439 research outputs found

    Counting Euler Tours in Undirected Bounded Treewidth Graphs

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    We show that counting Euler tours in undirected bounded tree-width graphs is tractable even in parallel - by proving a #SAC1\#SAC^1 upper bound. This is in stark contrast to #P-completeness of the same problem in general graphs. Our main technical contribution is to show how (an instance of) dynamic programming on bounded \emph{clique-width} graphs can be performed efficiently in parallel. Thus we show that the sequential result of Espelage, Gurski and Wanke for efficiently computing Hamiltonian paths in bounded clique-width graphs can be adapted in the parallel setting to count the number of Hamiltonian paths which in turn is a tool for counting the number of Euler tours in bounded tree-width graphs. Our technique also yields parallel algorithms for counting longest paths and bipartite perfect matchings in bounded-clique width graphs. While establishing that counting Euler tours in bounded tree-width graphs can be computed by non-uniform monotone arithmetic circuits of polynomial degree (which characterize #SAC1\#SAC^1) is relatively easy, establishing a uniform #SAC1\#SAC^1 bound needs a careful use of polynomial interpolation.Comment: 17 pages; There was an error in the proof of the GapL upper bound claimed in the previous version which has been subsequently remove

    Capturing Polynomial Time using Modular Decomposition

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    The question of whether there is a logic that captures polynomial time is one of the main open problems in descriptive complexity theory and database theory. In 2010 Grohe showed that fixed point logic with counting captures polynomial time on all classes of graphs with excluded minors. We now consider classes of graphs with excluded induced subgraphs. For such graph classes, an effective graph decomposition, called modular decomposition, was introduced by Gallai in 1976. The graphs that are non-decomposable with respect to modular decomposition are called prime. We present a tool, the Modular Decomposition Theorem, that reduces (definable) canonization of a graph class C to (definable) canonization of the class of prime graphs of C that are colored with binary relations on a linearly ordered set. By an application of the Modular Decomposition Theorem, we show that fixed point logic with counting captures polynomial time on the class of permutation graphs. Within the proof of the Modular Decomposition Theorem, we show that the modular decomposition of a graph is definable in symmetric transitive closure logic with counting. We obtain that the modular decomposition tree is computable in logarithmic space. It follows that cograph recognition and cograph canonization is computable in logarithmic space.Comment: 38 pages, 10 Figures. A preliminary version of this article appeared in the Proceedings of the 32nd Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS '17

    Exploiting Chordality in Optimization Algorithms for Model Predictive Control

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    In this chapter we show that chordal structure can be used to devise efficient optimization methods for many common model predictive control problems. The chordal structure is used both for computing search directions efficiently as well as for distributing all the other computations in an interior-point method for solving the problem. The chordal structure can stem both from the sequential nature of the problem as well as from distributed formulations of the problem related to scenario trees or other formulations. The framework enables efficient parallel computations.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1502.0638