3 research outputs found

    Expressivity in Natural and Artificial Systems

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    Roboticists are trying to replicate animal behavior in artificial systems. Yet, quantitative bounds on capacity of a moving platform (natural or artificial) to express information in the environment are not known. This paper presents a measure for the capacity of motion complexity -- the expressivity -- of articulated platforms (both natural and artificial) and shows that this measure is stagnant and unexpectedly limited in extant robotic systems. This analysis indicates trends in increasing capacity in both internal and external complexity for natural systems while artificial, robotic systems have increased significantly in the capacity of computational (internal) states but remained more or less constant in mechanical (external) state capacity. This work presents a way to analyze trends in animal behavior and shows that robots are not capable of the same multi-faceted behavior in rich, dynamic environments as natural systems.Comment: Rejected from Nature, after review and appeal, July 4, 2018 (submitted May 11, 2018

    Incremental motor skill learning and generalization from human dynamic reactions based on dynamic movement primitives and fuzzy logic system

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    Different from previous work on single skill learning from human demonstrations, an incremental motor skill learning, generalization and control method based on dynamic movement primitives (DMP) and broad learning system (BLS) is proposed for extracting both ordinary skills and instant reactive skills from demonstrations, the latter of which is usually generated to avoid a sudden danger (e.g., touching a hot cup). The method is completed in three steps. First, ordinary skills are basically learned from demonstrations in normal cases by using DMP. Then the incremental learning idea of BLS is combined with DMP to achieve multi-stylistic reactive skill learning such that the forcing function of the ordinary skills will be reasonably extended into multiple stylistic functions by adding enhancement terms and updating weights of the radial basis function (RBF) kernels. Finally, electromyography (EMG) signals are collected from human muscles and processed to achieve stiffness factors. By using fuzzy logic system (FLS), the two kinds of skills learned are integrated and generalized in new cases such that not only start, end and scaling factors but also the environmental conditions, robot reactive strategies and impedance control factors will be generalized to lead to various reactions. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, an obstacle avoidance experiment that enables robots to approach destinations flexibly in various situations with barriers will be undertaken

    Style-based Abstractions for Human Motion Classification

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    © 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Presented at the International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, CPSWEEK, April 14-17 2014, Berlin, Germany.DOI: 10.1109/ICCPS.2014.6843713This paper presents an approach to motion analysis for robotics in which a quantitative definition of "style of motion" is used to classify movements. In particular, we present a method for generating a "best match" signal for empirical data via a two stage optimal control formulation. The first stage consists of the generation of trajectories that mimic empirical data. In the second stage, an inverse problem is solved in order to obtain the "stylistic parameters" that best recreate the empirical data. This method is amenable to human motion analysis in that it not only produces a matching trajectory but, in doing so, classifies its quality. This classification allows for the production of additional trajectories, between any two endpoints, in the same style as the empirical reference data. The method not only enables robotic mimicry of human style but can also provide insights into genres of stylized movement, equipping cyberphysical systems with a deeper interpretation of human movement