9 research outputs found

    Content-aware power saving multimedia adaptation for mobile learning

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    Due to the tremendous enhancements in the capabilities of mobile devices in recent years and accessibility to higher bandwidth mobile internet, the use of online multimedia learning resources on mobile devices is increasingly becoming popular. Improvements in battery capacity have not matched the same advancements compared to other features of mobile devices. Limited Battery power is introducing a significant challenge in making better use of online educational multimedia resources. Online Multimedia Resources drains more battery power as a result of higher amount of wireless data transfer and therefore limiting learning opportunities on the move. Many power saving multimedia adaptation techniques have been suggested. Majority of these techniques achieve battery efficiency while reducing multimedia quality. So far, however, to the best of our knowledge no previous effort has considered the factor of learning efficacy in multimedia adaptation process. Existing adaptation techniques are susceptible to information loss as a result of quality of reduction. Such loss affects the learning content efficacy and jeopardizes the learning process. In this paper, we recommend a novel power save educational multimedia adaptation approach that considers the learning aspect of multimedia in the adaptation process. Our technique enables learning for extended duration by battery power saving without putting the learning process at risk. Efficacy of entire learning resources is managed by not allowing any part of the learning multimedia to be delivered in a quality that will negatively affect the learning outcome. We also present a framework that guides the implementation of our approach followed by description of our prototype application that uses educational multimedia metadata implemented in semantic web technologies

    Effect of oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFB) fibers to the compressive strength and water absorption of concrete

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    Growing popularity based on environmentally-friendly, low cost and lightweight building materials in the construction industry has led to a need to examine how these characteristics can be achieved and at the same time giving the benefit to the environment and maintain the material requirements based on the standards required. Recycling of waste generated from industrial and agricultural activities as measures of building materials is not only a viable solution to the problem of pollution but also to produce an economic design of building

    Energy-Aware Streaming Multimedia Adaptation: An Educational Perspective

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    As mobile devices are getting more powerful and more affordable the use of online educational multimedia is also getting very prevalent. Limited battery power is nevertheless, a major restricting factor as streaming multimedia drains battery power quickly. Many battery efficient multimedia adaptation techniques have been proposed that achieve battery efficiency by lowering presentation quality of entire multimedia. Adaptation is usually done without considering any impact on the information contents of multimedia. In this paper, based on the results of an experimental study, we argue that without considering any negative impact on information contents of multimedia the adaptation may negatively impact the learning process. Some portions of the multimedia that require a higher visual quality for conveying learning information may lose their learning effectiveness in the adapted lowered quality. We report results of our experimental study that indicate that different parts of the same learning multimedia do not have same minimum acceptable quality. This strengthens the position that power-saving adaptation techniques for educational multimedia must be developed that lower the quality of multimedia based on the needs of its individual fragments for successfully conveying learning informatio

    Video Streaming Energy Consumption Analysis for Content Adaption Decision-Taking

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    Over recent years, rapid growth of smartphone technology and capabilities makes it an important tool in our daily activities. Despite increasing processing power and capabilities as well as decreasing price, these consumer smartphones are still limited in term of batteries capacity. The heterogeneity properties of these devices, subscribed network as well as its users also lead to mismatch problem. Usage in power-hungry multimedia applications such as streaming video players and 3D games, the limited battery capacity motivates smartphone energy aware content adaptation research to address these problems. This paper present experiments of energy consumption of video streaming in various video encoding properties as well as different network scenarios. The result of the experiments shows that energy savings up to 40% can be achieved by using different encoding property

    Energy-aware Adaptive Multimedia for Game-based e-learning

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    Thanks to their motivational potential, video games have started to be increasingly used for e-learning. However, as e-learning gradually shifts towards mobile learning, there is a growing need for innovative techniques to deliver rich learning material such as educational games to resource-constrained devices. In particular, the limited battery capacity of mobile devices stands out as a key issue that can significantly limit players' access to educational games. This paper proposes an Energy-aware Adaptive Multimedia Game-based E-learning (EAMGBL) framework that aims to enable energy-efficient educational games delivery to mobile devices over wireless networks. The framework builds on top of the idea to render the game on the server side and stream a recording of it to the player's device over the Internet. To reduce the mobile device energy consumption and enable the player to play for longer, the proposed framework proposes to adapt both the educational game elements as well as the game's recorded multimedia stream

    User-centered EEG-based multimedia quality assessment

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    Multimedia users are becoming increasingly quality-aware as the technological advances make ubiquitous the creation and delivery of high-definition multimedia content. While much research work has been conducted on multimedia quality assessment, most of the existing solutions come with their own limitations, with particular solutions being more suitable to assess particular aspects related to user's Quality of Experience (QoE). In this context, there is an increasing need for innovative solutions to assess user's QoE with multimedia services. This paper proposes the QoE-EEG-Analyser that provides a solution to automatically assess and quantify the impact of various factors contributing to user's QoE with multimedia services. The proposed approach makes use of participant's frustration level measured with a consumer-grade EEG system, the Emotiv EPOC. The main advantage of QoE-EEG-Analyser is that it enables continuous assessment of various QoE factors over the entire testing duration, in a non-invasive way, without requiring the user to provide input about his perceived visual quality. Preliminary subjective results have shown that frustration can indicate user's perceived QoE

    A selective approach for energy-aware video content adaptation decision-taking engine in android based smartphone

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    Rapid advancement of technology and their increasing affordability have transformed mobile devices from a means of communication to tools for socialization, entertainment, work and learning. However, advancement of battery technology and capacity is slow compared to energy need. Viewing content with high quality of experience will consume high power. In limited available energy, normal content adaptation system will decrease the content quality, hence reducing quality of experience. However, there is a need for optimizing content quality of experience (QoE) in a limited available energy. With modification and improvement, content adaptation may solve this issue. The key objective of this research is to propose a framework for energy-aware video content adaptation system to enable video delivery over the Internet. To optimise the QoE while viewing streaming video on a limited available smartphone energy, an algorithm for energy-aware video content adaptation decision-taking engine named EnVADE is proposed. The EnVADE algorithm uses selective mechanism. Selective mechanism means the video segmented into scenes and adaptation process is done based on the selected scenes. Thus, QoE can be improved. To evaluate EnVADE algorithm in term of energy efficiency, an experimental evaluation has been done. Subjective evaluation by selected respondents are also has been made using Absolute Category Rating method as recommended by ITU to evaluate EnVADE algorithm in term of QoE. In both evaluation, comparison with other methods has been made. The results show that the proposed solution is able to increase the viewing time of about 14% compared to MPEG-DASH which is an official international standard and widely used streaming method. In term of QoE subjective test, EnVADE algorithm score surpasses the score of other video streaming method. Therefore, EnVADE framework and algorithm has proven its capability as an alternative technique to stream video content with higher QoE and lower energy consumption

    Energy-Aware Mobile Learning:Opportunities and Challenges

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    As mobile devices are becoming more powerful and affordable they are increasingly used for mobile learning activities. By enabling learners' access to educational content anywhere and anytime, mobile learning has both the potential to provide online learners with new opportunities, and to reach less privileged categories of learners that lack access to traditional e-learning services. Among the many challenges with mobile learning, the battery-powered nature of mobile devices and in particular their limited battery life, stands out as one issue that can significantly limit learners' access to educational content while on the move. Adaptation and personalisation solutions have widely been considered for overcoming the differences between learners and between the characteristics of their mobile devices. However, while various energy saving solutions have been proposed in order to provide mobile users with extended device usage time, the areas of adaptive mobile learning and energy conservation in wireless communications failed to meet under the same umbrella. This paper bridges the two areas by presenting an overview of adaptive mobile learning systems as well as how these can be extended to make them energy-aware. Furthermore, the paper surveys various approaches for energy measurement, modelling and adaptation, three major aspects that have to be considered in order to deploy energy-aware mobile learning systems. Discussions on the applicability and limitations of these approaches for mobile learning are also provided

    Subjective assessment of BitDetect — A mechanism for energy-aware multimedia content adaptation

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    As mobile devices are becoming more compact and powerful and as they start to be increasingly used for accessing power-hungry multimedia streaming applications, there is an increasing need for mechanisms to efficiently manage the limited battery power resources. This is especially important as the battery capacity has not kept up with the power requirements of an increasing number of mobile device features and “always on” connected users. Adaptive multimedia-based power-saving mechanisms often decrease the clip bitrate to increase the mobile device battery life, without considering the effect of these degradations on the user-perceived quality. This paper proposes BitDetect, a mechanism that uses objective video quality assessment metrics to detect content-specific video bitrate levels that enable saving battery power while maintaining good user perceived quality. Results from a subjective study indicate that the recommended bitrate offers good user-perceived quality across different multimedia clips. Furthermore, experimental tests indicate that significant battery power can be saved by using the recommended bitrates when streaming multimedia clips to a mobile device