82,768 research outputs found

    Wheat crop inventory using high spectral resolution IRS-P3 MOS-B spectrometer data

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    Modular Optoelectronic Scanner (MOS-B) spectrometer data over parts of Northern India was evaluated for wheat crop monitoring involving (a) sub pixel wheat tractional area estimation using spectral unmixmg approach and (b) growth assessment b3 red edge shift at different phenological stages. Red shift of 10 nm was observed between crown root initiation stage to flowering stage. Wheat fraction estimates using linear spectral unmixing on Feb. 13. 1999 acquisition of MOS-B data bad high correlatiol7 {0.82) with estimates from Wide Field Sensor (WiFS) data acquired on same date by IRS-P3 platfonn. It was observed that live bands MOS-B bands) are saffieient for signature separability of major land cover classes viz. wheat, urban, wasteland, and water based on purely spectral separability, criterion using Transformed Divergence (T.D.) approach. Higher number of bands saturated the T.D. values. [n contrast, performanee of sub pixel fractional area estimation using unmixing decreased drastically for eight bands (4.5.6,728.9. 12,13 MOS-B bands l chosen from optimal band selection criteria in comparison to full set of 13 bands. The relative deviation between area estimated from Wifs and MOS-B increased from 1.72 percent when all thirteen bands were used in unmixing to 26. I0 percent for the above eight bands

    Accurate Light Field Depth Estimation with Superpixel Regularization over Partially Occluded Regions

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    Depth estimation is a fundamental problem for light field photography applications. Numerous methods have been proposed in recent years, which either focus on crafting cost terms for more robust matching, or on analyzing the geometry of scene structures embedded in the epipolar-plane images. Significant improvements have been made in terms of overall depth estimation error; however, current state-of-the-art methods still show limitations in handling intricate occluding structures and complex scenes with multiple occlusions. To address these challenging issues, we propose a very effective depth estimation framework which focuses on regularizing the initial label confidence map and edge strength weights. Specifically, we first detect partially occluded boundary regions (POBR) via superpixel based regularization. Series of shrinkage/reinforcement operations are then applied on the label confidence map and edge strength weights over the POBR. We show that after weight manipulations, even a low-complexity weighted least squares model can produce much better depth estimation than state-of-the-art methods in terms of average disparity error rate, occlusion boundary precision-recall rate, and the preservation of intricate visual features

    Complexity adaptation in H.264/AVC video coder for static cameras

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    H.264/AVC uses variable block size motion estimation (VBSME) to improve coding gain. However, its complexity is significant and fixed regardless of the required quality or of the scene characteristics. In this paper, we propose an adaptive complexity algorithm based on using the Walsh Hadamard Transform (WHT). VBS automatic partition and skip mode detection algorithms also are proposed. Experimental results show that 70% - 5% of the computation of H.264/AVC is required to achieve the same PSNR

    Binary Adaptive Semi-Global Matching Based on Image Edges

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    Image-based modeling and rendering is currently one of the most challenging topics in Computer Vision and Photogrammetry. The key issue here is building a set of dense correspondence points between two images, namely dense matching or stereo matching. Among all dense matching algorithms, Semi-Global Matching (SGM) is arguably one of the most promising algorithms for real-time stereo vision. Compared with global matching algorithms, SGM aggregates matching cost from several (eight or sixteen) directions rather than only the epipolar line using Dynamic Programming (DP). Thus, SGM eliminates the classical “streaking problem” and greatly improves its accuracy and efficiency. In this paper, we aim at further improvement of SGM accuracy without increasing the computational cost. We propose setting the penalty parameters adaptively according to image edges extracted by edge detectors. We have carried out experiments on the standard Middlebury stereo dataset and evaluated the performance of our modified method with the ground truth. The results have shown a noticeable accuracy improvement compared with the results using fixed penalty parameters while the runtime computational cost was not increased

    Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensing with elongated sodium laser beacons: centroiding versus matched filtering

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    We describe modeling and simulation results for the Thirty Meter Telescope on the degradation of sodium laser guide star Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor measurement accuracy that will occur due to the spatial structure and temporal variations of the mesospheric sodium layer. By using a contiguous set of lidar measurements of the sodium profile, the performance of a standard centroid and of a more refined noise-optimal matched filter spot position estimation algorithm is analyzed and compared for a nominal mean signal level equal to 1000 photodetected electrons per subaperture per integration time, as a function of subaperture to laser launch telescope distance and CCD pixel readout noise. Both algorithms are compared in terms of their rms spot position estimation error due to noise, their associated wavefront error when implemented on the Thirty Meter Telescope facility adaptive optics system, their linear dynamic range, and their bias when detuned from the current sodium profile