir de un estudio longitudinal representativo de las empresas industriales espa帽olas, procedente de la Encuesta de Estrategias Empresariales de la Fundaci贸n SEPI, se contrasta emp铆ricamente la validez del modelo de capacidad de absorci贸n propuesto y se ofrece una gu铆a de buenas pr谩cticas para su aplicaci贸n y puesta en pr谩ctica.This Doctoral Thesis investigates the core of the knowledge absorptive capacity in the firm, to explain the conversion of the potential dimension to the realized dimension, identifying the main elements of this absorption process. Simultaneously, it proposes a conceptualization and an own model of the absorptive capacity, as a managerial competence, which involves the inclusion of a strategic mechanism formed by the technology management and strategies toward the outside (technological collaborations), which interacts, as management phase, with the rest of the absorptive capacity phases (exploration, assimilation, transformation and exploitation). From a representative longitudinal study of the Spanish industrial companies, from the Survey of Business Strategies of the SEPI Foundation, contrast empirically the validity of the model of the proposed absorptive capacity and provides a guide to good practices for its application and implementation