774 research outputs found

    Data-Driven Shape Analysis and Processing

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    Data-driven methods play an increasingly important role in discovering geometric, structural, and semantic relationships between 3D shapes in collections, and applying this analysis to support intelligent modeling, editing, and visualization of geometric data. In contrast to traditional approaches, a key feature of data-driven approaches is that they aggregate information from a collection of shapes to improve the analysis and processing of individual shapes. In addition, they are able to learn models that reason about properties and relationships of shapes without relying on hard-coded rules or explicitly programmed instructions. We provide an overview of the main concepts and components of these techniques, and discuss their application to shape classification, segmentation, matching, reconstruction, modeling and exploration, as well as scene analysis and synthesis, through reviewing the literature and relating the existing works with both qualitative and numerical comparisons. We conclude our report with ideas that can inspire future research in data-driven shape analysis and processing.Comment: 10 pages, 19 figure

    Structural advances for pattern discovery in multi-relational databases

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    With ever-growing storage needs and drift towards very large relational storage settings, multi-relational data mining has become a prominent and pertinent field for discovering unique and interesting relational patterns. As a consequence, a whole suite of multi-relational data mining techniques is being developed. These techniques may either be extensions to the already existing single-table mining techniques or may be developed from scratch. For the traditionalists, single-table mining algorithms can be used to work on multi-relational settings by making inelegant and time consuming joins of all target relations. However, complex relational patterns cannot be expressed in a single-table format and thus, cannot be discovered. This work presents a new multi-relational frequent pattern mining algorithm termed Multi-Relational Frequent Pattern Growth (MRFP Growth). MRFP Growth is capable of mining multiple relations, linked with referential integrity, for frequent patterns that satisfy a user specified support threshold. Empirical results on MRFP Growth performance and its comparison with the state-of-the-art multirelational data mining algorithms like WARMR and Decentralized Apriori are discussed at length. MRFP Growth scores over the latter two techniques in number of patterns generated and speed. The realm of multi-relational clustering is also explored in this thesis. A multi-Relational Item Clustering approach based on Hypergraphs (RICH) is proposed. Experimentally RICH combined with MRFP Growth proves to be a competitive approach for clustering multi-relational data. The performance and iii quality of clusters generated by RICH are compared with other clustering algorithms. Finally, the thesis demonstrates the applied utility of the theoretical implications of the above mentioned algorithms in an application framework for auto-annotation of images in an image database. The system is called CoMMA which stands for Combining Multi-relational Multimedia for Associations

    Digital Government: Knowledge Management Over Time-Varying Geospatial Datasets

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    Spatially-related data is collected by many government agencies in various formats and for various uses. This project seeks to facilitate the integration of these data, thus providing new uses. This will require the development of a knowledge management framework to provide syntax, context, and semantics, as well as exploring the introduction of time-varying data into the framework. Education and outreach will be part of the project through the development of an on-line short courses related to data integration in the area of geographical information systems. The grantees will be working with government partners (National Imagery and Mapping Agency, the National Agricultural Statistics Service, and the US Army Topographic Engineering Center), as well as an industrial organization, Base Systems, and the non-profit OpenGIS Consortium, which works closely with vendors of GIS products


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    The amount of visual data such as images and videos available over web has increased exponentially over the last few years. In order to efficiently organize and exploit these massive collections, a system, apart from being able to answer simple classification based questions such as whether a specific object is present (or absent) in an image, should also be capable of searching images and videos based on more complex descriptive questions. There is also a considerable amount of structure present in the visual world which, if effectively utilized, can help achieve this goal. To this end, we first present an approach for image ranking and retrieval based on queries consisting of multiple semantic attributes. We further show that there are significant correlations present between these attributes and accounting for them can lead to superior performance. Next, we extend this by proposing an image retrieval framework for descriptive queries composed of object categories, semantic attributes and spatial relationships. The proposed framework also includes a unique multi-view hashing technique, which enables query specification in three different modalities - image, sketch and text. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of leveraging contextual information to reduce the supervision requirements for learning object and scene recognition models. We present an active learning framework to simultaneously learn appearance and contextual models for scene understanding. Within this framework we introduce new kinds of labeling questions that are designed to collect appearance as well as contextual information and which mimic the way in which humans actively learn about their environment. Furthermore we explicitly model the contextual interactions between the regions within an image and select the question which leads to the maximum reduction in the combined entropy of all the regions in the image (image entropy)

    Saliency for Image Description and Retrieval

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    We live in a world where we are surrounded by ever increasing numbers of images. More often than not, these images have very little metadata by which they can be indexed and searched. In order to avoid information overload, techniques need to be developed to enable these image collections to be searched by their content. Much of the previous work on image retrieval has used global features such as colour and texture to describe the content of the image. However, these global features are insufficient to accurately describe the image content when different parts of the image have different characteristics. This thesis initially discusses how this problem can be circumvented by using salient interest regions to select the areas of the image that are most interesting and generate local descriptors to describe the image characteristics in that region. The thesis discusses a number of different saliency detectors that are suitable for robust retrieval purposes and performs a comparison between a number of these region detectors. The thesis then discusses how salient regions can be used for image retrieval using a number of techniques, but most importantly, two techniques inspired from the field of textual information retrieval. Using these robust retrieval techniques, a new paradigm in image retrieval is discussed, whereby the retrieval takes place on a mobile device using a query image captured by a built-in camera. This paradigm is demonstrated in the context of an art gallery, in which the device can be used to find more information about particular images. The final chapter of the thesis discusses some approaches to bridging the semantic gap in image retrieval. The chapter explores ways in which un-annotated image collections can be searched by keyword. Two techniques are discussed; the first explicitly attempts to automatically annotate the un-annotated images so that the automatically applied annotations can be used for searching. The second approach does not try to explicitly annotate images, but rather, through the use of linear algebra, it attempts to create a semantic space in which images and keywords are positioned such that images are close to the keywords that represent them within the space

    Current paradigms in intelligent transportation systems

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    Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) constitute today a multidisciplinary field of study involving a large number of different research areas. As a consequence, it is difficult to achieve a structured view of ITS, which is necessary to unify efforts and as guidance for future developments. This study aims to identify the main paradigms in the field of ITS by semantically analysing studies related to this general topic. An understanding about which research is considered valuable by the research community to build upon may provide valuable insights in this field. As a result of the statistical treatment of data, up to 13 paradigms are obtained. The scope of these paradigms and the relationships between them have also been detailed, providing a structured vision of ITS synthesised in a map formMinisterio de Educación y Ciencia DPI2007- 60128Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa P07-TIC-0262