346 research outputs found

    CEAI: CCM based Email Authorship Identification Model

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    In this paper we present a model for email authorship identification (EAI) by employing a Cluster-based Classification (CCM) technique. Traditionally, stylometric features have been successfully employed in various authorship analysis tasks; we extend the traditional feature-set to include some more interesting and effective features for email authorship identification (e.g. the last punctuation mark used in an email, the tendency of an author to use capitalization at the start of an email, or the punctuation after a greeting or farewell). We also included Info Gain feature selection based content features. It is observed that the use of such features in the authorship identification process has a positive impact on the accuracy of the authorship identification task. We performed experiments to justify our arguments and compared the results with other base line models. Experimental results reveal that the proposed CCM-based email authorship identification model, along with the proposed feature set, outperforms the state-of-the-art support vector machine (SVM)-based models, as well as the models proposed by Iqbal et al. [1, 2]. The proposed model attains an accuracy rate of 94% for 10 authors, 89% for 25 authors, and 81% for 50 authors, respectively on Enron dataset, while 89.5% accuracy has been achieved on authors' constructed real email dataset. The results on Enron dataset have been achieved on quite a large number of authors as compared to the models proposed by Iqbal et al. [1, 2]

    Visualizing Instant Messaging Author Writeprints for Forensic Analysis

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    As cybercrime continues to increase, new cyber forensics techniques are needed to combat the constant challenge of Internet anonymity. In instant messaging (IM) communications, criminals use virtual identities to hide their true identity, which hinders social accountability and facilitates cybercrime. Current instant messaging products are not addressing the anonymity and ease of impersonation over instant messaging. It is necessary to have IM cyber forensics techniques to assist in identifying cyber criminals as part of the criminal investigation. Instant messaging behavioral biometrics include online writing habits, which may be used to create an author writeprint to assist in identifying an author of a set of instant messages. The writeprint is a digital fingerprint that represents an author’s distinguishing stylometric features that occur in his/her computer-mediated communications. Writeprints can provide cybercrime investigators a unique tool for analyzing IMassisted cybercrimes. The analysis of IM author writeprints in this paper provides a foundation for using behavioral biometrics as a cyber forensics element of criminal investigations. This paper demonstrates a method to create and analyze behavioral biometrics-based instant messaging writeprints as cyber forensics input for cybercrime investigations. The research uses the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) statistical method to analyze IM conversation logs from two distinct data sets to visualize authorship identification. Keywords: writeprints, authorship attribution, authorship identification, principal component analysi

    A framework for securing email entrances and mitigating phishing impersonation attacks

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    Emails are used every day for communication, and many countries and organisations mostly use email for official communications. It is highly valued and recognised for confidential conversations and transactions in day-to-day business. The Often use of this channel and the quality of information it carries attracted cyber attackers to it. There are many existing techniques to mitigate attacks on email, however, the systems are more focused on email content and behaviour and not securing entrances to email boxes, composition, and settings. This work intends to protect users' email composition and settings to prevent attackers from using an account when it gets hacked or hijacked and stop them from setting forwarding on the victim's email account to a different account which automatically stops the user from receiving emails. A secure code is applied to the composition send button to curtail insider impersonation attack. Also, to secure open applications on public and private devices

    A Framework for Stylometric Similarity Detection in Online Settings

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