28 research outputs found

    Bayesian Numerical Homogenization

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    Numerical homogenization, i.e. the finite-dimensional approximation of solution spaces of PDEs with arbitrary rough coefficients, requires the identification of accurate basis elements. These basis elements are oftentimes found after a laborious process of scientific investigation and plain guesswork. Can this identification problem be facilitated? Is there a general recipe/decision framework for guiding the design of basis elements? We suggest that the answer to the above questions could be positive based on the reformulation of numerical homogenization as a Bayesian Inference problem in which a given PDE with rough coefficients (or multi-scale operator) is excited with noise (random right hand side/source term) and one tries to estimate the value of the solution at a given point based on a finite number of observations. We apply this reformulation to the identification of bases for the numerical homogenization of arbitrary integro-differential equations and show that these bases have optimal recovery properties. In particular we show how Rough Polyharmonic Splines can be re-discovered as the optimal solution of a Gaussian filtering problem.Comment: 22 pages. To appear in SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulatio

    Localized bases for finite dimensional homogenization approximations with non-separated scales and high-contrast

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    We construct finite-dimensional approximations of solution spaces of divergence form operators with L∞L^\infty-coefficients. Our method does not rely on concepts of ergodicity or scale-separation, but on the property that the solution space of these operators is compactly embedded in H1H^1 if source terms are in the unit ball of L2L^2 instead of the unit ball of H−1H^{-1}. Approximation spaces are generated by solving elliptic PDEs on localized sub-domains with source terms corresponding to approximation bases for H2H^2. The H1H^1-error estimates show that O(h−d)\mathcal{O}(h^{-d})-dimensional spaces with basis elements localized to sub-domains of diameter O(hαln⁥1h)\mathcal{O}(h^\alpha \ln \frac{1}{h}) (with α∈[1/2,1)\alpha \in [1/2,1)) result in an O(h2−2α)\mathcal{O}(h^{2-2\alpha}) accuracy for elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic problems. For high-contrast media, the accuracy of the method is preserved provided that localized sub-domains contain buffer zones of width O(hαln⁥1h)\mathcal{O}(h^\alpha \ln \frac{1}{h}) where the contrast of the medium remains bounded. The proposed method can naturally be generalized to vectorial equations (such as elasto-dynamics).Comment: Accepted for publication in SIAM MM

    Expanded mixed multiscale finite element methods and their applications for flows in porous media

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    We develop a family of expanded mixed Multiscale Finite Element Methods (MsFEMs) and their hybridizations for second-order elliptic equations. This formulation expands the standard mixed Multiscale Finite Element formulation in the sense that four unknowns (hybrid formulation) are solved simultaneously: pressure, gradient of pressure, velocity and Lagrange multipliers. We use multiscale basis functions for the both velocity and gradient of pressure. In the expanded mixed MsFEM framework, we consider both cases of separable-scale and non-separable spatial scales. We specifically analyze the methods in three categories: periodic separable scales, GG- convergence separable scales, and continuum scales. When there is no scale separation, using some global information can improve accuracy for the expanded mixed MsFEMs. We present rigorous convergence analysis for expanded mixed MsFEMs. The analysis includes both conforming and nonconforming expanded mixed MsFEM. Numerical results are presented for various multiscale models and flows in porous media with shales to illustrate the efficiency of the expanded mixed MsFEMs.Comment: 33 page

    Local multiscale model reduction using discontinuous Galerkin coupling for elasticity problems

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    In this paper, we consider the constrained energy minimizing generalized multiscale finite element method (CEM-GMsFEM) with discontinuous Galerkin (DG) coupling for the linear elasticity equations in highly heterogeneous and high contrast media. We will introduce the construction of a DG version of the CEM-GMsFEM, such as auxiliary basis functions and offline basis functions. The DG version of the method offers some advantages such as flexibility in coarse grid construction and sparsity of resulting discrete systems. Moreover, to our best knowledge, this is the first time where the proof of the convergence of the CEM-GMsFEM in the DG form is given. Some numerical examples will be presented to illustrate the performance of the method