5,483 research outputs found

    Human-activity-centered measurement system:challenges from laboratory to the real environment in assistive gait wearable robotics

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    Assistive gait wearable robots (AGWR) have shown a great advancement in developing intelligent devices to assist human in their activities of daily living (ADLs). The rapid technological advancement in sensory technology, actuators, materials and computational intelligence has sped up this development process towards more practical and smart AGWR. However, most assistive gait wearable robots are still confined to be controlled, assessed indoor and within laboratory environments, limiting any potential to provide a real assistance and rehabilitation required to humans in the real environments. The gait assessment parameters play an important role not only in evaluating the patient progress and assistive device performance but also in controlling smart self-adaptable AGWR in real-time. The self-adaptable wearable robots must interactively conform to the changing environments and between users to provide optimal functionality and comfort. This paper discusses the performance parameters, such as comfortability, safety, adaptability, and energy consumption, which are required for the development of an intelligent AGWR for outdoor environments. The challenges to measuring the parameters using current systems for data collection and analysis using vision capture and wearable sensors are presented and discussed

    Nonlinear modeling of FES-supported standing-up in paraplegia for selection of feedback sensors

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    This paper presents analysis of the standing-up manoeuvre in paraplegia considering the body supportive forces as a potential feedback source in functional electrical stimulation (FES)-assisted standing-up. The analysis investigates the significance of arm, feet, and seat reaction signals to the human body center-of-mass (COM) trajectory reconstruction. The standing-up behavior of eight paraplegic subjects was analyzed, measuring the motion kinematics and reaction forces to provide the data for modeling. Two nonlinear empirical modeling methods are implemented-Gaussian process (GP) priors and multilayer perceptron artificial neural networks (ANN)-and their performance in vertical and horizontal COM component reconstruction is compared. As the input, ten sensory configurations that incorporated different number of sensors were evaluated trading off the modeling performance for variables chosen and ease-of-use in everyday application. For the purpose of evaluation, the root-mean-square difference was calculated between the model output and the kinematics-based COM trajectory. Results show that the force feedback in COM assessment in FES assisted standing-up is comparable alternative to the kinematics measurement systems. It was demonstrated that the GP provided better modeling performance, at higher computational cost. Moreover, on the basis of averaged results, the use of a sensory system incorporating a six-dimensional handle force sensor and an instrumented foot insole is recommended. The configuration is practical for realization and with the GP model achieves an average accuracy of COM estimation 16 /spl plusmn/ 1.8 mm in horizontal and 39 /spl plusmn/ 3.7 mm in vertical direction. Some other configurations analyzed in the study exhibit better modeling accuracy, but are less practical for everyday usage

    A flexible sensor technology for the distributed measurement of interaction pressure

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    We present a sensor technology for the measure of the physical human-robot interaction pressure developed in the last years at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna. The system is composed of flexible matrices of opto-electronic sensors covered by a soft silicone cover. This sensory system is completely modular and scalable, allowing one to cover areas of any sizes and shapes, and to measure different pressure ranges. In this work we present the main application areas for this technology. A first generation of the system was used to monitor human-robot interaction in upper- (NEUROExos; Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna) and lower-limb (LOPES; University of Twente) exoskeletons for rehabilitation. A second generation, with increased resolution and wireless connection, was used to develop a pressure-sensitive foot insole and an improved human-robot interaction measurement systems. The experimental characterization of the latter system along with its validation on three healthy subjects is presented here for the first time. A perspective on future uses and development of the technology is finally drafted

    Protocol for the Baltimore longitudinal study on aging : gait and respiration analysis

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    The Complexity of Human Walking: A Knee Osteoarthritis Study

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    This study proposes a framework for deconstructing complex walking patterns to create a simple principal component space before checking whether the projection to this space is suitable for identifying changes from the normality. We focus on knee osteoarthritis, the most common knee joint disease and the second leading cause of disability. Knee osteoarthritis affects over 250 million people worldwide. The motivation for projecting the highly dimensional movements to a lower dimensional and simpler space is our belief that motor behaviour can be understood by identifying a simplicity via projection to a low principal component space, which may reflect upon the underlying mechanism. To study this, we recruited 180 subjects, 47 of which reported that they had knee osteoarthritis. They were asked to walk several times along a walkway equipped with two force plates that capture their ground reaction forces along 3 axes, namely vertical, anterior-posterior, and medio-lateral, at 1000 Hz. Data when the subject does not clearly strike the force plate were excluded, leaving 1–3 gait cycles per subject. To examine the complexity of human walking, we applied dimensionality reduction via Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis. The first principal component explains 34% of the variance in the data, whereas over 80% of the variance is explained by 8 principal components or more. This proves the complexity of the underlying structure of the ground reaction forces. To examine if our musculoskeletal system generates movements that are distinguishable between normal and pathological subjects in a low dimensional principal component space, we applied a Bayes classifier. For the tested cross-validated, subject-independent experimental protocol, the classification accuracy equals 82.62%. Also, a novel complexity measure is proposed, which can be used as an objective index to facilitate clinical decision making. This measure proves that knee osteoarthritis subjects exhibit more variability in the two-dimensional principal component space

    Protocol for the Baltimore longitudinal study on aging : gait and respiration analysis

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    Real-time human ambulation, activity, and physiological monitoring:taxonomy of issues, techniques, applications, challenges and limitations

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    Automated methods of real-time, unobtrusive, human ambulation, activity, and wellness monitoring and data analysis using various algorithmic techniques have been subjects of intense research. The general aim is to devise effective means of addressing the demands of assisted living, rehabilitation, and clinical observation and assessment through sensor-based monitoring. The research studies have resulted in a large amount of literature. This paper presents a holistic articulation of the research studies and offers comprehensive insights along four main axes: distribution of existing studies; monitoring device framework and sensor types; data collection, processing and analysis; and applications, limitations and challenges. The aim is to present a systematic and most complete study of literature in the area in order to identify research gaps and prioritize future research directions

    3D motion analysis applying intertial sensing

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    Small inertial sensors like accelerometers and gyroscopes are more and more used in ambulatory motion analysis (Busseral. 1998; Baten et al. 2000; Veltink et al. 2003). Typically, angular orientation of a body segment is determined by integrating the output from the angular rate sensors strapped on the segment