13 research outputs found

    Flexible involutive meadows

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    We investigate a notion of inverse for neutrices inspired by Van den Berg and Koudjeti's decomposition of a neutrix as the product of a real number and an idempotent neutrix. We end up with an algebraic structure that can be characterized axiomatically and generalizes involutive meadows. The latter are algebraic structures where the inverse for multiplication is a total operation. As it turns out, the structures satisfying the axioms of flexible involutive meadows are of interest beyond nonstandard analysis

    Dual Number Meadows

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    Fracpairs and fractions over a reduced commutative ring

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    In the well-known construction of the field of fractions of an integral domain, division by zero is excluded. We introduce "fracpairs" as pairs subject to laws consistent with the use of the pair as a fraction, but do not exclude denominators to be zero. We investigate fracpairs over a reduced commutative ring (a commutative ring that has no nonzero nilpotent elements) and provide these with natural definitions for addition, multiplication, and additive and multiplicative inverse. We find that modulo a simple congruence these fracpairs constitute a "common meadow", which is a commutative monoid both for addition and multiplication, extended with a weak additive inverse, a multiplicative inverse except for zero, and an additional element "a" that is the image of the multiplicative inverse on zero and that propagates through all operations. Considering "a" as an error-value supports the intuition. The equivalence classes of fracpairs thus obtained are called common cancellation fractions (cc-fractions), and cc-fractions over the integers constitute a homomorphic pre-image of the common meadow Qa, the field Q of rational numbers expanded with an a-totalized inverse. Moreover, the initial common meadow is isomorphic to the initial algebra of cc-fractions over the integer numbers. Next, we define canonical term algebras for cc-fractions over the integers and some meadows that model the rational numbers expanded with a totalized inverse, and provide some negative results concerning their associated term rewriting properties. Then we consider reduced commutative rings in which the sum of two squares plus one cannot be a zero divisor: by extending the equivalence relation on fracpairs we obtain an initial algebra that is isomorphic to Qa. Finally, we express negative conjectures concerning alternative specifications for these (concrete) datatypes.Comment: 25 pages, 8 table

    Partial arithmetical data types of rational numbers and their equational specification

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    Upon adding division to the operations of a field we obtain a meadow. It is conventional toview division in a field as a partial function, which complicates considerably its algebra andlogic. But partiality is one out of a plurality of possible design decisions regarding division.Upon adding a partial division function ÷ to a field Q of rational numbers we obtain apartial meadow Q (÷) of rational numbers that qualifies as a data type. Partial data typesbring problems for specifying and programming that have led to complicated algebraicand logical theories – unlike total data types. We discuss four different ways of providingan algebraic specification of this important arithmetical partial data type Q (÷) via thealgebraic specification of a closely related total data type. We argue that the specificationmethod that uses a common meadow of rational numbers as the total algebra is themost attractive and useful among these four options. We then analyse the problem ofequality between expressions in partial data types by examining seven notions of equalitythat arise from our methods alone. Finally, based on the laws of common meadows, wepresent an equational calculus for working with fracterms that is of general interest outsideprogramming theory

    Partial arithmetical data types of rational numbers and their equational specification

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    Upon adding division to the operations of a field we obtain a meadow. It is conventional to view division in a field as a partial function, which complicates considerably its algebra and logic. But partiality is one out of a plurality of possible design decisions regarding division. Upon adding a partial division function ÷ to a field Q of rational numbers we obtain a partial meadow Q (÷) of rational numbers that qualifies as a data type. Partial data types bring problems for specifying and programming that have led to complicated algebraic and logical theories – unlike total data types. We discuss four different ways of providing an algebraic specification of this important arithmetical partial data type Q (÷) via the algebraic specification of a closely related total data type. We argue that the specification method that uses a common meadow of rational numbers as the total algebra is the most attractive and useful among these four options. We then analyse the problem of equality between expressions in partial data types by examining seven notions of equality that arise from our methods alone. Finally, based on the laws of common meadows, we present an equational calculus for working with fracterms that is of general interest outside programming theory

    Subvarieties of the Variety of Meadows

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    Meadows—commutative rings equipped with a total inversion operation—can be axiomatized by purely equational means. We study subvarieties of the variety of meadows obtained by extending the equational theory and expanding the signature

    Subvarieties of the variety of meadows

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